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pain au chocolat

French Words A Week – Breakfast Edition: Le Petit Dejeuner

Olallieberry Jam

It could have seemed as if I had forgotten the French Word A Week feature lately, right? I have not. Trust me. I did not think as many people cared about it until my inbox started filling up with messages to have it again soon. One of you even sent a "Missing! – French Word A Week. Bring It Back" which made me giggled like crazy. It does not take much to make me giggle as you know but I also did not realize the feature was as much fun for you as it was therapeutic for me. Thank you for that…

During Breakfast

In that regard and to make up for lost time, I am giving you not one but four (4) illustrated words this week (just click on the words to get the pronunciation). More summer homework…darn! I remember summer homework….mine was filled with maths problems. Did it help? Noooooo….but we won’t tell the kids right?! So….

Chocolate Croissant Bribe

If you ever find yourself in France one day and you are wanting to start the day on the right foot, might was well start with breakfast – "petit dejeuner". Do not think about resisting a good "pain au chocolat". But if a "baguette" is more your thing in the morning, find yourself some good "confiture" to spread on it.

Julia Child's French Bread

I am extremely lucky to be in possession of olallieberry preserve thanks to my dear friend Anita from Dessert First who handed me a jar during the Food and Light Workshop in Colorado. We don’t have such berries here so I have been using it judiciously in a couple of different desserts I’ll share with you next week.

Have a great weekend!