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French Word A Week – Confiture de Peche

Peach - Vanilla Bean Jam

I realized too late last week that I had forgotten about the "French Word A Week"…again. You’ll have to excuse me, it’s a full, packed and pretty awesome summer. One busy making good use of all the produce around me too. Peach jam especially. Let’s remedy my short term memory lately with this week’s French Words: confiture de peche (click on the words to hear the pronunciation).

Beside working, I must take time to enjoy and make the most of the produce around me and nothing could be quite as perfect right now as South Carolina peaches. Actually, the scent of peach jam in the making while editing pictures or writing is quite distracting. But the wait is oh so worth it!


Making jam always puts me in a great mood. It reminds me so much of the steps my mother and grandmother took each summer to capture the best of what the markets had to offer. I remember afternoons spent dicing apricots, cutting strawberries, peeling oranges. Mounds after mounds of sugar. Hours of stirring and cooking down the fruits.

Everyone has their favorite recipe for jams and preserves, ours was pretty standard. Fruit, sugar, cook until caramelized almost then can. I have ventured out in other methods but I always go back to the same one. Nothing says home to me like the heady aroma of fruits caramelizing on the stove. So far I have turned a 25 pound box of Southern peaches into jars of Peach-Vanilla, Peach-Ginger and Peach-Grand Marnier jams.

Caitlin & Fiance

Nothing made me happier to give a couple to Caitlin from Engineer Baker and her fiance who came for a quick visit this weekend. As a present, I offered to photograph their wedding this coming November and since they recently moved to North Carolina, I welcomed them to come down one weekend so we could do some informal engagement shots and we have been having a blast so far and the weekend is not over yet!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Peach Vanilla Jam:

Makes about 8 cups

3 pounds peaches, peeled, cored and roughly chopped
1.5 pounds sugar
1-2 vanilla bean, cut lengthwise
juice of one lemon

In a large stockpot or Dutch oven, place the peaches, sugar and vanilla bean. Add the lemon juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce to heat and simmer 1-2 hours until the fruit has taken on a dark orange color and is almost caramelized. Make sure to stir every so often to prevent the bottom from burning. Can.
If you add liquor, add as much as you like up to 1/2 cup right before turning the jam off.

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Tickled Red August 14, 2010 um 5:28 pm

Delicious jam. The aroma came floating through on your words. Lovely photo of the happy couple. What a wonderful gift to give them.

Rosa's Yummy Yums August 14, 2010 um 5:43 pm

Lovely shots and delicious jam! Heavenly looking, perfect with some fresh bread.



Lisa | Authentic Suburban Gourmet August 14, 2010 um 6:33 pm

Nothing better than making peach jam in the peak of summer! Your recipe looks fantatic. Tomorrow I am making Strawberry – Rhubarb Jam and I think next weekend is going to be your peach jam. Enjoy the weekend!!!

Amber August 14, 2010 um 6:36 pm

Beatiful confiture de peche! I loove peach jam.

Kelly-Jane August 14, 2010 um 7:03 pm

I love to try different jams that I can't buy, will give both of these a go. How much Grand Marnier do you put in the Peach-Grand Marnier one please?

Gen August 14, 2010 um 7:11 pm

J'adore la confiture de pêche et il me tarde d'en faire! Les photos sont superbes encore une fois, elles me font rêver!

M & M August 14, 2010 um 7:35 pm

Beautiful peaches and the photos… love them all 🙂

Valentina August 14, 2010 um 10:07 pm

One of my favourite fruits. and jam…irresistible.

Y August 14, 2010 um 11:32 pm

Cute photo of the lovely couple 🙂
As for the jam, you've inspired me – when Summer hits here, I'm going to buy a tray of this and that, and make my own jams too.

Helene August 14, 2010 um 11:50 pm

Kelly-Jane: it all depends on how strong you like it, between 2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup.

Jessica @ How Sweet August 15, 2010 um 2:25 am

Delicious jam! Now I will be craving some tomorrow morning.

Unknown August 15, 2010 um 7:49 am

The peach preserve looks gorgeous! I love cooking and baking, but never done canning at home before. Guess that's something I'm afraid to try out and fail! You made it sound so simple that I wanted to give it a try, soon! 🙂 By the way, lovely picture of the couple. Your pictures are always beautiful.

Kelly-Jane August 15, 2010 um 8:18 am

Thank you.

Marinka August 15, 2010 um 10:22 am

I love making jam, this one looks delicious

Gozde August 15, 2010 um 11:29 am

Delicious recipe. Amazing work.
very curious for other two recipes.

bunkycooks August 15, 2010 um 12:47 pm

I have been busy making peach jams as well. I still have about 10 lbs. that I need to do something with today, so this recipe might just be it!

angela@spinachtiger August 15, 2010 um 1:40 pm

Love it and I love those pictures. Lucky friends. I'm sure the wedding pictures will be fantastic.

Jacqueline August 15, 2010 um 2:50 pm

I love the idea of a french word a week, I hate it when they put whole sentences of french in a book and I studied Spanish instead!!! Your jam looks tre delish! The photo of the couple is just gorgeous, wonderful job and I am sure they loved your work and your treat.

heather August 15, 2010 um 6:40 pm

These are just the most beautiful shots. I love that first picture! And that jam looks delicious!

Pallavi August 15, 2010 um 9:55 pm

Awesome work- as usual! LOVE the portrait!

The InTolerant Chef ™ August 15, 2010 um 10:35 pm

I love the idea of vanilla with the jam. Having jars of preserved summer is a rich feeling… full of flavour and memories.

Kristen August 16, 2010 um 2:48 am

I live in Charleston, SC and I have been eating at least 2 peaches a day. I really need to start canning so I can enjoy them in February.

Helene August 16, 2010 um 4:13 am

Kristen: we live in the same city 🙂

DessertForTwo August 16, 2010 um 5:00 am

Yum! Peaches are so good right now! I can't wait to dig out my canning equipment and put some away. Maybe I'll throw a vanilla bean in there…. 🙂

Kare August 16, 2010 um 6:06 am

Timely word! I've got Peach Plum and Apricot Vanilla jams macerating on the stove as I type… yum.

Beautiful photos, as always!

margot August 17, 2010 um 12:22 am

Beautiful peaches and the photos…

zenchef August 17, 2010 um 2:01 am

Your photography never stops getting better, better and better. You are incredible. Just incredible. And so is this confiture de peche, i bet! 🙂

Georgia | The Comfort of Cooking August 17, 2010 um 3:13 am

Absolutely lovely! I'm collecting jam recipes to make for Christmas, and this one will definitely go on my list. Thank you for the beautiful photos and recipe. It's always a pleasure to stop by and see what you've cooked up!

Kitchen M August 17, 2010 um 3:18 am

Beautiful photo! They are lucky to have you as their wedding photographer!

steph- whisk/spoon August 17, 2010 um 1:53 pm

that's great that you took engagement photos for them– beautiful couple and beautiful pictures! bread with salty butter and homemade jam is the best breakfast there is.

Nicolette August 17, 2010 um 3:48 pm

Beautiful jam! When you were canning this jam, how long did you process it? Or was it more of a "I'm going to eat this with friends and family NOW!" project… Thanks!

Humblebee August 17, 2010 um 6:56 pm

This recipe sounds so cozy! Would brown sugar work as well, or is white sugar necessary to the preserving process?

Susan York August 17, 2010 um 11:22 pm

Anxious to try this and love the blog. Thanks for the beautiful photos. Susan

El August 18, 2010 um 1:30 pm

The jam looks wonderful…definitely something I'll want to pry open when there's 3 feet of snow on the ground. The photos are gorgeous too!

Sandra August 19, 2010 um 6:07 pm

Somehow I ended up with a huge bottle of Grand Marnier and I only needed 2 tablespoons for my Margarita Popsicles! So I would dearly love your recipe for Peach-Grand Marnier Jam!! Will you share? Pretty please?

Helene August 19, 2010 um 10:26 pm

Sandra Simmons: I am copying-pasting the comment I left to someone else regarding that: "it all depends on how strong you like it, between 2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup."
…maybe even more if you like it stronger.
Meaning, it is really a question of personal taste given that the some of the alcohol will evaporate.

Jennie August 31, 2010 um 3:24 pm

I made this jam yesterday! (First time to your blog) It turned out great! Used 1 vanilla bean and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Soooo good.
Thanks for posting the deliciousness.

Anonymous September 1, 2010 um 5:17 pm

I'm happy for you to have a grandfather of 100 years, it's fantastic!!!
The post is great,thank you!!!

Unknown November 15, 2010 um 3:21 am

you jam looks delicious and id like to give the ginger peach a go. How much ginger do you suggest i use please? Also do you think it would be really odd if i ask you what you think about persimmon jam?

Helene November 15, 2010 um 7:07 am

rosalie: regarding the ginger, it all depends on how much ginger you like in your recipes usually and how much jam you make. Regarding the persimmon jam, I am not sure what you are looking for in my answer but I don't see why it would not work.


Debbie S. August 8, 2011 um 1:45 am

Hi, I posted a week ago, but don't see it. I would like to make this jam as I have an overloaded peach tree I emptied. Since I didn't hear back regarding my question, I went ahead and froze some peaches to thaw out in a few months and try this recipe out – maybe for Christmas gifts. I'm new to canning and jam making, so forgive me. The jams to which I add pectin and/or boil to seal say a year. With this recipe, do we do anything else after putting it into a jar? Any boiling or other processing? How long will this jam store? Please help.

Debbie S.

Helene August 8, 2011 um 2:13 am

Debbie S: toward the end of the recipe, please click on the hot link "Can", you will be directed to canning directions.

Debbie S. August 8, 2011 um 2:34 am

OK, forgive me for asking again. While new to canning, I have it figured out now thanks to a friend who helped me and successfully canning diced and halved peaches for over 8 hours yesterday in various size containers.

So, if I put in a half-pint jelly/jam jar, do we further process the jam? If so, I guess the same as we process if canning just the peaches? i.e. boil jar in water for 20 minutes, take out and let seal…

Debbie S. August 8, 2011 um 2:34 am

Oh, and how long will this store? I'm guessing the same as other jams – 6 months to a year? Or is this more toward 6 months?

Anonymous August 5, 2012 um 12:01 am

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