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Time To Make The Donuts – Second Batch

Thank you for your patience waiting for the second batch of the round up here. Turns out that even though we tried to split entries and forward to each other the proper ones, Peabody and I had pretty busy schedules this past week and you may find some entries twice or misplaced. The important thing is that we do not forget anybody. If you do not see your post right away, no worries, we are adding and squaring things out over the course of the day. For me that means going back and editing my typos….!

Where was I again? Oh yeah….Doughnuts!!!

Katia from Gourmet Girl makes little fried jewels with these Brandied Apricot Beignets. An extra dose of powdered sugar and we are all screaming for more! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Lynne from And Then I Do The Dishes sent us those mouth watering Dutch Ollie Bollen, ovecoming her fear of doughnuts and frying. Thank you for braving your fear, look at the results and for your patience with the roundup!

Zorra from the always mouth watering 1x umruehren bitte aka kochtopf made us some "Fasnachtschüechli", a typical Swiss Carnival pastry. They remind me of a pastry my grandmother used to make me on Mardis Gras called "ear beignets". They are crsipy and sugary, perfect with a cup of coffee or tea. Thank you for finding the time to make us these!.

Another favorite bread baker of mine, Sandra from Le Petrin in France made traditional Alsatian Beignets, "Fasenachtskiechle". I am glad I begged because they turned out perfect! Hope you get to try these are they are texture perfect.

Pat from Feeding My Enthusiasms goes all out with these Gingerbread Doughnuts with Lemon Curd Filling because you are not likely to find those at a donut shop! Thanks for a mouth watering recipe. I love that they look like they are stiking their tongue at me!

New mom and blogger and talented pastry chef Aran from Cannelle et Vanille makes some of the most incredible doughnuts: Caramelized Banana Beignets with Chocolate Soup. Did I hear you go "hmmhmmhmm"…That’s what I thought! Thanks Aran for your entry!

Lisa from Pittsburgh Needs Eated was among the first ones to send her entry and I started drooling right away! Those Sugar And Spice Doughnuts are sure crowd pleasers! Thank you Lisa!

I may not undestand everything Ile Ghetta Mabel from La Cocina de Ile wrote about but if you were ever wondering how to make a donut take a bath, just look at the pictures! Great post! I love how descriptive and nerve calming it was for frying newbies. Thanks for participating!

Wonderful and talented Anh from Australia at Food Lover’s Journey, makes another one of my favorites with Churros With Dulce De Leche Sauce. Do I hear your stomachs growl? Mine did! Thanks for tempting my tastebuds once more with such a great recipe!

Judy from Judy’s Gross Eats in California makes the fluffiest Beignets Souffles in honor of her mother and her past. That electric skillet was sure put to great use! Thank you for a mouth watering entry!

Joel and Amy from Foodmonkeys happily took out the toolbox and made us a batch of traditional French inspired Beignets. Thanks for sending a dozen to my way (fresh please!)

Marye from Apron Strings And Simmering Things made a full batch of Breakfast Donuts. Perfect cake donuts with coffee, the breakfast of champions! Thanks Marye for an easy and perfect recipe!

Sukanya from Hot N' Sweet Bowl gets creative with pizza dough and makes this colorful arrangements of doughnuts. Thanks for taking part in the event…they sure have some pizaz!!

Soul Sister and future godmother to my next furry and four-legged child, Lisa from La Mia Cucina, makes a fresh batch of Pan-fried Apple Fritters with Apple – Honey Dipping Sauce. Talk about good! Finally my lood pressure is settling down, she had me believe for a second that she may not have time….ahahah!!

Angie from Angie’s Pangies made the traditional Polish Paczki in her bread machine and filled them with jam and lemon curd. Nothing wrong with that! They turned out beautifully and I always love to see a fry-daddy in pictures! Thanks for your creations!

Witty Susan from Food Blogga remembers Dunkin Donuts doughboys and decides to fry up a batch. Not only is her post hilarious (read it out loud) but the resulting Doughboys are mouth waterig! Thanks for making me hold my ribs wishing my screen had a "smell" button available.

Ivy from Kopiaste, To Greek Hospitality makes Akoumia Symiaka, a traditional doughnut made to celebrate all happy occasions. They will make you even happier as they are spiked with Ouzo and coated with either cinnamon sugar or Greek honey. Thank you Ivy for sharing such a fantastic tradition and culture bit!

Dear to my heart Bron from Bron Marshall, Classic and Creative Cuisine, takes fried dough to a whole another level with these Mini Chocolate Matcha Doughnuts. I think they will be made very soon..I can only imagine the flavors! Thanks for taking part with suh a creative entry!

Jaime from Good Eats and Sweet Treats tries her hand at doughnuts for the first time and makes these scrumptious looking Candied Ginger-Orange Cake Doughnuts. No matter what you think Jaie, I think these cake doughnuts look very inspiring. Thanks for trying so many firsts for the event!

Francie from Ramblings of a Frantic Home Cook, recalls her honeymoon and the flavor associated with it in these tender looking Pina Colada Doughnuts. Very creative!

Without even knowing it, Baker Extraordinaire Mary from The Sourdough made one of my childhood favorites : Pets de Nonne – Nun’s Farts. The name alone used to make us giggle as children! But wait…she also made three more types, Paczki, honey and chocolate glazed, and powdered sugar doughnut holes, to accomodate our fancy! Thanks Mary for filling my dreams with so many choices!!

Sweetest Jenny from All Things Edible uses her new sourdough starter Marvin (love the name) to make these wonderful Sourdough Timbits. I can only imagine how flavorful they must be! Thanks for taking part to our little "lust after donut" event!!

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Anonymous February 15, 2008 um 10:13 pm

Quel festival, quelle belle sélection de beignets ! J’adore les "ear beignets" ^_^

Susan from Food Blogga February 16, 2008 um 12:21 am

Dunkin Donuts' and Krispy Kreme don’t have anything on these food bloggers! Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad I made you laugh. 🙂

Jenny February 16, 2008 um 1:25 am

Oh boy, and I thought I was hungry for donuts after reading your first post, and Peabody’s post, but now I’m starving!

Anonymous February 16, 2008 um 1:25 am

Oh wow! What amazing contributions, I can’t believe my eyes! I’ve never seen so many doughnuts, let alone such beautiful ones!!

Jaime February 16, 2008 um 2:40 am

what a great round up! thanks for hosting this event and pushing me to try one more new thing in the kitchen 🙂

btw – the beautiful thing about food photography is you can just shoot the part that looks nice! my doughnuts were anything but round but i was able to scrounge together a few that were at least round on one side so i could photograph them 😉

Cakelaw February 16, 2008 um 9:28 am

Thanks for hosting this great event with Peabody – I didn’t know that there were so many different types of donuts!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home February 16, 2008 um 9:36 am

great posts! and so many donuts to choose from. but now suddenly i’m hungry!

aforkfulofspaghetti February 16, 2008 um 12:32 pm

Is there any rule that says I can’t have one of each? 😉

breadchick February 16, 2008 um 1:48 pm

Probably should not have read the round ups on my way to the gym which requires me to drive by two donut shops should have I?

Great event ladies!! Thanks for hosting!!

Chris February 16, 2008 um 3:40 pm

The second batch is just as fabulous and scrumptious as the first! Thanks (as I feel my booty getting bigger! ha ha ha)

Aimée February 16, 2008 um 7:56 pm

Congratulations on a successful doughnut event! I’m getting a little preoccupied with my 'bun in the oven' or else I would have loved to participate! I’m really craving something sweet and deep fried now.

Cannelle Et Vanille February 16, 2008 um 8:47 pm

This was a great event! Thank you so much for oragnizing it. Great job everybody!

Pittsburgh Needs Eated February 16, 2008 um 9:21 pm

This was an awesome event.

On another note- the title of my blog should have an H on the end of it!


Kelly February 16, 2008 um 11:39 pm

Thanks for hosting such a wonderful event! Not only did I love making (and eating!) homemade donuts for the first time, I now can’t wait to try the other posted recipes. What a great resource for when the frying urge hits me again (uh…maybe tomorrow :p)

Suganya February 17, 2008 um 3:27 am

WOW….This is a excellent round-up….

Anonymous February 17, 2008 um 4:28 am

Yippie!! Donut galore!
You should open an internet donut shop now! So much to choose from. 🙂

Sandra Le Petrin February 17, 2008 um 6:19 am

Helen, you are my HERO!!

MyKitchenInHalfCups February 17, 2008 um 10:04 am

Who would have thought donuts could be beautiful and historical and so awesome! The variety is just mind blowing!
I’ve hardly tasted the donuts out there.

Anonymous February 17, 2008 um 11:11 am

A big thanks Tarlette for co-hosting this event! Looking forward to your next event 🙂

jasmine February 17, 2008 um 9:49 pm

Felicitations, mon amie!

You and Peabody did such a great job with this event 🙂

Oh, BTW…I was in my local independent bookseller and they were featuring a Canadian history of the doughnut! Though of you two…


Anonymous February 17, 2008 um 11:36 pm

How about soppapillas…would you consider those in the donut family? They are the best. And I’ve only found them in New Mexico. Never made them but would love too!

LyB February 18, 2008 um 2:32 pm

You and Peabody put so much work into this event, no wonder it was such fun! And looking through the roundup, I think I’ll be making doughnuts again pretty soon 😉

zorra February 19, 2008 um 4:36 pm

A wonderful roundup, once my diet is over I will test some of the recipes. Thank you for this great event.

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