Today holds all the promises of a good day. It is my birthday. It is Mother’s Day here in the US.
And yet, it is a difficult day for my family yet again.
In the last 5 months we have had to say goodbye to three very close family members. My grandfather, my uncle and just this Friday, my cousin passed away. He was 26 years old. We are once again being tested. We are once again holding each other up and saying goodbye to a person we loved and loved even more.
Please keep us in your thoughts as you hug and cheer today. Whether you celebrate a birthday, a mother, a graduate or simply the fact that it is Sunday and you have a day off. Just celebrate it.
Pilarh May 13, 2012 um 1:24 pm
Happy B-day!
I'm sorry for all the pain your family has endure, you will be in my prayers.
Magda May 13, 2012 um 1:28 pm
I'm really sorry for your loss Helene. My thoughts are with you and your family. I wish you all the strength in the world. I know you all need it.
Big hug!
sprite May 13, 2012 um 1:39 pm
I am sorry. Sending hugs.
Elizabeth @ Lone Stars And Stripes May 13, 2012 um 2:10 pm
God bless and keep you and your family close. Happy birthday.
Averie @ Averie Cooks May 13, 2012 um 3:15 pm
Helene I am so sorry for these losses. I can't even imagine how hard of a time it must be for you. I am so sorry.
Have a happy and wonderful birthday, as best you can, and I hope you do something fun today 🙂
adriprints May 13, 2012 um 3:22 pm
Gosh Helene, I'm so sorry for your multiple losses. My condolences to you and your family.
Salt Lake Sugar May 13, 2012 um 4:13 pm
My thoughts are with you and your family Helene. Celebrate your birthday and enjoy every minute with your loved ones.
Rosa's Yummy Yums May 13, 2012 um 4:42 pm
I am so sorry to hear that.
All my condolences.
Sheni May 13, 2012 um 4:42 pm
Hi Helene
So deeply sorry:( prayers for you and your family x
Tracy Grant May 13, 2012 um 4:47 pm
Thinking of you and your family. Love to you on your birthday.
Anonymous May 13, 2012 um 5:53 pm
Sorry to read about your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today. God bless
Kelly May 13, 2012 um 6:13 pm
Helene, so sorry about your losses. Losing loved ones is never easy, and when the loved one is take way too soon, it's even harder. Thinking of you and sending a hug from down the coast (Hilton Head). Stay strong.
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) May 13, 2012 um 6:55 pm
I am sending good thoughts — the ones that celebrate the beginning of life, and the ones that celebrate the time we got to share with those who have passed on. xo
emi uchida May 13, 2012 um 7:02 pm
I feel you through your photograph here… My thoughts go out to you and your family…
Tina @ bitemeshowme May 13, 2012 um 10:17 pm
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! xo
Jenny @ Ichigo Shrotcake May 14, 2012 um 12:13 am
Helene, my sincerest condolences to you and your family. Hope today will be the start of happier days. And happy birthday! Try to enjoy this special day, even for a little bit. Wishes from down under.
K and S May 14, 2012 um 12:18 am
sorry for your loss.
The Shulls May 14, 2012 um 1:46 am
So sorry to hear the news, Helene. May the Lord continue to give you peace and comfort you deeply!
Anonymous May 14, 2012 um 2:01 am
Too much loss for anyone. I rarely comment though I check in weekly. Through the years I've been impressed by the depth of love and connection of your family. May you and yours have peace during this hard time, and know how much love comes your way from many you've never met but warmed by sharing your life – naomi
Dervla Kelly @ The Curator May 14, 2012 um 4:08 am
I'm so sorry for your losses. I hope you can take care of yourself and know that plenty of readers are thinking about you.
notyet100 May 14, 2012 um 4:21 am
Can imagine how you must be feeling,take care dear,,,
Neha May 14, 2012 um 8:21 am
My sympathies, Helene…
Kimmy May 14, 2012 um 10:57 am
So sorry for your loss. Sending love and prayers your way.
green May 14, 2012 um 11:16 am
I am like Naomi – I have read your blog for years, but rarely comment.
Rather selfishly, I have been comforted the beauty of your words, photographs, baking and life many times – when travelling the world on my own, your blog was something of a friend to me; and, now, as I am settled in my own life with family and friends I have often been inspired by the love you show and how thoughtful you are towards your family.
You have touched many lives, as can be seen by the comments, and now have many around the world thinking of you and wishing you healing, comfort and strength. I hope you and your family lean on each other now, as you deal with your losses, and that you find some comfort in the words of us friendly strangers.
Needful Things May 14, 2012 um 11:54 am
So sorry for your loss. Have a blessed birthday. .
Patricia White May 14, 2012 um 11:57 am
I am so sorry for your loss. In the last 2 years, my father and my 54 year old brother died. Last Thursday, my 54 year old cousin died and last fall, another dear cousin died. I am devastated. I can relate to your pain. I know you will be okay, although some of the joy will be gone. My thoughts are with you. Take care of yourself.
wen chang May 14, 2012 um 12:10 pm
I am so sorry for your loss…sending love…xooxoxxoxo
Sami May 14, 2012 um 12:34 pm
Happy Birthday Helene, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Stephke May 14, 2012 um 1:02 pm
I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you could enjoy a little your mother's day… Loads of love and hugs! Happy birthday. <3
Yami May 14, 2012 um 1:10 pm
I hope you had a happy moment on your birthday.
It should be extremely hard to have to go throughout
all of that and think and processes so much in your head.
I wish you well, may God bless you and your family. Thank Goodness the Sun rises everyday and I' am sure that one of this day its light will make you shine even more.
Love, Yami
Cynthia May 14, 2012 um 1:11 pm
Happy birthday and prayers for you.
Anonymous May 14, 2012 um 1:22 pm
I'm also a follower but never commented until now. Sending you light and prayers. It's difficult to lose anyone close – may time be your best friend and allow healing. You share the same birth date as my Mamma – she has passed but today would have been her 100th Birthday. Happy Birthday Helene – wishing you a long life. Judy B. Texas
Tesei Family May 14, 2012 um 1:31 pm
Our condolences to you and your family and all our best wishes that you may recover soon from so many losses. I hope you will soon have the spirit to celebrate once again… All the best, you are in our thoughts.
Sharyn Dimmick May 14, 2012 um 2:34 pm
Sorry to hear about your cousin's untimely death. Best wishes for an easier year for you and your family.
David @ Frenchie and the Yankee May 14, 2012 um 2:35 pm
Oh no! I am sending you all warmest love and deepest sympathy on your sad loss.
Bon anniversaire tout de même!
Dmarie May 14, 2012 um 3:02 pm
*sigh* life is such a mixed bag. happy birthday. and bless you and yours as you continue to grieve your loved ones.
Heide May 14, 2012 um 3:31 pm
I send warm wishes for you and your loved ones to find comfort in each other as you get through these bittersweet days.Bittersweet, for the gift of loving comes with the cost of loss.
Veronica of Muy Bueno May 14, 2012 um 3:47 pm
Happy Birthday to you on your day! but I was saddened to read about the loss of three family members. Keeping you close in my thoughts and sending you prayers and thoughts of peace…btw, we share the same birthday!
Madhu May 14, 2012 um 4:02 pm
Definitely in my thoughts and prayers…love to you Helene.
elly May 14, 2012 um 4:20 pm
Oh Helene, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. Happy (belated) birthday to you, as well!
Christy May 14, 2012 um 4:36 pm
So sorry to hear about your losses, thoughts and hugs go out to you love.
Kauaiart May 14, 2012 um 4:38 pm
Dear Helene: My heart breaks open with yours. You are richer for gaving loved and been loved by them. Carry thisLovewithin your Heart
Unknown May 14, 2012 um 4:39 pm
I am deeply sorry for your losses.
Mary @ Sifting Focus May 14, 2012 um 7:19 pm
Any loss of a loved one is difficult, but 26 is way too young to be taken from this world. I'm thinking of you during this sad and trying time.
marla May 14, 2012 um 10:46 pm
Happy Birthday girl. I hope you found some beauty to celebrate even during this very tough time. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
terri May 14, 2012 um 11:44 pm
(belated) happy birthday!
i'm so sorry for your loss…sending thoughts and prayers your way during this difficult time.
Anonymous May 15, 2012 um 12:25 am
I am so sorry for you and your family loss,its naver easy to say goodbye to someone you love.You and your family are in our prays.
Unknown May 15, 2012 um 1:40 am
You have an entire blogging world out here that shares your loss and wraps their arms around you in comfort. So sorry for yet another loss.
Kim Bee May 15, 2012 um 1:41 am
First some birthday hugs.
Second I so sorry for your losses. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.
Much love. xx
Pétra May 15, 2012 um 2:42 am
Happy Birthday!!
I am sorry to hear of your difficult time I will be keeping your family in my thought's to get thru it all soon.
The Hobbit May 15, 2012 um 2:56 am
I rarely comment…..you have so much to do already but, the 13th is my birthday also and I was able to spend it with my family and even visited with my brother who has a sheep farm so time together is very special. I am reminded to hold them close …thank you
sugarthesky May 15, 2012 um 3:06 am
Happy Belated Birthday!! So sorry for your losses.
Brian May 15, 2012 um 3:37 am
Tartlette- I am very sad to hear about your loss. I lost my younger brother last November and he was only 27 so I understand how difficult it is to lose someone, especially when they are so young. I know we have never met, but I visit your site multiple times a day and have made your macaron recipes and just hope you know that your talent and skill is greatly loved and appreciated by many people all over the world, myself included! =)
Anonymous May 15, 2012 um 5:53 am
It is so difficult to say goodbye to someone that you weren't ready to say goodbye to or who you didn't think you would have to say goodbye to for many years to come. I feel your pain at the moment. I am so sorry for your loss! Such a difficult time. All I can say is God Bless and this too shall pass. Happy birthday and Mothers Day – don't forget to look after yourself!!
Joanne May 15, 2012 um 10:49 am
Hi Helene, thinking of you today. I hope you had the best birthday you could have had. Next week is my birthday, and it will be six months on the day since my little brother's funeral – he died in November aged 22. Loss is so hard to deal with, and its a day to day thing. xxx.
La Tartine Gourmande May 15, 2012 um 1:04 pm
So sorry fo the sad news Helen! It sounds ironic to wish you a happy birthday, but I still wish you happy days ahead…..you and your family deserve it. hugs.
sweetakery May 15, 2012 um 5:13 pm
I'm really sorry for your loss, My thoughtsand prayers are with you and your family. I wish you all the strength in the world. I know what you must be going through as i just recently lost my younger brother who was only 22.
I pray for you and your family.
Sarah May 16, 2012 um 12:50 am
Belatedly sending you thoughts and prayers. I hope you still found a way to enjoy your birthday too.
Gorgeous photo.
Minna May 16, 2012 um 4:40 pm
I'm so sorry for your losses. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
And happy birthday! Wishing you happier days.
Picnic Lane May 16, 2012 um 11:28 pm
Sorry for your loss. Beautiful picture though.
Lots of love
Brisbane food blogger
tania@mykitchenstories May 21, 2012 um 11:22 am
great thoughts to remember every day with everyone we know and love. I hope that you had a somber but happy to be alive birthday
Maryanne & Duke May 27, 2012 um 1:43 pm
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know you and your family will be in my thoughts.