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Alsatian Apple Tart

It’s been a crazy weekend with my parents being here and a friend coming in town for his birthday, but I did manage to get a couple of desserts done. I might be an irregular poster in the coming week but I’ll do my best. We are trying to pack so many activities into each day, it leaves little time for baking and blogging. I enjoy each moment I spend with the family and appreciate my own culinary background even more when I find myself making dough and peeling apples next to my mo ir making rice pilaf with my dad.

We were invited to my in-laws for dinner this weekend and as always I volunteered dessert. I still had plenty of apples left from the bag I used for Blog Party 14 and an apple cake, so the choice was obvious. As I am completely immmersed in Dorie Greenspan’s book, I first looked there for an apple dessert. There are so many yummy recipes that my head started spinning, not only from the recipes but with all the options added on the sidebar. I decided upon the Alsatian Apple Tart as I wanted a creamy base. I just added a splash of Calvados (apple brandy from Normandy) to the cream and used the Sweet Dough recipe with ground walnuts.
Our meal was fairly substantial, mostly based on seafood but the tart was not diffficult for anybody to enjoy because it is light and smooth and goes down like a charm!

Here is the recipe, adapted from Dorie Greenspan:

Sweet Tart Dough with Walnuts:
In a food processor, combine 1 1/4 cups flour, 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1/4 cup walnuts and 1 stick of butter, pulse until it ressembles coarse meal, add 1 egg yolk and pulse until combined into a ball. I flattened it into a disk in between sheets of plastic wrap, refrigerated it and rolled it out to cut rounds big enough to fit into my mini tart pans. The dough gets soft very fast so you can flour your fingertips to push it up and down the sides and bottom of the pan.

For the tart:
1 pound medium sized sweet apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced
3/4 cup heavy cream
6 Tb. sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 Tb. Calvados

Layer the apples on the bottom of the dough. In a bowl, mix the eggs and sugar, add the cream and the liquor. Pour on top of the apples and bake at 375 for 50-55 minutes.

How easy can this be?! It was delicious!

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anna maria October 4, 2006 um 1:05 am

My goodness, I just discovered your blog and all your sweets are soooo appealing. I’m having a difficult time deciding if I want to cook and eat all the wonderful recipes I’m finding on foodblogs, or cook my recipes and write about them. There should be 48 hours in a day, at least.

Anonymous October 4, 2006 um 3:51 am

Sounds and looks wonderful, as always 😉 I especially love the pastry, have never thought to include nuts into a pastry base, what a great idea!

Anonymous October 4, 2006 um 7:02 am

Your baking is exquisite. I’m loving the cookies.

Anonymous October 4, 2006 um 11:26 am

I just got Dorie’s book as well and absolutely love it! I marked the Alsatian Apple Tart as a possibility for a dinner party this weekend. Sounds like it’s a winner, yes??

Helene October 4, 2006 um 12:35 pm

Anna Maria: I tend to do both, bake and cook what I find on other blogs and stuff I see on myself. I agree that each day is not long enough, especially if it is sent playing!

Ellie: the nuts had a really subtle depth of flavor. I would definetely try it with apple, pear, pumpkin, cheesecakes,…

Barbara: I am glad you are enjoying the package!

Dana: Absolutely! Your dinner guests will love you!

wheresmymind October 4, 2006 um 1:07 pm

Wow, that looks incredible…great for a dinner partay!

Anonymous October 4, 2006 um 4:16 pm

I put youon my list of foodlogs i love to visit.
Lovely sweets.

Marion October 4, 2006 um 6:37 pm

Well I have to say it looks very good, but since it calls for Calvados it cannot be Alsatian. Your apple pie is from Normandy

Anonymous October 4, 2006 um 9:48 pm

Looks so lovely and sounds fabulous.

Helene October 4, 2006 um 11:46 pm

Wheresmymind: thank you for stoing by!

Stirway to heaven: I do love your blog also, and thank you for linking me!

Marion: I admire your assertiveness, I was refering to the original recipe in the book.

Peabody: thank you dear!

Orchidea October 5, 2006 um 5:30 pm

Oh my god! This looks great!
I love apple cake.

Anonymous October 6, 2006 um 2:44 pm

Quick question — how many did this tart serve? I think I might make it this weekend….

pessy July 13, 2011 um 2:36 pm

I loved your response to the assertiveness 😉
is the dough considered a pate sable? can i press it in instead of rolling it out?

Helene July 13, 2011 um 2:41 pm

pessy: yes, you can do both.

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