Scallops with Roasted Patty Pan Squash
Everyday, every Winter, I am just a bundle of buzz, bliss, excitement and creativity. Everything about the day makes me move about and almost lose myself snapping photographs. The sky is magical this time of year with its every changing shades of blues. The silver and gold reflections of the water in the creek down below. I am constantly amazed at the light offering itself for the taking inside the studio. I lose myself in it as soon as the sun rises on the horizon until far after it is reasonable to admit.
Good thing my love for everything that is magical about Winter and the season is being matched with working on a few projects and chomping away at deadlines. I also love the fact that B. is either grading papers or exams in the room next to mine and through our respective silences, I know our minds are bursting with ideas. He’s constantly re-evaluating his way of doing things and presenting notions and I find myself doing the same in a different way. He is definitely the best mental partner I could have wished for.
Last Sunday morning I was writing on the couch in the studio, proof reading out loud a paragraph I was not completely happy with when B. popped his head in and volunteered to give it a look. We started talking photography and playing around with illustrations for a few chapters for a couple of hours. Before we knew it, we both heard our stomach growl. The light that day was so amazing I wanted to keep on working. But dang we were hungry too! Good thing that shooting food allows me to combine the two.
I wouldn’t normally do anything as fancy as scallops for lunch but it was Sunday after all, a quieter day for the both of us. One we like to make special. I also had been given these scallops the day before by one of the vendors at the farmers market who had just done a catering gig and was left with about two dozens huge scallops. I did not want to wait to cook them and risk being passed their peak for freshness.
Scallops cook fast, so it was the perfect quick lunch to fix while B. was grading a couple more papers. I wanted to include a vegetable side other than salad (they are my typical lunch fare throughout the week), something that would cook quickly too and possibly at the same time. By their mini size, the little patty pan squashes and zucchinis I had picked up at the market the day before were perfect. I actually started with these, just sprinkled with salt and pepper at high heat while I was assembling the scallops which took me less than 15 minutes. Once they were ready to go in, I lowered the oven temperature a bit and in 10 more minutes we had lunch. Special little Sunday lunch with my honey…
I brought everything up while pipping hot and started taking pictures. The smell was so hard to resist that within five minutes we were ready to dig it. A few more snapshots later and we were eating on the couch in my office, holding our plates in our hand and laughing at our actual set up. "I love your job!" Bill said enthusiastically. Yep. So do I!
Sometimes I know what is going to end up on the blog, sometimes I don’t. This lunch was completely unplanned but the resulting dish was too good and easy to keep for ourselves. I am glad I did not wait for a special occasion. The precise moment of just being in that day was special occasion enough.
Now I am wondering what I’ll find at the market for this upcoming Sunday, ehehe….
Have a great weekend!
Scallops With Roasted Patty Pan Squash:
Serves 4
Notes: For this dish, I counted we ate about 5 scallops each (we were hungry!) but you may want to adjust depending on their size. We ate the leftovers in a salad the next day.
To make gluten free breadcrumbs (or any kind of bread crumbs really), just process until finely ground a few slices of your favorite gluten free bread.
For this dish, start by roasting the vegetables as they take longer than the scallops to cook.
For the roasted squash:
assorted patty pan squashes or cut squash (count about a cup raw per person)
salt & peppper
about 2 tablespoons olive oil
For the scallops:
1/2 cup gluten free breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons finely shredded swiss cheese
salt and pepper
3 tomatoes, diced
1/3 cup white wine
20 to 24 scallops (depending on their size)
Prepare the vegetables:
Preheat the oven to 400F.
In a medium bowl, toss together the vegetables, salt and pepper and olive oil.
Place the vegetables in a baking dish or roasting pan and cook for about 20 minutes. Prepare the scallops in the meantime, you wan to end up with both cooked at the same time.
Prepare the scallops:
In a small bowl, combine the breadcrumbs, thyme, cheese and salt & peppper. Set aside while you prepare the rest of the dish.
In a baking dish, place the tomatoes, white wine and top with the scallops. Spoon about one tablespoons of the breadcrumb mix on top of each breadcrumbs.
Lower the oven temperature to 375F and cook the scallops alongside the vegetables until done, about 10-12 minutes depending on their size. Remove both the scallops and vegetables from the oven and let cool a couple of minutes before digging in.
Lisa Ho December 11, 2010 um 1:30 am
Looks so good… and delicious.
I love the way you capture everything on camera…
Victoria December 11, 2010 um 4:53 am
Amazing, especially for being so on-the-spot. I will have to save this recipe for when I visit family later this month; my aunt adores patty pan squash and would love this recipe.
Amanda December 11, 2010 um 6:30 am
Gorgeous pictures, as always. The scallops look delicious!
LimeCake December 11, 2010 um 1:40 pm
Sometimes the best meals are totally unplanned and spontaneous. That's its beauty. I reckon I could eat 5 scallops in one sitting too!
Cookin' Canuck December 11, 2010 um 2:56 pm
This is a such a beautiful and simple dish, Helene. And really, there's nothing better than sharing a quiet Sunday afternoon, tossing around ideas with someone who likes to do the same.
Gen December 11, 2010 um 7:35 pm
Magnifique assiette! J'adore les St Jacques, un petit avant goût des fêtes ^^
Nisrine December 11, 2010 um 8:36 pm
Helene, this is a wonderful scallop recipe. I don't think I've ever cooked them at home but I do order them at a restaurant every chance I get. This looks like an easy enough recipe to begin with. I like recipes that are unintimidating.
Bon weekend!
The InTolerant Chef ™ December 11, 2010 um 9:12 pm
Looks lovely, I adore scallops. You have set the bar high for next Sundays lunch!
Jennie December 11, 2010 um 10:55 pm
I agree some of the best meals are those totally on the whim! These scallops look amazing!
Dana December 12, 2010 um 12:31 am
Patty pan squash are just so cute!
Unknown December 12, 2010 um 12:37 am
¡Ummm, delicious!
Jun December 12, 2010 um 3:38 am
I hardly interested in scallops, but this recipe lure me into trying. Thanks for sharing.
Elana December 12, 2010 um 4:34 am
I cannot decide what I enjoy more, your writing or photography…and the food looks absolutely fantastic as well!
Banana Wonder December 12, 2010 um 6:32 am
I love scallops but never seen them prepared this way before. They look delicious. I will have to try this soon!
Carina December 12, 2010 um 8:52 am
Looks absolutely divine, my friend! I wish that anyone else in this blasted house would eat patty pans. Maybe someday they'll all grow up and love squashes as much as I do. Yum.
shaz December 12, 2010 um 10:34 am
What? Only 5? They look so good, I bet I'd have eaten way more 🙂 What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.
istarblog December 12, 2010 um 2:29 pm
wow love the shots
finkalixius December 12, 2010 um 2:30 pm
i love beautiful
Nina Timm December 12, 2010 um 9:04 pm
Not a combination I would have put togehter, but then again, you are the genius. Looks so delicious!
Katryn@rampantcuisine December 13, 2010 um 3:48 pm
My husband doesn't normally like scallops but these look like they would change his mind…beautiful post!
Maria December 13, 2010 um 4:39 pm
Fantastic meal. That roasted squash is calling my name!
Jayme December 13, 2010 um 5:21 pm
Helene, this dish looks incredible! I've been wanting to try my hand at making scallops and this recipe looks like where I will start 😉
Can you tell us where you got that beautiful pan that the roasted squash are on? It is gorgeous! 🙂
Helene December 13, 2010 um 7:41 pm
jayme: antique store near my house.
Good Bite In December 13, 2010 um 8:04 pm
BBQed or Roasted Squash are one of my favourites so this looks just delicious!
Frankie December 13, 2010 um 10:49 pm
Great recipe! Great photos! You have an amazing talent. I'll definitely be back. 🙂
Cindy December 13, 2010 um 11:11 pm
I was having a really bad day today, like the kind where you'd be happy to crawl back into bed and never speak to another living soul again. I rediscovered your blog though and now I feel great! You've inspired me to get my but in the kitchen and do what I love to do; baking and cooking. Thank you!
Unknown December 14, 2010 um 3:39 am
Ohhh I love this take on scallops. Great recipe.
Ilke December 14, 2010 um 11:29 am
I love scallops! Especially the little ones! Thanks for the idea!
We always rush through the week with easy meals! At least on Sunday, we deserve a little bit more substantial food, don't we?
Hope you are staying warm on that side of SC! We are freezing here in Rock Hill!
positive affirmation December 14, 2010 um 12:35 pm
i really like the recipe its so stunning..
christmas sweets December 14, 2010 um 3:56 pm
Yummy recipe for lunch! And to think it's unplanned. Haha. And you take good pictures. i love how you captured the roasted mini zucchinis and squash. they're bursting with color!
Alysa December 14, 2010 um 8:52 pm
Looks so beautiful and delicious! I am amazed at the beautiful light you are able to capture your photos in. We don't get any of the "winter light" here in the desert.
Sally February 15, 2011 um 12:39 pm
Gorgeous! What farmer's markets do you visit in Charleston?
Helene February 15, 2011 um 1:06 pm
Sally: the one downtown on Marion Square.
TheClusterDuck June 29, 2011 um 1:00 am
As a scallop crack head, I'm looking forward to making this!