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Lemon And Yogurt Scones And Unexpected Finds

Marcela is finally here, safe and radiant from her stay in Seattle and New York, ready to chill under the Southern sun. After many late night chats on Yahoo with Lisa over the past year or so, it is a blast to finally laugh in person instead of in front of the computer and discover the many facets of Argentina through her experiences and her eyes. As the nerds that we are, we spent most of the evening of her arrival Tuesday on Google earth checking out the country with the perfect guide. Today was spent downtown Charleston with us showing her some of our favorite places, streets, parks, etc… but I will get to that a little bit later.

After my post admitting that I was a clafoutis fanatic, going as far as eating it everyday, I stumbled on a great looking scone post by Julie of A Mingling Of Tastes. Her blog is one of my regular reads where I get my fix of yummy breakfast ideas, and after many weeks of thinking I ought to make scones again, because after all we do like them, she timely tempted me with these Lemon Buttermilk Scones with Currants. With Marce coming in town I figured it was high time I baked scones again and changed the clafoutis routine a bit. I liked her recipe a great deal but I had to adapt given the raisin hater I have in the house (B. who is by the way loving having two women cooking up a storm in the kitchen right now!!) and use the supplies I accumulate and only get around to use like Goji berries and pearl sugar (regular and brown, also found as rock candy or rock sugar). He still won’t go for the Goji berries as they look too similar to raisins but the scones sprinkled with sugar are already disappearing 3 at a time. If I catch him in the jar of dulce the leche that Marcela brought me….arghhhh!

For the scones I used a mix of whole wheat and all purpose flour and replaced the buttermilk with yogurt, same tang and creamier texture. I like to pat, roll and cut dough a lot so I went for round scones instead of wedges, plus there is more space for jam to be spread (or my dulce de leche). We fell in love with these and I may not need to attend a 12 step program for my clafoutis habit after all, although I feel it won’t be long before we can have a plum or a peach one for breakfast soon.

Lemon And Yogurt Scones, various toppings and add-ins:

Printable Recipe

1 3/4 cup all purpose flour

3/4 cup whole wheat flour

2 Tb granulated sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup plain yogurt

1 large egg

6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter

1/3 cup goji berries (optional, use raisins if desired)

1 tablespoon lemon zest

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flours, sugar, baking powder and salt in the bowl of a food processor and pulse several times to blend. Add the chilled butter, cut in small chunks and pulse until the mixture resembles pea size crumbs. In a large bowl, whisk the egg, yogurt and lemon zest. Add the dry ingredients and the goji berries to the egg mixture and stir just until moistened. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead into a ball. Pat or roll the dough out to about 1 to 1 1/4-inch thick. With a 3 inch cookie cutter dipped in flour, cut the dough into 10 and place on a parchment lined baking sheet, about 2 inches apart. Brush with a little milk and bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden brown. If you use pearl or rock sugar, sprinkle that on top of the scones after the brushing of milk so they adhere to the top better.

Unexpected sightings in Charleston or when to look high and when to look low: I guess I walk the streets downtown with a purpose and never the one to just look and breathe in the scenery. Well not after today when Marcela and I found dozens of Loquat trees downtown. We met a nice English gentleman who threw his hat up on the tree and made a couple fall in our hands. We almost knock on somebody’s door to see if we could harvest theirs since they seemed to be left to rot on the tree. What a shame! Loquats are the perfect balance of sweet and sour in one bite. I have to check with a couple of people if they have one of those trees close by otherwise I am coming back at night with my ladder and basket….

The second unexpected find of the day was bushes after bushes of wild blackberries in the woods in front of our house. I gathered a few at different ripening stage just to compare and was stunned to hear B. say "Oh yeah, the twins have been gathering them like crazy and I mowed a whole row on the side of the yard"….

"You what?!!!! Malheureux (crazy fool)…do you know what blackberries cost and here they grow wild?!!"

Last but not least, above is what my eye catches when I am leisurely walking the streets downtown. Missing shutters on a house where only the hook testifies of its previous existence. Circles in the middle of intricate wrought iron gates. It is just a circle…but to me it was a circle with a day off in the company of a friend.

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Cannelle Et Vanille May 1, 2008 um 9:35 am

How wonderful that you have finally met and are enjoying each other’s company. And how wonderful that you are rediscovering Charleston with Marcela’s help. So jealous! Oh yes, and the scones with goji berries… oh my, I love them! My dessert after dinner for the last few months has been chocolate goji berries… almost a whole bag in 2 days. and they are not cheap! Thanks for sharing this and enjoy the rest of her stay!

Anonymous May 1, 2008 um 11:03 am

Ah scones… is there anything better for breakfast (or afternoon tea)? Have a wonderful visit!

Vanillaorchid May 1, 2008 um 11:52 am

Your scones are fantastics and I love the size and shape that you made. Perfect!!

Such a wonderful time that you met in person the one you chat and laugh on computer for long times. I had this experience as well and now we turn to be close friends although we live far to each other.

Vanillaorchid May 1, 2008 um 11:52 am

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Ginny May 1, 2008 um 12:03 pm

A new scone recipe! Wonderful! Enjoy your time exploring Charleston with a new set of eyes! Have fun!

Manggy May 1, 2008 um 12:07 pm

Malheureux indeed!!! (Kidding!) I would LOVE for blackberries to grow wild here. Let it take over the plants I don’t like, haha.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a scone. I suddenly got a craving!

I can’t wait to see how you do a plum clafoutis (but you can take your time, seeing as there’s been a lot of clafoutivity going on lately)… I can’t imagine how they won’t give up all their juices and make the entire sing soupy and soggy.

Anonymous May 1, 2008 um 1:09 pm

Those scones look great, if you couldn’t tell by my header, I looove scones. Thanks for the little mini tour of Charleston, it looks like a charming city.

LizNoVeggieGirl May 1, 2008 um 1:15 pm

gorgeous scones + fabulous time with friends + great finds in Charleston = perfect times for you, Helen! :0)

Memaw's memories May 1, 2008 um 1:18 pm

The scones look great. And I love the pictures.

I’ve never heard of goji berries, but since I started reading a lot of food blogs, I’m finding a lot of things I’ve never heard of before.

LyB May 1, 2008 um 1:25 pm

That last sentence got to me, "a day off in the company of a friend", such a nice way to put things. You are indeed lucky to have wild blackberries near your house, it’s fun to find those little surprises!

Brilynn May 1, 2008 um 1:43 pm

Blackberries look wonderful!

I saw those scones on Julie’s site and wanted to make them too!

RecipeGirl May 1, 2008 um 1:57 pm

How fun to be able to hang out and cook with another blogger!

The blackberries would indeed be a treasure to find. And your scones… they look lovely 🙂

Julie May 1, 2008 um 3:16 pm

Oh my god, I feel like a celebrity. My scones are "tempting?!" If Helen said it, it must be true:) And I knew I’d learn something if you posted a scone recipe–I never knew if yogurt was an acceptable substitute for buttermilk…seems like it would be, but now I know for sure, and I can’t wait to try it. Do you recommend lowfat, full fat…is greek yogurt a good idea? They look great!

Anonymous May 1, 2008 um 4:44 pm

I love scones, and feel the urge to bake – again!

Anonymous May 1, 2008 um 5:54 pm

Hi Helen! Yes indeed…a berry bush is such a treasure 🙂 Love your scones, btw. We have them with clotted cream and jam 🙂

That Girl May 1, 2008 um 6:01 pm

I am SO jealous of your blackberries!

Lori May 1, 2008 um 6:01 pm

I havent made scones in a while! Great idea. You always get me interested in another food…goji berries.

Would love to be walking around Charleston with you two! What fun. Its very nice of you to share your stories and pics.

Anonymous May 1, 2008 um 6:35 pm

How I would love to visit Charleston, how very lucky you are! Great shots of architecture, I love seeing those unexpected little pieces of eye candy.

MyKitchenInHalfCups May 1, 2008 um 7:17 pm

A glorious visit with such a friend should have a wonderful circle around it!
Scones look beautiful, I love the sugar! And I need to find my own jar of dulce de leche!
Old things are new through new eye!
Enjoy it all!

Cookie baker Lynn May 1, 2008 um 8:21 pm

I came here today to browse and see if you had any good scone posts up. Thank you! You never disappoint.

It sounds like you and Marcela (and B) are having a wonderful time!

Tarah at Genesis of a Cook May 1, 2008 um 10:03 pm

Mmm, looks good :]

Bron May 1, 2008 um 10:19 pm

Ahh yes we have wild brambles / blackberries growing in the woodland next to our property too. They’re delightfully big and juicy this year, I didn’t know there were varieties that fruit in spring too, ours are Autumn only!

Anonymous May 1, 2008 um 11:03 pm

they look delicious, I love warm scones with cream cheese and I like them for breakfast too

Peabody May 2, 2008 um 12:17 am

Glad you are having fun with Marcela…she was a sweetheart.
Scones look mighty good.

SteamyKitchen May 2, 2008 um 1:50 am

I say bring a step stool and cherry picker claw with you on walks!

Mama Mia May 2, 2008 um 4:49 am

The scones look amazing. You have a great eye, wonderful photos!

Susan @ SGCC May 2, 2008 um 5:37 am

The scones look wonderful! Perfect with your morning coffee. I’m so jealous of your wild blackberries. I would kill for those!

Anonymous May 2, 2008 um 11:53 am

Not only do the scones look heavenly but so does my city! I am right around the corner from you and have not walked downtown in ages. You have left me homesick and hungry!!!

Inne May 2, 2008 um 3:28 pm

The scones look yummy Helen. Hope you and Marce have a great time – Charleston looks lovely btw!

Unknown May 2, 2008 um 3:40 pm

Looks beautiful; a nice morning treat.

Hey, Ms. Tartlette, do you take challenges? When I was reading through all your recipes, especially now that you have demystified macarons for me, I would love to see your take on a dacquoise.

Unknown May 2, 2008 um 4:00 pm

Oh! I’m so excited. My sister lives in Charleston and I’m getting on an airplane this afternoon to visit. Your post has made me even more excited! Plus the scones look amazing. Everything always does! I’ve gotten some of my favorite recipes (cannelles!) from your blog.

Anonymous May 2, 2008 um 4:55 pm

I’m jealous. Will you take me on a tour of Charleston too? or do I have to come and recite prose under your balcony first? 🙂

"O' tartelette my tartelette,
I imagine you très coquette,
And i’m certain you are très chouette,
In front of you I feel un peu bête."

Ummm.. I think I’ll stick to scones and jelly. I’m no Cyrano! Hehe 😉

Deborah May 2, 2008 um 5:44 pm

Your scones sound absolutely perfect!!

Bridal Magic May 2, 2008 um 5:48 pm

I saw this photo on Flickr and had to come read about it on your blog. The scones look so delish! And your blog is quite literally, eye candy!

Melita May 2, 2008 um 8:04 pm

As always, I love your post and pictures! Scones look delish!
Great finds, especially blackberries! I hate to pay for them now, when I was growing up they were growing like mad everywhere, I used to make jam. Yummy!
So nice you met your friend in person – glad you had nice time!

PheMom May 3, 2008 um 2:53 am

Oh how fun! I love your blackberry discovery!

Anonymous May 3, 2008 um 5:22 am

I would give just about anything for those berries, but alas, it won’t be prime season for them up here for another 3 months or so..!

Anonymous May 3, 2008 um 10:38 am

Sure sounds like you are having tons of fun! I can really picture that kitchen these days.

Did you check your dulce the leche jar? Just a thought 😉

Sheltie Girl May 3, 2008 um 1:35 pm

I’m always on the look out for flavorful breakfast foods. Breakfast is our most favorite meal together. So, we like to eat it anytime of the day together. These scones are simply lovely and I can just imagine the aroma. I hope you and Marcella are having a wonderful time together.

Natalie @ Gluten a Go Go

Faery May 3, 2008 um 9:51 pm

wow these scones look so good. Helen, please visit my blog there is a surprise for you.

Lizzie May 4, 2008 um 1:55 am

Hi, I’m "new" to your blog, but when I saw a recipe for scones, I pounced. Anyways, they came out great, and I just had to send a very gracious thank-you your way!!

Chris May 5, 2008 um 12:37 am

Yum. I haven’t made scones in…forever! I am not sure why because they are always a crowd pleaser. 🙂 Love this recipe. And they look so cute in the poka-dot dish!

Anonymous May 8, 2008 um 8:01 pm

the scones look delicious, you are a good chef and photograph too.Thanks for sharing so many interesting recipes. I would like to eat all.

Y May 8, 2008 um 10:29 pm

I saw some blackberries growing wild when I was in Northern Ireland and was so excited that I started taking hundreds of photos, though to everyone else who was with me (locals) it was more like some big bushy weed.

Erin May 14, 2008 um 12:02 pm

I loved reading about your exciting finds. Now I feel like taking a leisurely walk, and keeping my eyes open. Sounds fun.
And the scones look wonderful.
(-Erin at Sisters Cafe)

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