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Post in Progress

I meant to finish these little babies earlier but the weather has been too gorgeous not to spend the day outside. My fillings are made and ready to go but we are out of town tomorrow. Gonna have to wait until monday to know what I have done with these macarons…

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Mercotte October 15, 2006 um 4:32 am

absolument superbe Hélène! j’attends demain pour voir l’intérieur !

Anonymous October 15, 2006 um 6:15 am

I saw this picture and it inspired me to go make my own – however, for some reason mine went crazy and all the 'foot' only billowed out one half so they are lopsided, any idea what I did wrong? I followed the recipe from A La Cuisine/Traveler’s Lunchbox step by step 🙁

Anonymous October 15, 2006 um 11:27 am

Ils sont trop beaux, vivement demain!!!


Fabienne October 15, 2006 um 12:18 pm

C’est sublime, réellement gorgeous. Profite pleinement de cette belle journée !

Brilynn October 15, 2006 um 4:38 pm

It doesn’t matter what you do to them, I want one!

Helene October 16, 2006 um 3:07 am

Mercotte: merci! J’ai suivi ta recette a la lettre.

Ellie: I find that using te hot syrup method for the meringue works 100% everytime. I’ll mail you the recipe

Emma: merci!

Fabienne: ah les macarons… j’en ai deja enfile la moitie!

Brilynn: I laready scarfed down half of them…oops!

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