The Weekly Banana Post
You were probably on the edge of your seat wondering what had happened to the weekly banana recipe! Fear not, I got one, just delayed by other baking activities over the weekend. It kept me busy but also took me away from the ripening bananas and today they finally met their fate. I decided that they should not be the only one getting a little treatment and when the grocer handed me a couple of bruised, very ripe pears saying "I know you’ll be able to do something with them, nobody wants them" I knew my bananas would not get toasty alone! I am not evil, I just love the flavors of pears and bananas together. It is kind of tropical, kind of fall. I got inspired by reading several recipes over the internet and combined the recipe for my banana tart with this one for pear tart. Thank you Anne for providing the background for the recipe. For the crust, I used Tuyau’s recipe posted a couple days ago, just look at that crust! Thank you very much Mesdames!
Here is the final result of all these combination:
Banana and Pear Almond Tart:
Crust: (adpated from C.Felder)
200 gr. flour
90 gr. butter, very cold
1 egg
2 Tb. sugar
1-2 Tb. water
Combine flour and sugar, cut the butter and mix with your hand until you have a crumbly texture. Add the egg and mix quickly, add water if you fill the dough is too dry. Act quickly, the more you handle the dough the tougher it gets. Refrigerate 30 minutes.
Filling (adapted from Anne and myself)
2 ripe pears, cored, peeled and sliced
2-3 bananas, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup ground almonds
1 -2 Tb Calvados or brandy
1 cup sugar
1/2 stick softened butter
1/2 heavy cream
In a food processor combine the almonds through cream and process until smooth.
Roll your crust and fill either a 9 inch pie plate or 4 individual tart molds. The ones I used were about 4 inches in diameter.
Whether you make a whole pieor individual ones: pour the filling in pie crust, alternate slices of pears and bananas and bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes.
Et voila! Dessert tonight! If B. asked for a cookie I am just going to have to smack him! They smell so good, I want one right now, skip dinner!
Ashley September 12, 2006 um 6:48 am
Might I suggest a Banana Chocolate Chunk Pound Cake? I have the recipe on my blog if you want to check it out.
It is adapted from The Secrets of Baking by Sherry Yard. Quite delicious.
wheresmymind September 12, 2006 um 3:16 pm
That is incredible that you have a weekly banana post…ever do anything with banana/nutella?? 😀
Orchidea September 13, 2006 um 7:59 pm
Very nice recipe… and beautiful photo!
Anne January 11, 2007 um 11:02 am
Hi! I just saw this entry! I’m glad I could have been of assistance. This pie sounds even better than mine so I’m going to try it. Mille mercis.
Anne January 11, 2007 um 11:03 am
ps I’ll be back! I *heart* bananas