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Gone Fishing!

Work Mate

I had a feeling I ought to put a "Gone Fishing" sign on this page last monday and leave you to meet my beta, Elliott instead of pacing my hotel room trying to find a good internet signal. I also did not realize that our schedule of eating and meeting wonderful people here would leave me happily tired and satisfied but with only one desire, that of saying "hi" to my pillow as soon as possible each evening.

But where the heck am I? Curently in Asheville, NC (typing this from the little alcove between the closet and the microwave for as long as I don’t lose this internet signal) and heading home today. Why? Research of course….bloggers are relentless researchers and will take on all forms of food torture in the name of information.

When Jaden from Steamy Kitchen sends you an invite to go with her to Asheville to discover all the wonderul farms, artisans, foods of the city and region, you are unlikely to say no. You are very likely to jump for joy and run to pack your bag!!

It’s been amazing sharing this experience with her and a super group of ubber wonderful bloggers all orchestrated by the brilliant Dodie. My partners in crime these past few days were Todd and Diane from White On Rice Couple, Brian from The Food Geek, Tammy from Running With Tweezers and Alison from The Humble Gourmand.

Yeah…pretty lucky me! Wonderful talents, energies, stories. I was a little blogger struck when we all met one morning for breakfast. I mean how would you not? If only I could keep close that trap that is my mouth whenever my brain screams "shut up Helen!" Yes, I always feel like I talk too much or ask too many questions. Sorry folks, can’t help it, I love interacting and conversing. And eating….

And eat we did, do, will do again today before heading home. There are so many wonderful artisans, local chefs and food crafters that I met these past few days that just plopping a few names here tonight does not do them justice. I need to go through my notes and finish downloading 700+ pictures from the trip. I know that it’s nothing compared to what Diane and Todd have been shooting, but that’s their job and they rock at it.

I will definitely be back tomorrow with the recipe for one of the amazing desserts we have had this week as well as few more delicious bites. In the meantime I am going to dream of fresh local cherries and strawberries hoping it can start a detox process!

Asheville In Season