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Special Edition – Two Cookbooks Giveaway!

Strawberries 'N Cream

I’m coming here empty handed today. Well almost…Looks like I won’t be around here much this week and I apologize for that. I was hoping to have pictures of some of the behind the scene moment of the work for Carrie’s cookbook but I got to tell you, when 2am rolls around…I have no more energy left to bake and write.

Carrie is here, staying at the house for a few days working with me on her book. It’s the first time we meet in person and it really feels special to be part of making her dream come true. Above is an out take of one of the dessert for a her book. I was putting things together and wanted to check the morning light in the studio one morning.

I fall asleep flipping through pages of other people’s cookbooks knowing that I am never going to have time to bake or cook anything from them. Instead of seeing them collect dust, I thought about holding a giveaway for a couple I have enjoyed reading so far. More like salivating as I read! I have two wonderful books up for grabs for you today: Amy’s Bread and Unforgettable Desserts.

All you have to do is leave a comment here (one entry per person) between Tuesday February 9th and Friday February 12th midnight eastern US time. I’ll ship anywhere in the world. My dear B. will pick at random a winner for each cookbook.

I really am bad at having a pool of recipes ready to go for busy times. I wish I was as organized as my buddy Jen. Sigh…I have a post in draft mode. I don’t have things properly aligned in my head yet. Ha…that could be a goal for 2010 right – a sort of late resolution. Hmmmm. I promise to work on that.

Thank you for your patience!

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Crystal February 9, 2010 um 3:58 pm

Have fun working and living life! 🙂 We'll all be here when you get back.

Rocky Mountain Woman February 9, 2010 um 4:04 pm

I love your site…

Either of those two cookbooks would be a welcome addition to my library…..

sprosser February 9, 2010 um 4:05 pm

You're one of my daily inspirations. Am still trying to find time to try the goat cheese cheesecake. Would love to win either book!

Lindsey February 9, 2010 um 4:06 pm

Hello there! I love your website and I would very much like to win a cookbook to add to my rather tiny collection. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Jelli February 9, 2010 um 4:10 pm

Ooo! I would love to win both. I just adore bread baking, and desserts…well, who doesn´t love a good postre?

Erin February 9, 2010 um 4:15 pm

I would love to have either of these to add to my collection!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 4:24 pm

this is a great idea – i, too, have a tendency to amass cookbooks that i know i may never cook from. but it's hard to resist glossy, colour photo, treasure tomes of inspiring and salivation-inducing recipes.
(overindulgent bookishness seems to run in my family – across different genres)
anyway, thanks for the giveaway genorosity!
– joey
[email protected]

Risa February 9, 2010 um 4:27 pm

I am on a no buy rule until I weed through the dozens of books I have. But there's no rule on winning them!!!

Jenn J. February 9, 2010 um 4:32 pm

Those strawberries look delicious! Sign me up!

larin February 9, 2010 um 4:38 pm

oh, lovely pics of strawberries. Have a good week

Jennie February 9, 2010 um 4:39 pm

Hi! I've read your blog for a while now. I love it and check it daily for new posts…first time commenting (on this or any other blog).

As receitas lá de casa February 9, 2010 um 4:42 pm

Well … I am leaving a comment! I am from Portugal and I love your blog! Thanks for the challenge!

Nisa February 9, 2010 um 4:43 pm

I've recently started reading your blog, and I am so impressed with all of the beautiful recipes and pictures you have. I can't wait to try some of them out!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 4:47 pm

I think we all could be more organized at one time or another!! Don't worry about it.

Miss Moore February 9, 2010 um 4:48 pm

There's something wonderful about a gifted cookbook. A present of promise, of potential dinner parties or breakfast pastries. I would LOVE one of your suggestions to add to my collection. (And would love Amy's Bread the very most)

Nutmeg Nanny February 9, 2010 um 4:49 pm

Mmmm I love a good a dessert cookbook. I will keep my fingers crossed 🙂

Nina Timm February 9, 2010 um 4:52 pm

It must be such a treat working with you!!!! I marvel at your work!!

steve February 9, 2010 um 4:53 pm

Hi There.
Thanks for a great site. I wonder if we realize how much work goes into having a blog, let alone a award winning blog ?
I know the answer: A LOT !
Happy V-day

dana828 February 9, 2010 um 4:55 pm

I think I can find it in my heart to forgive you for no recipe today… 🙂 I recently became obsessed with baking bread, and would *love* an Amy's Bread book!

Alexandra February 9, 2010 um 4:56 pm

Your blog is lovely; I enjoy reading it – thanks

Kate at Serendipity February 9, 2010 um 4:58 pm

I know what you mean about getting busy and behind in the cooking and photo-taking. I'm leaving for the weekend and I finally got some posts up today, but when I get back I'm going to have to scramble…

I love the morning light in your studio!

Corey :) February 9, 2010 um 4:58 pm

I have been drooling over (ok, there has been no actual drool, but you get the idea) the Unforgettable Desserts book every time I go into B&N. I'm just starting my own blog and that book has such great ideas!! I'm also starting to make bread (and I occasionally pass Amy's Bread in Chelsea Market)…so either book would be great, really. 🙂

Kira February 9, 2010 um 4:59 pm

OOO… 2 great books, Pick me!

Marte February 9, 2010 um 4:59 pm

Both books look great 😀 Count me in.

Jessica February 9, 2010 um 4:59 pm

Ooh 'Unforgettable Desserts' looks delish!

Sabrina February 9, 2010 um 5:00 pm

Hi, I'm enjoying your blog…there are a couple of recipes I'm gonna try. And I've LOVE to win a cookbook! Thanks and have a good week.


be gifted February 9, 2010 um 5:00 pm

both books look amazing!

Juno February 9, 2010 um 5:01 pm

I'd love to win one of these cookbooks!

Amber2Zoe February 9, 2010 um 5:02 pm

Both of those cookbooks look like they have v. delicious recipes.

montague February 9, 2010 um 5:04 pm

this is SO exciting! i've been hoping to get Amy's Bread cook book for ages, it was out of print for a while, but just saw it's back and updated! i used to eat from there nearly every day when I worked close to one!

Elina February 9, 2010 um 5:04 pm

These strawberries remind me of summer…I'm so fed up of this snow.
And yes, I would be happy to win a copy of any of these cookbooks:D

Greetings from Estonia!

Hannah February 9, 2010 um 5:05 pm

sometimes i feel overwhelmed by the number of recipes i have waiting to be cooked……

Sarah February 9, 2010 um 5:06 pm

Hello! I have long been an admirer of your blog and I can assure you that on every post I am drooling because it looks delicious but is also good on the eyes- great photography! I've tried my hand at making macarons a few times and I love it! I hope you'll soon get some down time from all your busy schedule. Vos photos sont superbes et j'ai bien hâte d'essayer vos recettes! 🙂

fresh365 February 9, 2010 um 5:07 pm

What a fun giveaway- I can never have too many cookbooks!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:09 pm

Hi Helen! I love your website, appreciate your hard work, and your photography is beautifu. Hope you have a wonderful week amidst your busy schedule! 🙂

Kate February 9, 2010 um 5:09 pm

Wow, I would love to win one of those cookbooks!

Lisa February 9, 2010 um 5:12 pm

Thank you for this amazing give away offer! I am a baker currently living in Morocco and would love to get my hands on such books (the nearest english bookstore is a world away).

Brian February 9, 2010 um 5:14 pm

Thanks for your blog and the giveaway!

Ana February 9, 2010 um 5:14 pm

Hi Helene,

I love your recipies and photos. I know you're at your best with sweets but I tried all your salted recipes and they are just…yummy!!!! I think you should post more of those.

Big hug,
Ana from Milano

p.s. Wow I'm the first!!!!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:15 pm

Pick me!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:15 pm

Oh, I sure would like to win! Please enter me.

Adriane Van Bokkelen February 9, 2010 um 5:16 pm

Any comment? I've been meaning to ask, why kind of camera do you use? Your photos are amazing!

Thanks for posting such wonderful recipes.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:16 pm

I would love the Amy's Bread one, especially since my nickname is Amy, lol.

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 5:20 pm

How nice of you!! I love the picture you used in this post.

Ceren Atmaca February 9, 2010 um 5:22 pm

I would love, love, love to have one of the books and I love, love, love your blog!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:24 pm

Love your blog. Cant wait to explore it more.

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 5:25 pm

I will happily provide a new home for one (or both!) of your cookbooks looking for adoption.

Sonia D. February 9, 2010 um 5:26 pm

you can never have too many cookbooks. =]

S February 9, 2010 um 5:27 pm

i can't believe this picture is an outtake! it looks beautiful to me.


lauren February 9, 2010 um 5:27 pm

Those strawberries look amazing in the midst of all this snow I'm getting where I am!

LisaB February 9, 2010 um 5:29 pm

How great that you and Carrie finally meet in person. The preview picture is wonderful and makes me long for fresh, local strawberries.

Please enter me in the drawing, and take good care of yourself.

leseffel February 9, 2010 um 5:29 pm

Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration, even when you say you come "empty handed." Would love to peruse those books!

tammy February 9, 2010 um 5:31 pm

Let this be known as: Tammy's Comment!

p.s. i love your blog

B February 9, 2010 um 5:31 pm

Count me in!

Bronwyn February 9, 2010 um 5:35 pm

I absolutely adore cookbooks, and Amy's bread and everything about your website!

Erica February 9, 2010 um 5:35 pm

Great giveaway! Thanks so much. 🙂

Kathryn February 9, 2010 um 5:35 pm

Oooooo, the Unforgettable Desserts cookbook looks great.

I recently stumbled upon your blog and LOVE it.

Julie @ Willow Bird Baking February 9, 2010 um 5:36 pm

Lovely outtake there 😀 Hope you get some rest between all of that work!

Architect At Work February 9, 2010 um 5:38 pm

MMMMM. Bread or Desserts. What could be better! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Jessica @ How Sweet February 9, 2010 um 5:38 pm

I would love to win that desserts book – it has my name all over it. 😉

Cheri February 9, 2010 um 5:40 pm

Oh Helen, there is no need to worry. You are a person in high demand and we completely understand that you can't dedicate every waking moment to us.. even though we might wish it. 🙂 All the best in your busy days ahead.

Jennifer February 9, 2010 um 5:40 pm

What an amazing, generous giveaway!!

I took can browse over cookbooks all day!

Leslie J February 9, 2010 um 5:40 pm

Looks like I'm the first so far. I'm an avid baker so a dessert book would get some mileage at my house!

Thanks for the giveaway.

Bárbara Lopes February 9, 2010 um 5:41 pm

I never win this giveaways, but it doesn't cost to try. Here I am! Sorry for my english, i'm from Brazil! And hope to win some of these books!

Laura February 9, 2010 um 5:41 pm

I love cookbooks and I don't a copy of these so I would love to get a chance to win one.

I feel like you, busy and not sure what to do next….but the spring is coming so are infinite possibilities…

Jami February 9, 2010 um 5:41 pm

Post a comment on…anything? I'll post on what I'm making for dessert for Valentine's Day (possibly for myself!):

Chocolate Macarons with (maybe) a mascarpone chocolate filling



Maria Fallon February 9, 2010 um 5:42 pm

Hi Helen,

I couldn't resist trying my luck for this giveaway- i could do with some new inspiration!

Thanks for sharing all your great recipes and pictures; they're so beautiful!


arajane February 9, 2010 um 5:42 pm

wow, what a coincidence! i love both bread and desserts! (also your blog is pretty neat, too.)

Hanna February 9, 2010 um 5:42 pm

throw my name in!

Lori February 9, 2010 um 5:45 pm

I'd love to win one of these! Thanks for the giveaway!

Natalie February 9, 2010 um 5:45 pm

What a busy life you lead – good luck getting everything done (and getting some sleep in!). Thanks for offering up such a great giveaway despite all the chaos going on! Both books look like they'd be a great addition to my collection.

svenja February 9, 2010 um 5:46 pm

I love your repices! whenever I can i try to make some cakes, tartes, mousses or cupcakes!

Coveted Confections February 9, 2010 um 5:46 pm

Hi, I just love your blog! I check it every day and really enjoy your photos and recipes. I'm a young pastry arts student at FCI in NYC.

Mandy February 9, 2010 um 5:47 pm

Oh my goodness! I would love love love to win these cookbooks! 🙂

Jessica February 9, 2010 um 5:48 pm

I've love the chance to win!

kohlerjl at missouri dot edu

anphoe February 9, 2010 um 5:50 pm

I have just started following your blog, and I am enjoying it so much! I can't wait to try your recipes!!!

KTryon February 9, 2010 um 5:50 pm

Unforgetable Desserts looks amazing!

katasia_k February 9, 2010 um 5:51 pm

I take it as a good opportunity to tell you how much I admire your blog (especially all the posts concerning macarons which I'm still learning how to make, still failing and never giving up :)).
Best regards from the French Riviera!

mom2ross February 9, 2010 um 5:51 pm

Well, if that's an outtake – I can't wait to see the keeper! Thanks for the giveaway.

Caitlin February 9, 2010 um 5:52 pm

I love to read cookbooks too- especially when they have such gorgeous pictures!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 5:52 pm

I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and enjoy each new post. You take beautiful pictures!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:53 pm

Mmm, yum. Both of those cookbooks look just delightful and are waiting for something to be baked out of them.

Erica the Ninja February 9, 2010 um 5:53 pm

Sounds like a fun and busy weekend! I love how even your outtakes look amazing…you are one talented lady (:

Rachel February 9, 2010 um 5:53 pm

I love cookbooks! I can never have too many. My favorite part is looking at all of the beautiful pictures 🙂

Isabella February 9, 2010 um 5:57 pm

I was just coming to look at your lemon goat cheese cheese cakes recipe (for my boyfriend's birthday dinner on friday) and I found this great giveaway! Well, count me in, those books look great.

Amber February 9, 2010 um 5:58 pm

I adore this blog, recipes included in posts or not!

ahuva February 9, 2010 um 5:58 pm

Your blog is wonderful: the recipes and photography are equally spectacular. Looking forward to hearing more about Carrie's cookbook.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 5:58 pm

I love all your yummy photos!! I would love to win your cookbooks too, for my husband's birthday later this month!

Robyn Thompson February 9, 2010 um 6:00 pm

i love cookbooks!

Da Bee's Knees February 9, 2010 um 6:00 pm

I definitely understand the "neglected blog" conundrum. I live it too. However, I seem to have a more severe dearth of entries.

I always enjoy your entry posts and am more than willing to patiently wait.

YJ February 9, 2010 um 6:02 pm

I LOVE your blog, I just wish my food came out as well as yours =P Guess I'll have to keep trying!

koprime February 9, 2010 um 6:02 pm

I love your photography.

Michelle Stiles February 9, 2010 um 6:03 pm

I would be so grateful for a cookbook, especially sent from ya'll!
I have just delved into the world of writting about cooking and can't get enough of it. I can hardly pry myself from the computer some nights, those lucky few nights where the words just spew from me. I have found a new passion for cooking, writting, and sharing what I make with others.
Your blog, as with many others has been great inspiration!

sarah February 9, 2010 um 6:03 pm

I would absolutely love to win either book. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:03 pm

I enjoy your blog very much. I also like to bake, especially bread. I am currently baking breads from Peter Reinhrt's new book, Artisan Breads Every Day. In fact, I got it as a Christmas present and there I was, Christmas morning, making biscuits from a recipe in the book.

Keep up the good work!


Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:05 pm

Thanks so much! looks delicious!


artista (dot) latina (at) gmail (dot) com

Julia February 9, 2010 um 6:06 pm

I would love to receive one of those amazing cookbooks!

Thank you

Julia Bell from Sweden
[email protected]

queencake and titangirl February 9, 2010 um 6:06 pm

helen, i always enjoy reading ( and looking at) your blog so much. have a good week, best,anja

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:06 pm

love your blog & your pictures are always so beautiful !!

liz February 9, 2010 um 6:06 pm

oh! these look great! hang in there…

Romy February 9, 2010 um 6:07 pm

Hi Helen – I would love to win one of those cookbooks! And have no fear… we will still be here reading when you are done with your project and have time to bake again. 🙂

Bonnie February 9, 2010 um 6:08 pm

I would love either of these books. I love your blog!

kristin m. February 9, 2010 um 6:08 pm

i've been following your blog for only a short while now, but it's already become a daily go-to for me! I especially love your photographs as they make everything look so wonderful and inspiring and i can't wait to try your recipes at home.

thank you for the time and effort you put into your place on the web, and for allowing us to peek in from time to time!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 6:08 pm

I love your blog! Your photos make me so hungry!!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:08 pm

I love cookbooks!
Enjoy some guilt-free time away from your blog….you're worth waiting for!

-Kathleen (akprinz at msn dot com)

Sara February 9, 2010 um 6:08 pm

cool giveaway! love that gorgeous photo of the strawberries! 🙂

Allie February 9, 2010 um 6:09 pm

I love your blog. Your picutres are inspiring and your recipes are delicious.

The Delight of Home February 9, 2010 um 6:10 pm

there is only one thing better than a new cookbook. winning a new cookbook!!

His February 9, 2010 um 6:10 pm

I've only recently discovered your blog, and I love it! And when I see those beautiful pictures (and the big difference with your very first foto's on this blog) I think there's hope for me 🙂
I would love to win the Unforgettable Desserts… 🙂 It looks like a lovely book.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 6:12 pm

Dear Tartelette,
I absolutely love reading your blog! Your photography is beautiful and makes me want to make everything I possibly can! Being a Flight Attendant makes it challenging, so I dream about my cooking/baking adventures in the sky until I'm home again. I had to comment because I would be so so happy and excited to have either of these cookbooks! I am taking a cooking class this spring from Amy of Amy's Bread herself! I have her book, The sweeter side of Amy's bread and I have baked so many wonderful things from it! The White Chocolate Cherry Chunker cookies are a favorite! Having her new book on bread would be the icing on my cake! I cannot wait for spring (like everyone!) especially to meet Amy and all I will learn from her! I live in WI so I have not yet been to any of her wonderful bakeries in NY!
Thank you for the opportunity and for your wonderful, glorious recipes!
Shannon Wahlstrand

Cristy February 9, 2010 um 6:15 pm

I'd love to have a copy of Unforgettable desserts! It has been on my wish list for months.

Jessica Chavez February 9, 2010 um 6:18 pm

Ever since I found your blog I fell in love with it! I love photography and also love baking! So finding this combination in a blog was perfect to keep myself inspired with both cooking and photography! Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration!!

jessica February 9, 2010 um 6:18 pm

Both of those cookbooks look great! I've been meaning to learn how to make bread. One of these days…

April February 9, 2010 um 6:19 pm

I always love a giveaway!! Beautiful picture!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:19 pm

That beautiful photo is a sure sign that this book is going to be magnificent and a truly sweet success ! Lots of good luck to you. I speak on behalf of all of your loyal readers, we'll be here when you're rested and ready to post again, pas de souci ! 🙂

Fingers are crossed for the generous giveaway…

martina February 9, 2010 um 6:19 pm

These strawberries look magnificent! Your pictures always capture the essence of everything, supercool!
Enjoy the work and the company, we'll wait for you patiently. Cheers
And thanks for the opportunity

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 6:20 pm

Yes, please! Either book would be a great addition!

Susanita February 9, 2010 um 6:20 pm

Hello Helen!

I would be honored to get one copy of these really nice cookbooks.

Let me know if I'm one of the lucky ones :).

Best wishes from Portugal,


Alessandra February 9, 2010 um 6:21 pm

Strawberries and cream! Wow!
Makes me want to go out and buy some!
Your new posts are always a welcome break for my day!

Alessandra from Italy

BellaLovesPink February 9, 2010 um 6:21 pm

Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

*fingers crossed*

Lili February 9, 2010 um 6:22 pm

Two cookbooks! I'd love to win this as a prize. 😀

Nicole February 9, 2010 um 6:23 pm

I would LOVE a copy of either cookbook! I've never tried to bake bread before, and who doesn't love desserts? I love your blog; it's a fantastic read, and you make some beautiful things! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Rosa's Yummy Yums February 9, 2010 um 6:23 pm

A great giveaway!



The Clever Pup February 9, 2010 um 6:26 pm

How ironic as I've just started my GI diet today.

Both books look amazing.


Randi Lynne February 9, 2010 um 6:27 pm

I would love to check out a new cookbook!

Stacey February 9, 2010 um 6:28 pm

Cookbooks are my collector's items. I love looking through them and choosing new recipes!

Sweet Treats by Dani February 9, 2010 um 6:29 pm

oh i am a sucker for a good cookbook… but my self won't buckle under the weight of another dessert book 🙂

Christina February 9, 2010 um 6:29 pm

oh, Amy's Bread – that must be an amazing cookbook.

Jenn G. February 9, 2010 um 6:30 pm

Consider me entered in the cookbook giveaway!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:31 pm

Your desserts are amazing as well as your photography.
[email protected]

sprite February 9, 2010 um 6:31 pm

What a generous thing to do.

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:31 pm

i would love a bread cookbook! your pictures are beautiful!
darcie forma
[email protected]

Rachael Schirano \ Rachael Schirano Photography February 9, 2010 um 6:33 pm

i would love to win, thanks for the opportunity! keep the recipes coming…love them 🙂

Tory T. Cell February 9, 2010 um 6:36 pm

I need all the cooking instruction I can get 🙂

Eunice February 9, 2010 um 6:36 pm

Yay for cookbooks! both sound amazing and the fact that you're helping someone write their own cookbook is amazing as well.

Coconut and Vanilla February 9, 2010 um 6:36 pm

Hope you will be back soon and I wish you all the best for the cookbook and a lot of energy!

Janet February 9, 2010 um 6:38 pm

You have such a lovely blog! I'm all about cooking because it's winter and there's nothing else to do… 🙂


Natalie (The City Sisters) February 9, 2010 um 6:38 pm

Your photos are so lovely and inspiring! Good luck on the cookbook project!

Fee ist mein Name February 9, 2010 um 6:39 pm

me, me, me :)!

Ana February 9, 2010 um 6:39 pm

Am I the first to comment? Well probably since Ia m across the ocean lol… Well I am writing from Europe (Croatia, small country near Italy) so it might get a bit complicated for you to ship a cookbook to me… well anyway, I found your blog looking for recipes for a cherry tart… and then I just stayed… thank you for the beautiful pictures and tasty recipes you post…

larissa bree February 9, 2010 um 6:40 pm

I would love to win those books they look amazing!!
I am leaving my comment!

Heather February 9, 2010 um 6:41 pm

Hi Helen,

I wanted to let you know that I tried your goat cheese mini cheesecakes and they were absolutely fantastic. I had a slice of goat cheese cheesecake in a restaurant and had been wanting a recipe for it. Thanks!

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita February 9, 2010 um 6:41 pm

What a nice thing for you to do, especially with being so busy! Thanks for a chance to win – I'd especially love Unforgettable Desserts … delectable!


nakedbeet February 9, 2010 um 6:42 pm

Your photography is so beautiful, it makes me happy to see it.

I'll finally be getting into more yeast breads this year and I'd love a copy of Amy's Bread!

aandara February 9, 2010 um 6:42 pm

Thank for the giveaway, and the strawberries plate looks delicious

Kris February 9, 2010 um 6:42 pm

Does the cookbook come with the guarantee that I'll be as creative and talented as you are at cooking? Or maybe even just a little?


Car February 9, 2010 um 6:43 pm

Oo lovely! One can never have too many cookbooks 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.. Love your site!

Kit February 9, 2010 um 6:47 pm

Oh getting the Unforgettable Desserts cookbook would be amazing! As a fresh graduate from Uni, I've only just started baking this year and such a book would really motivate me.

Patti February 9, 2010 um 6:49 pm

Fun giveaway . . . pick me! Please?

Camila February 9, 2010 um 6:49 pm

Ooh, sounds awesome!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 6:54 pm

wonderful books for the giveaway! the snow is coming down here and i'd love to be trapped inside with delicious ingredients and a fantastic recipe in hand!

erin February 9, 2010 um 6:54 pm

I don't know which one would be better!

Basht February 9, 2010 um 6:58 pm

yay! gotta love giveaways. no worries on the lack of posts, we all understand that you have a life outside of this my dear. as long as you aren't gone forever 🙂

le Méli Mélo de Val February 9, 2010 um 6:59 pm

this is generous, thanks

Jan February 9, 2010 um 6:59 pm

I LOVE your blog! ok, I'm obsessed… I check it out every day!

Jason Sandeman February 9, 2010 um 7:02 pm

I know what it feels like on the busy times. You sometimes get caught with nothing… and it sucks.

Hang in there, I love your blog!

• friX • February 9, 2010 um 7:02 pm

Good luck with the cookbook ! But I'm sure you'll do a great job 🙂

Annie February 9, 2010 um 7:05 pm

Ooooh I'd love to try my hand at some of the recipes in those books. I'm always looking for something new.

Tia February 9, 2010 um 7:08 pm

Ooh, i would LOVE either of these books. *raises hand* pick me pick me please !!! 🙂

As a Canadian a lot of giveaways exclude me so I'm super excited to be able to enter this one. Thx!

Taryn February 9, 2010 um 7:09 pm

I would LOVE a new cookbook — I've been building my library lately, to motivate myself to keep baking as much as possible. And you can never have too many!

Ginny February 9, 2010 um 7:11 pm

mmm… those strawberries look yummy!

kyrajane February 9, 2010 um 7:11 pm

I've been to the library 6 times already this year to get cookbooks. Right now, I have 20 checked out and I am promising I will cook/bake at least 1 thing out of each one!!! 2 AM or not, this is my new years resolution!!!

Bob February 9, 2010 um 7:12 pm

Heh, I'm pretty bad at having backup stuff ready myself.

Danielle February 9, 2010 um 7:12 pm

Your blog is awesome and I am gearing up to make macaroons :)! Wish me luck!

annie February 9, 2010 um 7:13 pm

Bonjour Hélène,

I love your blog…your creativity, and the sumptuous photos of the food you create. I wish you continued success in your art. Right now, it is about -20 in Montreal, Canada. How is the weather in the Carolinas?

nicole February 9, 2010 um 7:15 pm

Good luck working on the cookbook!

Ana-Maria February 9, 2010 um 7:17 pm

Hi Helen ! I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time and finally I have the chance to do so . Your works are absolutely amazing and delicious , both your photographs ( I myself am a photographer too and I am in love with the lighting and the colors of your photos ) and your recipes. This weekend I tested the recipe for chocolate truffles and it came out excellent, better than I could have ever dreamed of. I can't wait to try the taffy apples! It's the next recipe on my list. So thank you for sharing you experiences with us ! Best wishes from Romania!

Zsofi Anna February 9, 2010 um 7:19 pm

Oh, I would love to win a cookbook!

Don't worry about leaving us hanging…we'll be here waiting for you when you get back. 😀

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 7:21 pm

I too, fall asleep looking at beautiful cookbooks. I think I may dream even more about being able to take beautiful food photos than about cooking the lovely recipes.

Amanda Pronko February 9, 2010 um 7:23 pm

I would be the perfect person to win the Unforgettable Desserts book as I am working on starting my own pastry business!! (By the way I LOVE your blog and I just think your photography is absolutly amazing!) Thank you for doing what you do!

Rambling Tart February 9, 2010 um 7:23 pm

Happy working!! I hope it goes beautifully for you 🙂

Melissa R. February 9, 2010 um 7:24 pm

Great blog…found it through a link from Pioneer Woman.

Fern February 9, 2010 um 7:24 pm

You can never have enough cook books. I would love one.

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 7:24 pm

I really enjoy your blog, and think that the twists you put on simple desserts make it fantastic.

Bobbie, Canada

jenniferhoiyin February 9, 2010 um 7:25 pm

so fun!
i'm still making new resolutions even when july rolls around..

Tara February 9, 2010 um 7:26 pm

I love nothing more than a great cookbook. I could fill my whole house with them! Sign me up. 🙂

Joni February 9, 2010 um 7:27 pm

I'm always up for more cookbooks. Count me in.

Jeanine – The Baking Beauties February 9, 2010 um 7:29 pm

Wow, sounds like you could use about 48 hours per day. Make sure to take some time for you!

DWR February 9, 2010 um 7:33 pm

Well I for one appreciate your generosity in the face of your own busy times. I'd like to enter, and will be here when you have time to return.

Megan February 9, 2010 um 7:33 pm

Hi Tartlette! The way I remain sane in Ann Arbor MI is by running and baking. And so it goes, I could really use some new bread ideas. I'm thinking Amy's is a perfect fit.

Tyler & Erin Johnson February 9, 2010 um 7:35 pm

An entire cookbook devoted to bread sounds great. I've always wanted to learn to make really good bread and that would be a good excuse. Oh and a dessert cookbook is never a bad idea (maybe except for my hips).

Sade February 9, 2010 um 7:36 pm

I love cookbooks, and I always love your photography. When I grow up ( 😉 ) I want to take beautiful food pics like you!

KatieFrey February 9, 2010 um 7:37 pm

Both of these cookbooks look great!

Michelle February 9, 2010 um 7:38 pm

Yay!! Love cookbooks!

Rebecca February 9, 2010 um 7:38 pm

Your pictures are so beautiful and everything looks delicious. Thanks for the chance to win!

Michaela February 9, 2010 um 7:38 pm

I'll put them to good use!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 7:40 pm

I love love love your blog!!

Thanks for hosting this – it's so kind of you!

Christina February 9, 2010 um 7:41 pm

I loved going to Amy's Bread when I lived in NYC! It was my favorite bakery.

The Duo Dishes February 9, 2010 um 7:42 pm

Good luck keeping everything in order and maintaining your sanity. 🙂 Being busy is a great thing!

Julia February 9, 2010 um 7:43 pm

oh how exciting, i always love flipping through a new book.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 7:44 pm

Hello,I am Pinar from Istanbul,Turkey.. Nice to meet you.

one hungry panda February 9, 2010 um 7:45 pm

Cookbooks do not empty hands make 🙂 Love your site. The photos are all beautiful.

Karen Baking Soda February 9, 2010 um 7:45 pm

I'm first? I'm first! Naah don't think so. Just had to get out of my lurkdom to say I love the pic as well as the one below. Makes me feel summer-anticipating New England sorta.

And yes, Amy's book is wonderful! I had a friend copy lots of the recipes but I would love to have one of my own!

holly | bijou lovely February 9, 2010 um 7:49 pm

I would love to win a cookbook! Thank you for the giveaway.

Alycia Hildebrand February 9, 2010 um 7:51 pm

I just love seeing the photo's that you post! Today's is really captivating!!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 7:52 pm

I would love the dessert book, I've only been baking for a few months. The first time I tried to bake cake, it went all over the oven! But now I am making some good basic recipes! I have made 5 birthday cakes in as many months 🙂

0_0 February 9, 2010 um 7:56 pm

you are awesome!

Mikabella February 9, 2010 um 7:56 pm

Underbart! I sooo hope i will be one of the lucky winners! Kram från Sverige 🙂

NecessaryForce February 9, 2010 um 7:58 pm

Absolutely gorgeous shot.
And it's never too late to make a new resolution! 🙂

LeLo February 9, 2010 um 8:00 pm

I love, love, love your blog and I hope to win Amy's Bread Book 🙂

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 8:00 pm

Awesome giveaway! I would loove to win!

jacqui February 9, 2010 um 8:01 pm

I'd love to have one of those books accompany my ever growing collection! Congrats on the book, can't wait to see the finished product!

emily February 9, 2010 um 8:03 pm

Free stuff is a welcome replacement to a quiet blog. 😉

Hungry Rabbit February 9, 2010 um 8:04 pm

Since I started my new food blog, I'll need all the inspiration I can get. Bread and dessert/baking are right up my alley….. I hope I get it, I hope I get it.

Gaby February 9, 2010 um 8:04 pm

at least your busy doing things you love!! Have fun working on the rest of the book! Can't wait for March for the Mac class!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 8:05 pm

I am always reading your blog. You are so talented. The things I see are as pretty as pictures in any of my cookbooks. I would love to be entered in the cookbook give away but I can't seem to get the darn google acct to work. I am cp dumb.. But I will keep looking, just in case :)Sandi

Chaitali February 9, 2010 um 8:06 pm

OMG this is so surreal! I was just browsing yesterday trying to find a used copies of Unforgettable Desserts, Heavenly Cakes and Michael Ruhlman's Ratio. So cool that you've posted a giveaway!

rudie2shoes February 9, 2010 um 8:10 pm

Oh I would love to win. 🙂 We'll wait patiently for more recipes from you when you have more time. Don't worry, your loyal readers aren't going anywhere.

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 8:11 pm

Gorgeous photo! I would love a dessert made with those ingredients. Hope you are able to get some rest. We will be here waiting when you have the time and energy to post again. You always make such beautiful food!

my little expat kitchen February 9, 2010 um 8:12 pm

What a wonderful giveaway.
Thank you.

Miriam February 9, 2010 um 8:16 pm

Yes, I know Carrie's site! She's so lucky that you're shooting her book photos…

Les Soeurs Gourmandes February 9, 2010 um 8:18 pm

Those are great cookbooks!

Phoenix Ascending February 9, 2010 um 8:18 pm

With a life as full and beautiful as yours, little things will be left behind. I love the work you do and am inspired nearly daily by your lovely images and charming prose. Thanks so much. Now – get some sleep!!

chocolate and chanel February 9, 2010 um 8:18 pm

love your site 🙂

Joy February 9, 2010 um 8:19 pm

I love your stuff. I am currently exploring more european and american pastries. My main focus has been Filipino desserts.

Charleen February 9, 2010 um 8:20 pm

Mmh, cookbooks! Yummy, delicious cookbooks! I'd sure love one… to replace my now ex-boyfriend…

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 8:24 pm

Thank you! Good luck! 🙂

SquashedTwinkie February 9, 2010 um 8:25 pm

Here's my comment to enter the contest! BTW I've been reading your blog for over a year and thanks to you recipes for the goat cheese tart and pistachio macaroons my friends think I'm a baking genius. Thanks for the blog entries!

Stella February 9, 2010 um 8:27 pm

Hee hee-I don't have things aligned in my head right either, and I'm not just talking organization here! I would love a cookbook. I don't have many, and would love to receive a hand me down from you. A book with a history is better than a new book anyway-it provides aura and such, so please put my name in your drawing bowl or what have you…Thanks!

Inés Castellano February 9, 2010 um 8:27 pm

Ohh! Id love those cookbooks 🙂

kerrymoon February 9, 2010 um 8:29 pm

i am all about cookbooks. my husband says even if i cooked 3 new recipes from them every day i would never get through them all. i know everything is available online these days, but i still really love having the cookbooks around.

Angie Hong February 9, 2010 um 8:31 pm

I love reading cookbooks and collecting them. Please write a cookbook! I would love to own yours.

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 8:34 pm

Would LOVE to read all about those Unforgettable Desserts…YUM!

camille February 9, 2010 um 8:36 pm

I would love to have these cookbooks!

Liliana Fuchs February 9, 2010 um 8:37 pm

Both books look amazing! I wish I win!

Thanks for shipping everywhere; I'm from Spain and love your blog.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 8:37 pm

I would love either of those cookbooks!

Fabulously French February 9, 2010 um 8:41 pm

Wow what a fabulous giveaway, I have everything crossed 🙂

Leeann x

Miss Giny February 9, 2010 um 8:44 pm

Oh ouiii moi moi moi !! Random choisis moi !! ^^

Emily February 9, 2010 um 8:46 pm

I really love your stunning blog and it would be fantastic to get my hands on these books!

rghawki February 9, 2010 um 8:47 pm

I am new to your site but I love it. It has a very uplifting look and content.

Thanks for the great give-a-way.
[email protected]

Erika February 9, 2010 um 8:48 pm

I enjoy reading your blog (I drool as I read it too!), but never leave comments. This seems like a good insentive!


Unknown February 9, 2010 um 8:49 pm

Your blog is beautiful!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 8:49 pm

I love your blog and photography Tartelette. 🙂 My email is [email protected].

Kristin February 9, 2010 um 8:50 pm

Yum! I "heart" bread! I bake a lot, but haven't really tried my hand at bread, probably because I'm so spoiled by the great bread in SF – hard to beat!

jana February 9, 2010 um 8:50 pm

great giveaway, thanks!!

Jeannette February 9, 2010 um 8:51 pm

Oh how nifty!! Both of those books look divine!

If I ever get to a point in my "career" where I can make a cookbook, I'm calling you to photograph for it 😀 I love your shots!!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 8:51 pm

I love your blog and photography Tartelette. 🙂

zebulon February 9, 2010 um 8:52 pm

Congrats to you and Carrie for what will be a great book, without the shadow of a doubt!

Looking forward to see more of the behind-the-scenes here 🙂

Meredith February 9, 2010 um 8:53 pm

I absolutely love your blog and photos!!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 8:59 pm

I would love one! Esp. Unforgettable Desserts. I've got a sweet tooth.

Athina(Sugar Buzz) February 9, 2010 um 9:02 pm

I love your blog!!I'm from Greece and everyday I check your blog, your photos are fabulous!!

Jennie February 9, 2010 um 9:02 pm

What a nice give away!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 9:03 pm

Hi, I am not an ardent cook, I like your food styling and recipes and your blog is one of my few food blog bookmarks. Sometimes I wish the pictures could come alive and be downloaded right on my lap!

Keep up the delicious work!

Eleni from Greece

Mel February 9, 2010 um 9:05 pm

Mmmmm. Fresh strawberries. I remember they are in season in FL right now. Too bad I live in MT!

Sarah February 9, 2010 um 9:07 pm

I understand the weight of having a backlog of recipes and blog posts. There's just never enough time! Those strawberries look very tasty!

Sarah February 9, 2010 um 9:07 pm

Yay for give aways! Annnnnd it appears I am the first comment! What?! I love all your pictures AND recipes. Yours was the first macaron I ever made and they were delightful. I'm a huge fan of bread and really anything sweet, so I'd love either of these! Thanks for always posting delish photos AND recipes! =)

Blair February 9, 2010 um 9:09 pm

OH, those strawberries look yummy and I know what I am making for dinner… and I hope I get a chance at one of those cookbooks!

Tina February 9, 2010 um 9:09 pm

I always love reading your blog!
Two giveaways is crazy. Both books sound wonderful.
As always, your photography is beautiful.
Can't wait until your next post.

Clare W February 9, 2010 um 9:09 pm

My name is Clare, I'm a university student in London, Ontario. As a student I really don't have many options to cook or bake even though I love to. I follow yours (and other) blogs to satisfy my need to cook, so thanks for being there for me!

Ryan Thomas February 9, 2010 um 9:10 pm

I've always wanted to know – Who's your photographer? Because she has a gift.

Tina February 9, 2010 um 9:12 pm

….I would love to win a cookbook. I love your blog the photography is amazing! Thanks. (Exhale) Pick me pick me…she says waving her hands in the air frantically. Hee hee

velvetacide February 9, 2010 um 9:13 pm

Love the photos on your blog! This entry especially, since my eyes are flooded with strawberries.

Amy's Bread sounds an interesting cookbook…I received Bake Wise for Christmas and have been meaning to bake, uh, something, and was just telling my friend I'd like to try making bread. Not sure why it seems so daunting to me. I think it's a block I'll need to bust through very soon!

Cate February 9, 2010 um 9:14 pm

I would love a new cookbook! And that bowl of strawberries 🙂
Get some rest!

narelle February 9, 2010 um 9:14 pm

You do indeed spoil your readers, what a treat!

Jen February 9, 2010 um 9:15 pm

Hi there! I have really enjoyed reading your blog! What a great giveaway. Both books look very interesting, especially the Unforgettable Desserts cookbook.

Jen @

Kirstin February 9, 2010 um 9:16 pm

I would love to win one of these, thanks for sharing!

Anita (Married… with dinner) February 9, 2010 um 9:16 pm

go easy on yourself — we'll all be here when you're done with your project! 🙂

CitizenRobots February 9, 2010 um 9:17 pm

Absolutely beautiful food photography as always! Visiting your blog makes me instantly hungry.

leetolles February 9, 2010 um 9:17 pm

That strawberry shot is making me crave Strawberry Shortcake with homemade biscuits! Love to add another cookbook to my collection!

Teensy February 9, 2010 um 9:19 pm

Lovely blog. Very bright and cheerful, like the perfect dessert.

Tina in Baltimore (currently plotting a way to bake my way through Snowmageddon 2.0)

Rebecca D. Martin February 9, 2010 um 9:21 pm

Oooo – those both sound good!

Lovely dessert shot.

Farrah February 9, 2010 um 9:21 pm

How generous of you! I don't have any bread books at home at all. Would love to add it to my other collection of cookbooks. Thanx!!!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 9:22 pm

would love to win "unforgettable desserts". you're so nice doing this giveaway.

Emily R. February 9, 2010 um 9:23 pm

I could use Unforgettable Desserts, because mine aren't.

Sarah February 9, 2010 um 9:23 pm

Starting out in the food blogging world…

Now, if only I baked and took pictures like you. 😉 Looking forward to posting more recipes if I'm one of the winners!

Lisa February 9, 2010 um 9:23 pm

Mmmmm… strawberries. Time for the snow to end and Spring to begin!

chocolatine February 9, 2010 um 9:24 pm

both books look great!

Darby O'Shea February 9, 2010 um 9:24 pm

Busy-ness is a fact of life. Sometimes it's okay to let the blog languish and take care of "real-life things."

AlessioFangano February 9, 2010 um 9:25 pm

Enjoy this time Helen! We will wait you by the oven door 🙂

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 9:26 pm

My husband might think I have too many cookbooks, but clearly I don't because I don't have either of those. He would love to make room on the cookbook shelf for those 🙂

Dandy February 9, 2010 um 9:26 pm

Its amazing you bake and blog as much as you do considering your schedule!!

Sarah in SF February 9, 2010 um 9:27 pm

Looking forward to posting new recipes if I'm a winner!

Leanne N L February 9, 2010 um 9:29 pm

I've been learning to bake over the years (with the help of my skillful mother), but have lately started to be a bit more adventurous and am trying new recipes that I've never made before! Either cookbook would help me better my skills.

I love love love your photos!

Debbie February 9, 2010 um 9:29 pm

Yeah Cookbooks! I would love to build my collection!

Hope Wells February 9, 2010 um 9:29 pm

Love the site! Thanks!!

Ariana @Artarra February 9, 2010 um 9:30 pm

It's fantastic that you ship everywhere in the world – normaly I can't participate 🙂 Now all I need is a little bit luck 🙂

Marguerite February 9, 2010 um 9:31 pm

That beautiful photo is almost recipe enough. Honestly, who needs to cook when you've got strawberries.

But i would still love a cookbook!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 9:31 pm

You popular girl, you'll never see my comment down here! Still, it would be a privilege to have a book from you. DW about not being super organised – makes you one of us.

browniegirl February 9, 2010 um 9:33 pm

Empty handed? Oh no….It must be such an honor to work with you Helen. I can just imagine how it is. And the light in that photograph is stunning. Look at the colour and brightness of those strawberries!! No one would expect you to cook or bake at 2am sweetie, thats when you have to get some sleep so you can function again in a few days time with your next pearls of wisdom for this wonderful blog of yours. You are so kind to be giving away some of your books. It would be an honor and priviledge for me to be able to own one of them. Doesn't matter which but the bread one interests me greatly. Thank you and hugs xxx

Anna February 9, 2010 um 9:37 pm

I love give aways and i love Amy's Bread–perfect!

Lauren P February 9, 2010 um 9:39 pm

I love this blog! My friend and I are making some of your recipes for a dinner party that we are having this weekend. We are so excited!

sarah February 9, 2010 um 9:43 pm

both books look fantastic! good luck with all the hectic-ness – i'm sure all of your hard work will pay off 🙂

Sara McCarty February 9, 2010 um 9:43 pm

Love your blog! I could use a great cookbook!

Calvine February 9, 2010 um 9:43 pm

Thanks for the giveaway! Those strawberries look so good i could eat them…

Mrs. Stoyko February 9, 2010 um 9:45 pm

I can only say that your photos and culinary skills are out of this world and they never fail to inspire many of us readers! Thank for always sharing your passions and talents with the world of food!

Hettar7 February 9, 2010 um 9:46 pm

I hope the book is going well. Hope you two are having a good time together too. No worries about a non recipe blog. You can't cook (or blog about cooking) 24/7.

Sylvie February 9, 2010 um 9:46 pm

I was just looking for some new cookbooks today…something with pretty pictures so this seems perfect for me 🙂

kookyculinary February 9, 2010 um 9:49 pm

I love cookbooks. The more the better. 🙂

Yen February 9, 2010 um 9:50 pm

No one can ever have enough cookbooks! I'm just starting my collection 🙂

Trish February 9, 2010 um 9:52 pm

Lovely blog. Wish i could win one of those books. Goregeous!!

Adi February 9, 2010 um 9:53 pm

Thanks for the book giveaway! Have a great week!

adiluria [at] yahoo [dot] com

Lindy February 9, 2010 um 9:54 pm

Pick me…love new cookbooks….love cookbooks period.

Katie February 9, 2010 um 9:54 pm

i'd love to have either of the two cookbooks! that would be awesome!

[email protected]

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 9:54 pm

Looking forward to your return–your blog posts with pics make the urge to bake/cook that much harder to resist!

White Toast with Butter February 9, 2010 um 9:56 pm

I want to make macarons because of you (sounds like a line from As Good As the Cookie Gets.

tiny_feet06 February 9, 2010 um 9:56 pm

Your photos always bring a smile to my face. Don't get too stressed and remember to rest!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 9:56 pm

I, too, love to flip through cookbooks just dreaming about how wonderful the end result will be. "Cooking in my head."

Love your pics!

R- February 9, 2010 um 10:00 pm

This is the time of year when life is the busiest! Or so it seems. 🙂

Allison February 9, 2010 um 10:00 pm

I love cookbooks, too!

koohiiteasheri February 9, 2010 um 10:01 pm

Amy's Bread is such a cute bakery in NY! I could sit there for hours… and sip coffee with my pastry. I didn't even know they had a cookbook out!

Magda February 9, 2010 um 10:02 pm

It would be great to get book from you 🙂 Greetings from Poland

Sarah February 9, 2010 um 10:02 pm

Looking forward to hearing all about the cookbook when you're back! Both of those books are on my list 🙂

THIShomeschoolmom February 9, 2010 um 10:02 pm

I'm new to your blog, I found it via Pioneer Woman, but I'm really enjoying it so far!! I LOVE cookbooks, and would love to add to my meager collection 🙂

Rachel February 9, 2010 um 10:03 pm

One thing I love more than a good bread cookbook is a good dessert cookbook!

Your blog makes me so happy!

Wicked February 9, 2010 um 10:05 pm

That is very awesome of you!

I would love to win.

Buttercup February 9, 2010 um 10:05 pm

me please, love your food!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 10:06 pm

I would love to win either of these cookbooks! They look fantastic!

jelena February 9, 2010 um 10:10 pm

I love your photos as much as I love your recipes, sometimes its so hard to decide what is more tempting 🙂 Keep up this awesome blog

Gingy Cookies February 9, 2010 um 10:11 pm

Yeah! I love giveaways! Cookbooks, can never have enough!

Tina February 9, 2010 um 10:11 pm

It's always great to have good cookbooks around for inspiration even if you don't get a chance to try their recipes.

hawkbrwn February 9, 2010 um 10:11 pm

yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. you have consistently beautiful food presentation via the photos, and your stories make the recipes sound both enticing and entertaining. thank you for your continued great work here!

lauramil February 9, 2010 um 10:12 pm

i totally relate! i always look online at recipes and tell myself i'll make them. Sometimes i do but most times i don't!

heavenlyginger February 9, 2010 um 10:12 pm

Thanks for the website – it's so beautiful!!

Kris February 9, 2010 um 10:16 pm

Would love either cookbook. Thanks!

terri February 9, 2010 um 10:19 pm

your blog is one of the things that brightens my day…thank you for all that you do to make the world a better place!

Anne February 9, 2010 um 10:19 pm

I love everything you do!!! Your food is delicious and your photos are gorgeous!!

knitaddict February 9, 2010 um 10:26 pm

Would have to be the Desserts book for me! I've never had a lot of luck with bread making.I'll stick with what I'm good at!!!

Have made a few of your recipies and have loved every one! Still haven't worked up the courage to try your macaroons, maybe one day!!

Thanks for the inspiration to push my boundaries.

Tia xxx

Simones Kitchen February 9, 2010 um 10:27 pm

I think I might have to join you on that belated 2010 resolution! Love the photo!!

anastasia February 9, 2010 um 10:27 pm

This is an awesome idea!

I am looking forward to seeing your pictures in this upcoming cookbook!

Briana February 9, 2010 um 10:27 pm

Oh, I am salivating for a strawberry now! How come all the ones here are so white instead of red? :/

Helen February 9, 2010 um 10:27 pm

Technically, I don't actually have a cookbook but it'd be great to actually win one.Great photographs! That's what i also need, a new camera.:)

Kari February 9, 2010 um 10:28 pm

Don't worry about being MIA lately, a little dose of one of your amazing pictures works for me! Good luck with the project, looks great!!

egidija February 9, 2010 um 10:28 pm

my kitchen is longing for these books…

Praneetha Sabhanayakam February 9, 2010 um 10:29 pm

I hope to win one of those books! To win would be awesome! Thank you! 🙂

Anne M February 9, 2010 um 10:29 pm

Good luck with your work this week! I am sure the result will be beautiful as always.

Leslie Anne February 9, 2010 um 10:29 pm

Both books look wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway.

The Food Hippie February 9, 2010 um 10:32 pm

I had to give up buying cookbooks recently because I was becoming obsessed! Winning one would be a nice way to get a fix 🙂

Paula February 9, 2010 um 10:33 pm

I love your blog, thank you for sharing your wonderful art 😀

Both book sound lovely!

Lilly February 9, 2010 um 10:33 pm

These books look fantastic… thanks for putting up this post and all your other tempting little's always a delight to see your words and images!


julie February 9, 2010 um 10:34 pm

your site is fabulous! let it be me!! keep up the pretty posts!! best!

Emily G. February 9, 2010 um 10:36 pm

Lovely! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

YDANIS February 9, 2010 um 10:37 pm

Either one would be a great addition to my library! I hope I will…I never seem to have much luck with the giveaways!

emily February 9, 2010 um 10:38 pm

love your blog!
thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 10:39 pm

Hi Hi. Love your blog.

Donna – Dishy Goodness February 9, 2010 um 10:39 pm

Hi, Mme. Tartelette! I would love to win a cookbook, plus I am super-excited to participate in your class on March 6th in CA!

Kee February 9, 2010 um 10:39 pm

Those strawberries look so luscious and ripe! Your lighting is always so beautiful.

I, too, fall asleep reading cookbooks.


Jessica B. February 9, 2010 um 10:41 pm

Yes, please!

Kristin February 9, 2010 um 10:41 pm

What a great giveaway! I would love to win one of these books.

710 East Myrtle Avenue February 9, 2010 um 10:43 pm

I'm a breadmaker and would love to win Amy's Bread. Thank you for your lovely blog and a great give-away!

Shiriously February 9, 2010 um 10:51 pm

My cookbook collection could definitely stand to grow! I hope you get some down time this week!

Julie February 9, 2010 um 10:51 pm

As many have already said, beautiful pictures. Sounds like a great book… makes a great giveaway!

Laura February 9, 2010 um 10:52 pm

Ooh, both those cookbook look great!!

Mary February 9, 2010 um 10:56 pm

I love the strawberries and cream picture! I haven't bought a new cookbook in ages, so winning one would be great!

Tina February 9, 2010 um 10:57 pm

Thank you for your wonderful blog 🙂

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 10:59 pm

Even if your blog was all photos, I'd be satisfied. They are positively lovely, and I enjoy each and every one.



Sugardrive February 9, 2010 um 11:02 pm

Beautiful photography, as always!


Doreen February 9, 2010 um 11:03 pm

beautiful photo … I want to eat that! I'd love to win this giveaway … I have a thing for cookbooks!

Carolyn February 9, 2010 um 11:03 pm

oh la la! great giveaway… how sweet of you to share!

Bria February 9, 2010 um 11:03 pm

Fantastic! I am a cookbook addict!!

Lauren February 9, 2010 um 11:06 pm

No worries. The strawberries look amazing! You're just trying to help our beginning of the year diets, aren't you?

We will still be here when you get back :).

Shoshana February 9, 2010 um 11:11 pm

The light in that shot is beautiful. It would be great to get either book!

chatnoir February 9, 2010 um 11:13 pm

Amy's Bread, oh my heart!

cpcjoyce February 9, 2010 um 11:14 pm

Just a ordinary fan of your blog, wish that i could win a giveaway. Love your recipes..

edina February 9, 2010 um 11:17 pm

Love your blog – thanks for the chance to win a cookbook!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 11:18 pm

Thanks for a beautiful blog filled with amazing pictures! I look forwarding to reading all your new posts! Happy Valentine's Day!

michelle February 9, 2010 um 11:18 pm


La cuisine des 3 soeurs February 9, 2010 um 11:18 pm

Dis-moi, quel succès. Il est certain que ce que tu proposes est très tentant, même pour moi au-delà des mers. je me régale déjà de tes recettes.

Nicole Anderson February 9, 2010 um 11:18 pm

I have really enjoyed reading your site. You are great!

amanda February 9, 2010 um 11:19 pm

It would be such a blessing to receive either of them! I started baking a few years ago but have truly fallen in love with the art. 🙂

shez February 9, 2010 um 11:20 pm

Ahh mee! Your out-take photographs look stunning enough to be the printable version. Congratulations on your "day job" – it's so exciting to hear!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 11:24 pm

I love your website! Still haven't figured out how to make the macarons work consistently though…I bought a coffee grinder for the nuts and everything but somehow I keep having problems with it. I would love a cookbook.

Josey February 9, 2010 um 11:27 pm

Ooo! Those sound like lovely books! I'm envious of whoever wins them ^^

You should come out with a cookbook *_* So few cookbooks out there have such luscious pictures!

Sandra Le Petrin February 9, 2010 um 11:28 pm

As much as I'ld love to be picked by your dear and gorgeous B., I'ld be even more thrilled to win one of those wonderful cookbooks. Please, pick me.. :))

The People's Kitchen February 9, 2010 um 11:30 pm

Sign me up 🙂 I am so excited about making macarons on Friday 🙂 Today I made the apricot tea cakes. Thanks for inspiring me.

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 11:30 pm

I <3 cookbooks

KarlandBethany February 9, 2010 um 11:33 pm

Oh, the strawberries look so fabulous and spring-y (in deep contrast to the frigid winter weather here); looking at them makes me happy! Thanks for sharing!

Hang in there… doing quality work like you treat all of us with takes time. Please cut your self a little slack… and have FUN working on the cookbook! Yeah for cooking & blog friends! Yeah for meeting in person! 😉

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 11:33 pm

Wow, what a cool site! A friend of mine just turned me on to it (during the Super Bowl; we talked as much about food as we did about football).

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 11:33 pm

Love the recipes and the pictures. Have made your blog a daily habit!
Would love the books.

Jessica February 9, 2010 um 11:36 pm

Looks like it's going to be a lovely book!

Emma Krueger February 9, 2010 um 11:36 pm

I just found your site and I love it. Beautiful.

Kirsten February 9, 2010 um 11:37 pm

Your photographs are so amazing! Thank you for always inspiring me!

Unknown February 9, 2010 um 11:37 pm

I never really considered cookbooks until this year, when I can't concentrate enough to read fiction or nonfiction for fun (I'm a sophomore in college) and now cookbooks and cooking blogs keep me sane!

Anonymous February 9, 2010 um 11:44 pm

You have a wonderful and beautiful blog… thanks for the giveaway!

Happy baking!

oneordinaryday February 9, 2010 um 11:45 pm

Lovely giveaway!

Sakim February 9, 2010 um 11:48 pm

That looks delicious, love your blog. =)

Maggie Hewes Adams February 9, 2010 um 11:51 pm

pick me pick me pick me

Hillary February 9, 2010 um 11:53 pm

I really really hope I get picked! I would love those cookbooks!

Margaret February 9, 2010 um 11:55 pm

Oh hooray…I love giveaways. Maybe even more if I can win one! Sign me up please!


Rachael February 9, 2010 um 11:56 pm

I would love to win either of those books!

Jeanne February 9, 2010 um 11:58 pm

What a beautiful out take photo! I can't wait to see all the photos that do make it into the book!

Aldara February 10, 2010 um 12:01 am

I've inherited the cookbook-collecting gene from my mom – I love cookbooks, especially if they have wonderful photography like yours. I try to make at least a couple of recipes from each one, but so far I'm at least a dozen books behind. *g* The Dessert book looks awefully yummy! Also, I don't have anything on baking bread in my collection, yet…

Debbie February 10, 2010 um 12:08 am

I love cook books 🙂

Natalie February 10, 2010 um 12:11 am

oh! oh! pick me pick me!

Best of luck with the cook book!

Brooke Petersen February 10, 2010 um 12:12 am

I would love to win one of the cookbooks!

Anachronistic Essentials February 10, 2010 um 12:12 am

I'd love to win one–I've finally gotten through my other other cookbook, but am short on the funds to buy another ~_~

Victoria N. February 10, 2010 um 12:14 am

Those strawberries look absolutely delish. (:

Beth February 10, 2010 um 12:15 am

We love reading your blog!

nancy ingersoll February 10, 2010 um 12:16 am

I'd love a copy of the book – or to take a food photography class with you. Please post any plans you have to teach some food photogrpahy classes (especially on the west coast, really especially in northern california).
Nancy Ingersoll

Chew Fatt February 10, 2010 um 12:24 am

I would love to have those books. Seems lovely! Hope I have a chance? haha.

Monica February 10, 2010 um 12:26 am

wow there are so many comments already! this is some stiff competition, but I'll insert myself in here anyways. I would LOVE to win either of the cookbooks!!!

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 12:27 am

oooh, beautiful pictures!
I would love to get either of those cookbooks. My friend has recently started experimenting with baking bread, so I'd definitely love to try making something with her later.

Monica February 10, 2010 um 12:27 am

me! me! me! me! I would LOVE to win one of these cookbooks!

Mia (Savor Everyday) February 10, 2010 um 12:28 am

The "Unforgettable Desserts" cookbook sounds awesome! And the "Amy's Bread" looks like a great go-to bread baking book.
Your photography is inspiring!

whisk the pantry February 10, 2010 um 12:28 am

Always a big fan of yours! Looking forward for many more more from you

mterasaki February 10, 2010 um 12:28 am

they both like amazing! 🙂

Post Grad Hair Cut February 10, 2010 um 12:31 am

Would love either of those books!

swagnerm [at] hotmail [dot] com

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 12:31 am

Those strawberries look AMAZING! I am new to your site, but I love everything you do…someday I hope to have a batch of macarons come out successfuly!

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 12:32 am

I love your blog-always gives me ideas of what to bake/cook next

Sarah February 10, 2010 um 12:35 am

We are in the middle of getting a new kitchen at the moment so I can't bake but I can read =) Thank you.

Deeva February 10, 2010 um 12:41 am

I always look forward to new cookbooks.Even if I wasn't picked to win I am still looking for new ones to purchase. These sound like some choices.

Reya February 10, 2010 um 12:44 am

I recently found out about you from Bakerella! I love your photos; they're so lovely!

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 12:46 am

So excited I just discovered your site! Can't wait to try out all these fun recipes 🙂

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 12:48 am

I accidently ran into your blog and am leaving a comment to see if I will get lucky. What a wonderful surprise it would be to win a cookbook!
Greetings from the North Pole, I mean St Louis, MO!

carriegel February 10, 2010 um 12:53 am

I would be happy to win either one of these cookbooks. Thanks for the chance.

Alison L February 10, 2010 um 12:56 am

Yummy! Your blog is great. I especially love the macaron posts.

Littlefoot February 10, 2010 um 12:56 am

THANK YOU for such an amazing food blog with to die for photos! I tried your rice pudding recipe the other night and it was deelish! My hubby loved it too of course 🙂

Keep up the great work!


All That's Left Are The Crumbs February 10, 2010 um 12:58 am

Both sound like great books. Love your blog!

Mollie February 10, 2010 um 1:01 am

I want both!!! Please pick me!!!

A February 10, 2010 um 1:03 am

Take your time! I can wait a little while until your next post… but not too long! You are a real inspiration for me.

Wish to have, no, I have to TAKE time one day to do my own blog/website.

Une chose à la fois!

Carol in NC February 10, 2010 um 1:04 am

You gotta love a good cookbook. Still one of my favorites: The Cook and the Gardener by Amanda Hesser. It's older and not a dessert book but instead a trip to France. You can just taste the fresh figs…

Ellemay February 10, 2010 um 1:05 am

I tell you what, I'll write your blog posts for you if you analyse my data for me?!

Payment will be given in chocolate chip biscuits.


Sil BsAs February 10, 2010 um 1:08 am

Good luck with the book and thanks for the chance given to us out of U.S.A!!!

Silvina C. February 10, 2010 um 1:08 am

I adore flipping through cooking book's pages, just for the sake of it… even when i don't have time but to boil an egg..
Any of those books would be a great addition to my book collection!

IngridGrace February 10, 2010 um 1:11 am

Reading blogs like yours over the past year and a half has inspired me to not only cook and bake with a new passion, but also begin my own humble food blog.

A couple of quality cookbooks would be a nice addition to augment my treasured but sparse collection.

kerry.ajohnson February 10, 2010 um 1:13 am

I would love to win either one of those cookbooks!

Sarah February 10, 2010 um 1:15 am

Can never have enough cookbooks whether or not you have time to cook from them. Thank you though for sharing your bounty!

Tera February 10, 2010 um 1:17 am

Cookbook addict here… 🙂 These both look great!!!

Asha @ FSK February 10, 2010 um 1:17 am

Aww Helen.. hope you get enuf rest..but on the good side, the project is going well, surely! 🙂

That photo is stunning enough to keep us going for a while 🙂 and the cookbooks are awesome! would love to win one! :)))

Teressa February 10, 2010 um 1:31 am

Those strawberries look delicious.
Would love to win the cookbooks.

Julie February 10, 2010 um 1:32 am

Thanks for the opportunity. Both of those cookbooks are on my list. I would love to win either one.

Soniya February 10, 2010 um 1:34 am

Thanks for posting! This is my first time commenting on your blog that I just discovered a few weeks ago. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to trying many of your recipes that I have bookmarked.

Dragana February 10, 2010 um 1:35 am

Love your blog and combinations of unusual flavors. I am happy with just visiting – even if there is no recipe! I hope I win!

Beka Watts February 10, 2010 um 1:35 am

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos, and for sharing great cookbooks in this wonderful give away!

Crafty Cupcake February 10, 2010 um 1:36 am

Lovely photography as always… I think eventually you'll have the time to cook everything you want to, if you make it work. I know the feeling quite well. Thanks for the chance to win!

Audra February 10, 2010 um 1:39 am

Love your pictures and your blog and would love, love, love to win the books!

Jess February 10, 2010 um 1:41 am

Good luck fighting the good fight! I hope you get some time to sit and drink good hot chocolate.

Emily February 10, 2010 um 1:42 am

Both of these books are on my wish list! Unfortunately, text books eat up too much of my cookbook budget…

[email protected] February 10, 2010 um 1:42 am

Do you actually have a dedicated food-studio-shooting in your house? I am impressed (and jealous!).
Good luck with the book!

Madeleine February 10, 2010 um 1:45 am

I could use a new cookbook to get me out of my rut. Je croise les doigts!

Anna February 10, 2010 um 1:50 am

I haven't been reading your blog for very long, but your work is so beautiful and inspiring!

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 1:54 am

Either of the books would make for welcome reading and baking! I'm one of those folks snowed in down in DC, and I'm running out of new recipes to try!

Estelle25 February 10, 2010 um 1:58 am

Woo my macarons worked after the 3rd go! thanks for the article 🙂


Emma February 10, 2010 um 2:02 am

Glad to hear you'll ship anywhere, as I currently am living in Japan. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful photos and sophisticated recipes!

Jodie February 10, 2010 um 2:05 am

Those strawberries look so yummy!

Cheryl R February 10, 2010 um 2:06 am

I'd love to win.

Corinne February 10, 2010 um 2:10 am

I'd love either of these cookbooks. =D

Angela February 10, 2010 um 2:11 am

Guess I'll be looking through the archives for vday inspiration

Stephanie-Oh February 10, 2010 um 2:12 am

I love strawberries and you photo is so life like , I felt I could reach through the screen and grab the bowl! I'm a baker and love to bake sourdough bread. I have some dough raising as we speak. But either book would be a delight to win. Stephanie

ash street February 10, 2010 um 2:15 am

I have always admired your blog from afar, in search of creative links and inspiration as an aspiring pastry cook. I feel as I have grown in skill and experience my appreciation of your work has grown and see in it different things then before…Its funny when the things you want to aspire to in life mimic the same continual appreciation as a favorite book you read as a child.
I don't know what compelled me to write this. As we all know jobs are scarce these days and it really makes you reevaluate the reasons why you are so passionate about things that give no tangible reward.
This blog is one of those reason I love to bake. Times are tough in the foodery field but, I'll keep trying! Thank you!!

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 2:19 am

Even empty handed it was worth stopping by.

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 2:21 am

It must be hard to part with some of your book collection but I'm sure you will feel slightly less cluttered around you and also get pleasure from knowing that you will have made one person feel like a 'winner'!!

Baked Alaska February 10, 2010 um 2:23 am

Hope you're able to get some rest soon!

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 2:24 am

I'd welcome either book in my collection. Hope your busy week goes smoothly!

(rachel) February 10, 2010 um 2:24 am

Wow, both cookbooks look amazing! I'm always in the market for another cookbook (or two)…:)

Deanne February 10, 2010 um 2:28 am

Love your blog. Just found it and have been reading past entries to catch up! Great find!

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 2:31 am

that picture is so gorgeous!

linda February 10, 2010 um 2:33 am

this sounds so exciting & what a wonderful creative journey for you tartlette!
we will miss you but totally understand…&…
when you are able we will be here to read your wonderful & inspiring blog! thank you for including me in this giveaway! 🙂

Julie February 10, 2010 um 2:34 am

Love your site! Hope I win!!!

Kannada Cuisine February 10, 2010 um 2:34 am

Love ur food styling and photographs!!
love to have either of the books 🙂

Chrissy Farnan Hoot Designs February 10, 2010 um 2:35 am

Your photos are grand. I would love a cookbook for new tasty creations to try. ~ Chrissy

marj February 10, 2010 um 2:38 am

I can live on desserts alone…yummy!

Mercè February 10, 2010 um 2:40 am

Hi Helen,
Thanks for this great giveaway!
Enjoy your work!

Otava February 10, 2010 um 2:41 am

With your amazing posts and gorgeous pictures and sumptuous recipes, I'm sure no one begrudges you a little time to breathe now and then! And if it involves a give-away, then there can't possibly be any complaints!

I've got to tell you, I used your mouth-watering pictures to make myself a little calendar…in which I keep an exercise diary. A little ironic, no? 🙂

Jane February 10, 2010 um 2:44 am


Julie February 10, 2010 um 2:45 am

i love your site…i can't help but bookmark every recipe! can't wait until the next one. thanks for the giveaway!

The Atheist Cartographer February 10, 2010 um 2:45 am

Those books certainly look quite fabulous! That said, I totally sympathize with you–I've been falling asleep dreaming of beautifully plated desserts when the reality is leftovers three times a day when I even have the time/energy to eat.

Terri. February 10, 2010 um 2:55 am

I do not have either cookbook. I love, love, love your website!!!

CJ {Pink Tea} February 10, 2010 um 2:55 am

You take such lovely photos. Looking at today's shot just makes me smile. Now I'm daydreaming about warm days and strawberry season. Thank you!

Angie February 10, 2010 um 2:56 am

I love cookbooks! And strawberries are a close second 🙂

Sweet C's February 10, 2010 um 3:09 am

Everyone needs a break, and you certainly deserve one. I too wish I was more organized. Love your blog. It's nice to follow someone who also lives in the Lowcountry.

h. February 10, 2010 um 3:11 am


I love your blog. It's always so pretty and inspiring. I'm always planning ahead and bookmarking desserts that suit a particular person for their birthday. But I love your savory recipes too (mmm…roasted vegetable soup).

h. February 10, 2010 um 3:13 am


your blog is so beautiful and inspiring. I'm always planning ahead and bookmarking dessert recipes perfect for each individual's birthday treat. But I also love your savory recipes (mmm…roasted vegetable soup).

Shawn February 10, 2010 um 3:18 am

I love your blog! Am hoping to get lucky. 🙂

kbenco February 10, 2010 um 3:19 am

I enjoy your blog, and my whole family adores your macaroons.
I would like to enter your give away, desserts are my favourite part of a meal!

shawn February 10, 2010 um 3:19 am

I love your blog! Hoping to get lucky. 🙂

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 3:21 am

I really enjoy reading cookbooks. They give me inspiration.

lynnquiltsalot February 10, 2010 um 3:22 am

Those strawberries look scrumptious; thanks for the reminder of summer days. We're experiencing a snowstorm right now. Love your blog.

Evelyn February 10, 2010 um 3:23 am

Hi Helen,

Everytime I need inspiration I look towards your blog!

As a mum of school age children, I often need to bake for school fund-raising and I always look for something other than a cupcake recipe.

Your blog has given me heaps of ideas!!

Thankyou and look forward to your next creative adventure in the culinary world!

Debby February 10, 2010 um 3:23 am

Hi , love your blog and recipes! Also, I love cookbooks, any kind!!

Micco February 10, 2010 um 3:26 am

I like that you would rather have your books go to a happy home than gather dust. I think that's the right attitude to have towards books – cookbooks or otherwise.

Jessica February 10, 2010 um 3:31 am

Those strawberries look too red for this time of year. I can't wait til my strawberry plants start to bloom and fruit. I want strawberries really badly now!

Ristina February 10, 2010 um 3:32 am

Unforgettable Desserts is on my wish list on Amazon! I love that book dearly… almost as much as I love you photos! Keep up the AMAZING work!

Tummywise February 10, 2010 um 3:35 am

I would love to have either to bake or cook from. I just love cookbooks!

MelissaJane February 10, 2010 um 3:37 am

Lovely photograph.

Melissa February 10, 2010 um 3:37 am

What a fun giveaway! Love your blog. 🙂

Atidthan Sangsawang February 10, 2010 um 3:43 am

I'm always a fan of your blog. Thanks for all the recipes, which give the opportunity for people in my town to taste varieties of desserts. And I love all of your photos,what an inspiration!
Cheers, Atidthan (Thailand)

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 3:48 am

Yes please on the strawberries! Oh, books you say? Unforgettable Desserts would be cherished and dusted in flour many times over here.

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 3:49 am

I love cookbooks…

Essie February 10, 2010 um 3:50 am

I would love to win a cookbook.

Laura February 10, 2010 um 3:52 am

Yay, cookbooks! I just recently found your blog. One of my favorite food bloggers, Shauna Ahern, directed me here when she showcased the cookbook for Haiti on her blog! I'm impressed! Thank you for writing and cooking!

Jen Jen February 10, 2010 um 3:53 am

You have an awesome blog! And it's even more awesome…awesomer? that you host free giveaways! LOVE YOUR BLOG~ SO PRETTIFUL!! =), not an actual work but very popular among us kids.

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 3:59 am

Haven't commented in ages, but figured it was worth it to win one of those books!

SF50 February 10, 2010 um 4:00 am

Thanks for making time for a giveaway within all the madness! Love the strawberry shot.

Sara Tea February 10, 2010 um 4:03 am

I'm a cook book junkie!
Those are bea-u-t-i-f-u-l strawberries!!! February 10, 2010 um 4:04 am

Looks like two great books.

Janice February 10, 2010 um 4:06 am

i love cookbooks… it would be awesome to win.

tammy February 10, 2010 um 4:10 am

Let me enter!! I love cookbooks!

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 4:10 am

i absolutely LAV your site. loveitloveit.
recently i tried your fraise tagada macaron mystery and EPICALLY FAILED. haha, thanks for the site and everything though!

(i would love either cookbooks!)

Jif February 10, 2010 um 4:17 am

I'm addicted to your blog. Want to make the caramel banana tart so bad.

Felicia February 10, 2010 um 4:17 am

I love your site! Your recipes are amazing, but I especially love your photography!

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 4:20 am

These cookbooks look great!

MeLDe February 10, 2010 um 4:29 am

Ohh it's great ! I love your blogsite, with great recipes and beautiful pics

Tyler & Erin Johnson February 10, 2010 um 4:31 am

I'm new to your blog but I'm amazed by you macarons. They look incredible!

Cathy February 10, 2010 um 4:34 am

Hi there
Thanks for the opportunity to WIN
I agree 2am is the pittts

Lindsay February 10, 2010 um 4:35 am

I absolutely love the photo. Makes me wish that strawberries were in season here. Yum!

Anonymous February 10, 2010 um 4:35 am

Helen, I made your grapefruit/tea nummy again this weekend. I must have made it 15 times since November, and it is always a hit! This time was blood oranges, pummelo, and pomegranate seeds. Thank you so much for such a healthy, beautiful treat!

Unknown February 10, 2010 um 4:37 am

bread and dessert. mmmm wonderful.

Lisa | Authentic Suburban Gourmet February 10, 2010 um 4:37 am

Love your site! Would love either book. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

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