Pissaladiere and A Guest Post
I realized early this month that I never posted a recipe for one of the specialties of the region in France where I grew up, Provence. Pissaladiere, a thin tart topped with onion, anchovies and olives is indeed one of the quintessential dishes of the area.
It only took years and Asha’s request to have me guest blog about easy to transport French specialties, to write a guest post for her blog anniversary, to get to it…
Yes, today you will find me and the recipe for this French specialty over here on Asha’s blog, Fork Spoon Knife. And please, wish her a happy three year blog anniversary too! That’s something to be celebrated!
Carina May 30, 2011 um 8:00 pm
Yum, yum, yum!
Averie May 30, 2011 um 8:17 pm
Happy Memorial Day and off to check that post now….
argone May 30, 2011 um 8:21 pm
j'adore la pissaladière et dès que je pars dans le Sud je me débrouille pour en déguster de la locale !
merci pour ces belles photos, encore ! et merci pour votre livre que je suis en train de lire.
Kate@whatkatebaked May 30, 2011 um 8:22 pm
Sounds absolutely delicious…I'm hotfooting it straight over there right away!
Maris(In Good Taste) May 30, 2011 um 8:45 pm
Looks wonderful!
Asha @ FSK May 30, 2011 um 9:13 pm
Helene, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful dish and celebrating with me..!! :))
Anonymous May 30, 2011 um 11:26 pm
Looks delicious – any chance of a gluten free version of the dough?
BakerbyNature May 31, 2011 um 12:50 am
Only you could make a can of anchovies look that gorgeous! This recipe sounds amazingly mouthwatering.
notyet100 May 31, 2011 um 2:37 am
will sure chk ur post there,
Kay May 31, 2011 um 4:32 am
Helene, this looks soooo good! Thanks for posting recipes. It's encouraging me to not give up on cooking and baking in this heat!
Juls @ Juls' Kitchen May 31, 2011 um 11:33 am
I love Asha's blog, I'm so excited to be able to meet her this Fall!
And I love pissaladiere as well, I remember a warm slice of it in Aix-en-Provence this summer, definitely an extraordinary experience!
Snippets of Thyme May 31, 2011 um 11:50 am
Helene, I just wanted to stop in and tell you how much I appreciate your Plate to Pixel. I am devouring it slowly but surely! I have read the first section and churned slowly through the camera settings. I have a new Canon 60D and feel shamed in owning it and touching that "automatic" setting. I understand the individual settings but putting them altogether is my current struggle. ISO is not clearing up in my head yet. I know you don't know me but I feel like I know you, of course, through your blog. Keep my name handy for when you put together another workshop. I read about the one in Santa Fe. BTW, We were in Provence recently. I can't say I noticed the pizzaladiere because I couldn't keep my eyes and mouth off of the brioche!
Bonne journée! Sarah of "Snippets of Thyme"
Verena May 31, 2011 um 12:31 pm
I just found your blog! You share so many delicious recipes! I´m excited to be a new follower of you!
Have great day!
Rivki Locker May 31, 2011 um 12:49 pm
This looks lovely. I make a similar dish, but since none of my kids will go near anchovies, I leave those out. I'm sure they give it a good 'punch' though. Maybe I'll make up a batch this way…just for me!
Lana @ Never Enough Thyme May 31, 2011 um 2:55 pm
Pissaladiere is one of my favorites. A brilliant combination of flavors. Going over to check out your guest post right now.
Ruth May 31, 2011 um 5:22 pm
I've seen recipes for this around and about, and wanted to try it – but an authentic version? I'll have to try this one….
Gen May 31, 2011 um 6:59 pm
Hum quel régal! Ca sent le Sud…
MapleandVine June 1, 2011 um 2:55 am
oh my this looks absolutely delicious. great presentation 🙂
Unknown June 1, 2011 um 3:17 am
I made this last month. Mine is not an authentic version as I threw some feta on there but it works for me. As always your lighting is sublime.
Alexander June 1, 2011 um 6:15 am
That sounds absoulutely great, a very tasteful combination. Rgds A
mycookinghut June 1, 2011 um 6:02 pm
This is my favourite provencal dish!
Emma's Kitchen June 1, 2011 um 7:15 pm
Ca à l'air très bon =)
Jen June 1, 2011 um 10:41 pm
Yum! This looks delicious!
PS. Your book just arrived in my mailbox! Can't wait to read it tonight! : )
emiglia June 2, 2011 um 2:24 pm
Wow… I LOVE pissaladière. This one looks absolutely delicious.
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com June 2, 2011 um 3:14 pm
Beautiful photos! and yummy pissaladiere 🙂
Rocky Mountain Woman June 2, 2011 um 7:55 pm
I make this a lot in the summer for guests, it's easy, but looks so impressive!!!!
love this version..
marla June 3, 2011 um 1:33 pm
How fun! I will head over to her blog to check this out.
dressed by style June 3, 2011 um 3:37 pm
Not only does this look delicious, but that last photo is perfection! I'd imagine a glass of champagne would accompany this tart so well!
Julia @ DimpleArts June 6, 2011 um 5:51 am
Gorgeous photos!