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15 Best Starbucks Drinks & 3 Tasty Alternatives

If you feel as though Starbucks has always been around, you’re not alone – yet America’s favorite coffee house only started serving customers in 1971. Find here the most popular Starbucks drinks and tasty tips and a simple recipe.

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7 Health Benefits of Mushroom Coffee & 5 Hacks

Mushroom coffee dates back all the way to World War II, when it was first found to be a reasonable coffee substitute. In this article we’ll look into the different types of mushroom coffee available, and how they may contribute to your overall health.

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6 Health Benefits of Spearmint Tea & 2 Tips

Spearmint is renowned for its deliciously sweet and tingly flavors. It’s one of the milder mints, yet no less special. In fact, spearmint is the oldest known type of mint, having been used since ancient Babylonian times. Find here all of the health benefits of spearmint tea.

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7 Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea & 6 Tips

Hibiscus is widely known for its beautiful, large flowers. Yet since the 17th century, farmers across Hawaii, Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico, Guatemala, and as far as Australia began to grow it for another use: tea. Find here all of the health benefits of hibiscus tea.

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10 Health Benefits of Turmeric Tea & 3 Risks

Turmeric tea is originally from India, and was brought to Europe via the Dutch East India Company in the early 1600s. Back then, South Indian turmeric was highly prized. Learn here everything you need to know about the health benefits of turmeric tea.

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9 Types of Coffee + All 4 Different Coffee Beans

Coffee: to some, just the smell brings a smile to their face, giving a jolt of energy to their tired beings. Many can’t quite function without first having a cup of hot java in the morning. Find here the different types of coffee and learn everything about coffee beans.

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