It hit me while on the plane back to Charleston last week. I was fidgetting with excitement at the thought of seeing B. again soon. I did have a blast in L.A and Seattle but it would have been nice to share that with him. All the moments. On the moment. I just couldn’t wait to get home and tell him all about the week. I still need to sift through my hundreds of pictures and thoughts.
The people I met, the friends I saw again. The exchange of information. Being part of a community. All these things are always better shared. He laughed with me and listen to my stories. Dozens of names he had never heard before. Patiently. He asked questions and encouraged me. And so, while sitting on the plane, about ready to take off, it hit me: Saint Patrick’s Day was just around the corner.
This household is half Irish after all. I had to do something to mark the occasion. Knowing us we will be debating the virtues of historical markers versus those of green foods, green shirts and green beer. Still, he never fails to help me keep up with my roots so I wanted to do the same for his. Minus the green. Plus whiskey instead.
Green is far from being my favorite color to start with and I also did not feel like messing with green coloring. There was plenty of that during the Seattle workshops, well done and beautifully mastered. I was worried of ending up with Shrek green instead of Irish green. (I did before, hence the reference).
I like to have an easy dessert ready to be served for the first meal after my parents get in town. Tonight it’s quiche and salad and these Chocolate Whiskey Pots de Creme served with some plain almond macarons to use up the egg whites left from the custard recipe. It’s pretty sums up perfected comfort this time of year when the days still have this distinct nip in air. A foot in between two seasons.
Pots de creme always make me think of a warm motherly embrace. Trust me. We’ve been hugging. And catching up. My parents got here last night and in the middle of my mom’s health problems, it is no small battle. But she’s a rockstar. She’s my rockstar. Even when she tells me half of everything (grrr…) She also tends to agree that a lot of problems are better solved around a good glass of Irish liquor. Whiskey is not my thing. Unless it is surrounded by chocolate. Oh yes…
As soon as I am done squeezing my mom silly, get done with work this week and go through my thoughts, I’ll post more about the workshops but you can start by reading Rachael’s recap of L.A here.
Chocolate Whiskey Pots de Creme:
Serves 6 to 8
6 large egg yolks
1/4 cup (60ml) honey
1/2 cup (125ml) whole milk
1 cup (250ml) heavy cream
6 oz (180gr) bittersweet chocolate
3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup Irish whiskey
Place 6 to 8 ramekins into a roasting pan and set aside. Preheat oven to 350F and position a rack in the center.
In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the honey for 2-3 minutes.
In the meantime, bring the milk and cream to a simmer in a large saucepan set over medium high heat. Remove from the heat and add the chocolate to the mixture. Slowly whisk until the chocolate is completely melted. (return over low heat if it needs a bit more heat to dissolve). Slowly pour the chocolate mixture over the egg yolks and honey, whisking constantly until both mixtures come together. Add the whiskey and stir briefly.
Divide the chocolate batter evenly among the ramekins. Pour hot water into the roasting pan so that it reaches halfway up the sides of the dishes. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until the cream appears just set. Remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before eating.
Pots de Creme Chocolat Whisky:
Pour 6 a 8 personnes
6 jaunes d’oeufs
60ml miel
125ml lait entier
250ml creme entiere liquide
180gr chocolat 60%
3 – 4 cs whisky
Prechauffer le four a 180F et mettre une plaque au milieu.
Dans un grand bol, battre les jaunes d’oeufs et le miel pendant 2-3 minutes.
Dans une casserole, faire chauffer le lait et creme jusqu’a ebullition. Retirer du feu et ajouter le chocolat et remuer jusqu’a ce que le chocolat soit fondu.
Verser l’appareil sur les jaunes d’oeufs. Ajouter le whisky et melanger.
Verser l’appareil dans 6 a 8 ramequins et les mettre dans une plat profond allant au four. Verser de l’eau chaude jusqu’a a la moitie de la hauteur des ramequins. Faire cuire 30 a 40 minutes.