Wednesday February 11th, 20099 (please disregard title date, I used a an older date as not to over crowd my main page)
After receiving numerous emails about advertising on Tartelette and my quest to find the appropriate partners for the blog and its readers, I have decided to accept some advertising space on this site.
If you wish to advertise on Tartelette, please email me at sponsortartelette @ gmail .com
so I can provide you with the different plans available and site statistics if desired.
Product Placement:
If you wish to advertise a specific ingredient, tableware or dinningware, I can include it in one of the photographs in the post and give you a mention. This is a one time fee based on the type of item to be included. Email me at the address above with your product information to establish a price.
To my readers:
I will not advertise products that do not fit with the current content and feel of Tartelette. I will also not clutter my side bar and make it difficult to find content. This is your site, and will remain so, with the added bonus of more good places and good people to visit and shop with.