S' Mores Doughnuts
By the lack of postings one could wonder if I ever came down from the high that BlogHer Food and San Francisco. I did. I actually gave myself one day to catch up and crashed hard on Wednesday evening. Responsibilities hit me up again the following day. I love that work is insane and insanely good. I don’t like that it keeps me away from here this much. I definitely rely on a 4 o’clock break complete with cookies and milk. Or as it was the case this week, doughnuts and hot chocolate!
I am not one to be afraid of deep frying but I certainly am one to shy away from making doughnuts that often. I know I will end up eating too many. Right out of the hot oil. Almost. Perfectly brown. Crisp and soft. Lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar. Simple is always best but there is a place and time to venture out in baking. Especially when it comes to doughnuts. S’Mores Doughnut specifically.
Thanks to Lara Ferroni and her book "Doughnuts: Simple and Delicious Recipes to Make at Home", I only have to sit there and pick the next one. I know for having been part of her testing panel that all the recipes have been seriously and thoroughly discussed, dissected and perfected. I could not have possibly tested them all and started making a list of the ones to bake once her book would be out. S’mores doughnuts of course, but also Apple Cider, Creme Brulees, Sopapillas, Loukoumades, Carrot Cake…there is literally a doughnut and a glaze for every friend you have.
You get it. I liked the book. A lot. The doughs, the glazes, the fillings. The regulars like Basic Raised Yeast doughnuts, the basic cake, the chocolate version. And a impeccable gluten free version. Maple glaze, bourbon, caramel, chocolate. There four pages of these for your belly’s delights. See? Not kidding when I tell you there something for everyone.
If you are into visuals, Lara’s book is truly the proverbial feast for your eyes. And how could it be otherwise with Lara’s talent as a photographer and stylist. Knowing what goes into a shoot when working/acting as a single agent, from the shopping, cooking, styling, photographing, all the way to post processing, you can tell that Lara poured her heart and perfectionism into this book.
It shows. It’s fun, it’s straight foward, it’s generous in details and instructions and it’s quirky at times. Much like Lara…
So far this week, I made the Gluten Free Raised Doughnuts with a citrus glaze and the S’Mores Doughnuts. Wish I had not ran out of gluten free flours when I decided to make these but from the look on B’s face as he chowed through a couple, I know I must make them again this week! Stay tuned for another doughnut post…Both versions of the basic yeasted doughnut were equally easy to work with and very close in texture which is no small order in gluten free baking. That makes me very very happy for the rest of the recipes in the book.
Bravo Lara! Hard work pays off, period. Wishing your book plenty of sweet and delicious success! I am honored everyday by your friendship and generosity.
S’Mores Doughnuts (reprinted with Lara’s permission)
Makes 8 to 12
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, divided
10 graham crackers, finely crushed
2 teaspoons superfine sugar
1 batch Basic Raised dough (recipe follows)
1 tablespoon milk or water
twelve 1-ounce squares milk or dark chocolate
48 mini marshmallows
Stir together 3 tablespoons of the melted butter, graham crackers and sugar. Cover and set aside.
Prepare the dough as directed through the proofing stage. Roll the dough to just a bit more than 1/4 -inch thick. Cut into 3-inch diameter rounds. Roll out half of the rounds to about a 3 1/4-inch diameter. To assemble, lightly brush each wider round with the milk or water and place a square of chocolate and 4 mini marshmallows in the center of each. Top with the smaller rounds and lightly pinch to seal. Then recut with the same cutter to seal the edges.
Fry the doughnuts as directed and let cool for only 3 minutes. Brush each doughnut with a little melted butter, then dip into the graham cracker mixture. Serve immediately.
Basic Raised Dough:
3 tablespoons (22grams) active dry yeast, divided
1 cup of whole milk, heated to 110ºF, divided
2 to 2 1/2 cups bread flour, divided
2 tablespoons (30 grams) superfine sugar
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 egg yolks
½ stick (4 tablespoons / 2 oz) unsalted butter or vegetable shortening
vegetable oil for frying
In a medium bowl, dissolve 2 tablespoons of the yeast into ¾ cup of the milk. Add ¾ cup of flour and stir to create a smooth paste. Cover and let rest in a warm spot for 30 minutes.
Combine the remaining milk and yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Add the rested flour mixture along with the sugar, salt, vanilla, and egg yolks. Mix until smooth. Turn off the mixer and add ½ cup of the remaining flour. Mix on low for about 30 seconds. Add the butter and mix until it becomes incorporated, about 30 seconds. Switch to a dough hook and add more flour, about ¼ cup at a time with the mixer turned off, kneading the dough at medium speed between additions, until the dough pulls completely away from the sides of the bowl and is smooth and not too sticky. It will be very soft and moist, but not so sticky that you can’t roll it out. You may have flour left over. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (and up to 12 hours).
Line a baking sheet with a lightly floured non-terry dish towel. Roll out the dough on a slightly floured surface to ½ inch thick. With a doughnut or cookie cutter (can use a glass, too) cut out 3-inch-diameter rounds with 1-inch-diameter holes (for filled doughnuts, don’t cut out the holes).
Place the doughnuts on the baking sheet at least 1 inch apart and cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in a warm spot to proof until they almost double in size, 5 to 20 minutes, testing at five-minute intervals. To test whether the dough is ready, touch lightly with a fingertip. If it springs back immediately, it needs more time. If it springs back slowly, it is ready. If it does not spring back at all, it has overproofed; no worries- you can punch it down and re-roll it once.
While the doughnuts are proofing, heat a heavy-bottomed pot with at least 2 inches of oil until a thermometer registers 360F. With a metal spatula, carefully place the doughnuts in the oil. Fry for 1 to 2 minutes per side or until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain on a wire rack over a paper towel, and let cool before glazing.
Disclosure: the book was sent by Lara’s publisher as a thank you for being one of her recipe testers.
Jessica @ How Sweet October 18, 2010 um 3:27 pm
I don't think I've ever seen anything that looks this delicious. I absolutely love the s'mores "flavor." What a fabulous treat!
Julie @ Willow Bird Baking October 18, 2010 um 3:39 pm
AGHHH I think I just died and went to Heaven! These look amazing!
Nick (Macheesmo) October 18, 2010 um 3:45 pm
Wow. These are outstanding looking. I really need to get my but to Blogher next year.
Luisa Morón October 18, 2010 um 3:46 pm
Se ve delicioso y las fotos estupendas. Bss.
Elana October 18, 2010 um 3:46 pm
I'm officially hungry. For donuts!
m October 18, 2010 um 3:56 pm
Ahhh, I just had Cupkate's smores cupcakes this weekend, so smores are definitely on my mind. This looks perfect!
Salt Lake Sugar October 18, 2010 um 4:09 pm
What a perfect treat for fall weather! So inspiring. :)ac
DSdiva October 18, 2010 um 4:19 pm
I like very much your photos and recipes!Lovely blog!
Recently I made for the first time baked donuts, homemade are fantastic!
Congrats 🙂
New Kitch on the Blog October 18, 2010 um 4:28 pm
They look divine! I sooo wish I could have one of them right now.
Beth October 18, 2010 um 4:38 pm
Wow!! These look great and sounds like they are very doable. Kinda reminds me of luxury camping. Ha Ha Love your beautiful post as usual. B
The Bella Life October 18, 2010 um 5:02 pm
S'Mores Doughnuts? Genius!
The chocolate filled center is causing my stomach to talk – oh how I wish I had all the ingredients on hand. *Sigh*
Ashley October 18, 2010 um 5:10 pm
Amazing! I need to get my hands on the book. I've been waiting for it to be published for so long. So what am I waiting for?!
Beautiful donuts. I love the ingredients shot in this post. You show that shadows can be a wonderful addition to a photo and not just a nuisance. Lovely as usual.
Heather Baird October 18, 2010 um 5:13 pm
Those look incredible!!
Marina October 18, 2010 um 5:53 pm
They look delicious! And I really like your blog by the way 🙂
Nina Timm October 18, 2010 um 5:57 pm
Today my post was inspired and linked to you. Looking at this, I will have to dedicate a whole page on my site to Tartlette inspired recipes. Brilliant Helene!!
Lucy October 18, 2010 um 7:26 pm
I love the idea of turning classic smores into a doughnut. What's more, I love that these look so delicious!
julie @ rosy + tart October 18, 2010 um 8:10 pm
Oh my gosh, these look absolutely incredible. I think I might need to put on my fat pants before I start making these though… just in case. 🙂
Gen October 18, 2010 um 8:27 pm
Hum! Parfait pour le goûter!
Uni Korn October 18, 2010 um 9:06 pm
Are these still good once they have cooled off or are they only as good as they look if you eat them warm? Thanks!
Taz October 18, 2010 um 9:31 pm
wow, these sound incredible! Beautiful as always!
SMITH BITES October 18, 2010 um 10:12 pm
GASP!!! I just showed the photos to The Professor who said, 'You should not have even showed me that – that's not fair!' And you know what? He's right!
Unknown October 18, 2010 um 11:29 pm
I am proofing my dough right now and think the 'Basic Sugar Glaze' did not follow.
As always, Thank you and your friend Lara.
Helene October 18, 2010 um 11:45 pm
Marina: that's because I did not use it, per Lara's recommendations. I was afraid it's be too sweet with the chocolate and marshmallows already.
Casper: the longer they cool the harder the chocolate becomes in the center so it's a question of taste really and how you'd prefer them.
Emily October 19, 2010 um 12:44 am
These sound incredible!
Colleen October 19, 2010 um 1:09 am
Yum!! I've been following your blog since July, and I've searched through the entire thing. Such an incredible talent!
sabra October 19, 2010 um 1:51 am
What can I say – that donut is just so cute!
♥peachkins♥ October 19, 2010 um 3:30 am
my dream donut!
notyet100 October 19, 2010 um 12:28 pm
yummy yum,..
bunkycooks October 19, 2010 um 12:42 pm
I can just imagine how good these must be. I also avoid making anything fried, but these might have to make an appearance in my kitchen at some point soon.
Sally – My Custard Pie October 19, 2010 um 12:59 pm
It's strange, I was thinking while driving today about making doughnuts. I'd rather I fried the doughnuts and bought the ingredients than Krispy Kreme or DD – who knows what nasties lurk? I am going to send this link to my 12 year old daughter as a bribe for doing her homework. She's liable to do anything I ask her with these as a promise!
carol October 19, 2010 um 1:40 pm
olá!!parabéns!!receita deliciosa,e pratica..sua fã
Jenn October 19, 2010 um 2:41 pm
Um … wow!!! I've never made doughnuts at home before. I'm from Canada where Tim Horton's sour cream glazed doughnuts were my treat of choice. I may have to snoop through one of those cookbooks! Thanks for posting!!
Amelia PS October 19, 2010 um 5:37 pm
a puffy and dense bite full of memories from campfires!!!
Patricia Scarpin October 19, 2010 um 5:45 pm
What an ingenious idea, Helen! Can't wait to try these myself. Lara is truly an inspiration, has been since my beginning as a food blogger. Just like you.
pilar October 19, 2010 um 6:39 pm
mmmm…looks great! thanks so much for sharing. Are these GF? what mix of flour you used? thanks !!
Barbara | VinoLuciStyle October 19, 2010 um 6:44 pm
You had me at s'mores! I've never made donuts but am now certainly tempted. My daughter could not wait when I got a little deep fryer (is that an oxymoron?) to make this treat she had seen.
Wrap chocolate chips inside biscuit dough from the can and fry in little balls. I will have to tell her next time to add some marshmallow and roll per your recipe. Might not be as fabulous but an easy treat for her and her friends; great idea.
Unknown October 19, 2010 um 9:27 pm
They came out delicious. Not as beautiful and picture worthy as yours but perfect nonetheless. Hard to stop eating.
PS Your friend Lara's page is very nice too.
Baking Monster October 19, 2010 um 11:35 pm
These look perfect for a twist of flavor of doughnut on halloween night!
Sue October 20, 2010 um 12:58 am
Would you please tell me how to make the yeasted doughnuts gluten free? Thank you.
Helene October 20, 2010 um 1:48 am
Sue: that will be coming in a later post. Thanks!
Unknown October 20, 2010 um 2:18 am
That is utterly heavenly. I could eat the whole batch.
Intolerant Chef October 20, 2010 um 6:49 am
Gluten free Donuts!!! Please hurry and post this recipe!!! Yumm…
boogie October 20, 2010 um 8:52 am
you are officially a genius in my book!
Heidi – Apples Under My Bed October 20, 2010 um 12:48 pm
Wow, the book sounds sinfully delicious! I love it 🙂 Doughnuts are incredibly addictive. My fav is simple cinnamon sugar italian doughnuts, yum!
Heidi xo
Joy! October 20, 2010 um 5:24 pm
I've been reading your blog for quite some time. Honestly speaking, your pictures, your food are so lovely. You're such a great inspiration and thank you for all those wonderful recipes! Keep up the good work!
Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer October 20, 2010 um 5:55 pm
That smore's doughnut looks so good. I never would have thought of something like that. I have been charged with deserts for a halloween party and I think I am going to try to do these. They look fantastic.
Brenna [fabuleuxdestin] October 20, 2010 um 6:33 pm
YUM! Must try asap!
Notes from Holly St. October 20, 2010 um 8:26 pm
yummm…i am now craving hot chocolate AND donuts. I'm in trouble..
Mariko October 20, 2010 um 9:30 pm
Holy cow, you are totally speaking my language.
Anonymous October 20, 2010 um 10:40 pm
Your doughnuts looks wonderful! I bought Lara's book last week. You are so kind to let me know I'm not the only one going through her recipes. S-mores doughnuts are on my list. I've been doing her recipes using almond or hazelnut milk and I was thinking of using Nutella with marshmallow for this one. You just bumped apple cider, Picarones and creme brulee doughnuts 😉 Let me know if you start a "(pick a day) with Lara" and we all do one of her recipes. I need to collect the ingredients for her gluten free dough.
m October 21, 2010 um 6:38 am
WOW….these pictures are dazzling!! ♥ your blog! Can you tell me what camera you use? Feel free to visit/join mine!
Angharad October 21, 2010 um 6:06 pm
I've never even made normal doughnuts and this makes me want to immediately jump the original and make these! So beautiful and they.sound.ridiculous!
Pretty. Good. Food. October 21, 2010 um 6:40 pm
Great recipe, sounds delicious 🙂 Who doesn't love donuts and s'mores?!!!
Mallory Elise October 21, 2010 um 7:58 pm
it's like a love hate relationship making something with wheat flour; one it usually makes me feel sick but then it such a nice feeling to see someone enjoy it, but then i get jealous again and have to lie down from the fumes 😛 i made your chocolate truffle tart last weekend for a dinner party for like the 4th time so at least im not jealous/in need of dessert right now…it satisfies you for a week after eating it 😀
Mglòria October 21, 2010 um 8:37 pm
A mi ya me ha llegado el libro de Lara Ferroni!
Pero me faltan dias para hacer todos los donuts!!!
Felicidades, me encanta tu blog y te invito a conocer el mio.
Mglòria de Gourmenderies
Tolana October 21, 2010 um 11:42 pm
I found your blog today via a link on another blog. I just read your "About" page and I want to say thank you. I also have Meniere's Disease and have found that staying away from gluten is a huge help. Thank you because my doctors think I am crazy and say there is no link. I am so glad to see there is someone else out there who also experiences relief by going gluten-free.
By the way, your photographs are beautiful and the food looks amazing!
Maria October 22, 2010 um 3:27 am
the most amazing donuts ever!
marla October 22, 2010 um 3:56 am
I browsed this book at BH Food. It really is gorgeous. I have to agree with the comment above by Ashley- it is so fun to see shadows in your overhead shot. I keep trying to keep them out of my pics but now I am seeing I should rethink that. So pretty.
Anyway-doughnuts are not in the plan anytime soon, but this post might have given me a gentle little push to try them. Mine will be baked. Probably not quite as good-but worth a shot! xo
Congrats to Lara for all of her hard work & beautiful book.
Peggy October 22, 2010 um 1:25 pm
Wow, I don't think I've ever heard of any of those flavor combinations for donuts! I can't wait to find this book!
Georgia | The Comfort of Cooking October 22, 2010 um 3:42 pm
You've got me drooling for these doughnuts, especially since I haven't had breakfast yet! These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Helene!
pizzicato45 October 23, 2010 um 8:17 am
I've been following your blog for quite a while now..these doughnut recipes literally drive me mad as i couldn't decide which one that i wanna make first. so yeah, might as well combining this choco centered with the banana doughnuts! haha..can't wait!
Jessica @ Jessiker Bakes October 23, 2010 um 8:20 pm
I just sighed when I saw this…why!!!!
Doughnuts are going to be on my mind for a while…
♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ October 27, 2010 um 7:40 pm
Love ur blog, deliciously stunning pics always!!
Am so in love with those cute cups and cuter ceramic spoons, where did ya pick them and what brand are they?
Maybe i can buy them on Amazon:-)
julie October 27, 2010 um 10:23 pm
this is really wonderfull !! thank you !
i invite you to have a look at my blog, it is in french !
Helene October 28, 2010 um 3:40 am
Sugar Plum Fairy: which cute cups? the ones with the chocolate in it? That's from Pier 1 about 3 years ago. The spoons are plastic from Charles&Marie.
Martyna October 28, 2010 um 5:51 am
Ooooh! They look exactly like the doughnuts my great aunt used to make… so delicious, especially with rosehip jam!!! Beautiful photos too 🙂
♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ October 28, 2010 um 6:51 am
Helene, that was quick!!
Thanxx a ton for ur reply!!
Oh yeah the same cups with the spoons, they are plastic ?
They look so good , and i thought they are ceramic or something:-)
Am looking for them @amazon but cant seem to find them , m so in love with them!!
Actually i love lods of stuff from ur pics , u make the pics so stunning and ur props are always gorgeously beautiful!!
Have a wonderful day,
Helene October 28, 2010 um 1:56 pm
Sugar Plum Fairy: that would be because I did not get them from amazon but from Charles&Marie as previously stated. Yes, they are plastic.
The Short (dis)Order Cook October 28, 2010 um 6:38 pm
The first doughnuts I ever made were inspired by this blog. I just love the idea of s'mores doughnuts. This is one happy sugar/fat coma!
Elaina (A Time Out for Mommy) August 29, 2012 um 3:47 am
OMG these look decadent