Lemon, Chicken and Orzo Soup
It looks like the bout of bronchitis going around town has find a way to sneak into our house and beat me to pulp. Or at least it feels like it. I can’t complain though. We each get sick about once a year and thankfully not at the same time. That would be miserable for everyone around us…and we would drive each other crazy.
While B. tends to crave fruits and juice when he is sick, I tune in to hot, energizing, shock-full-of-good-for-you ingredients soups. As soon as I feel I am about to get sick, and it always settles on my throat and chest, I make a huge pot of chicken broth and creates a couple of soups to have on hand. I may feel like a lion is coughing up a storm in my bronchi but at least, I have hot and nutritious liquids to navigate through it.
And it’s good for the soul too. Which always makes one heal faster.
Taking the next couple of days off and staying under the cover to get better.
Lemon, Chicken & Orzo Soup:
Serves 4 to 6
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into fine matchsticks (or diced)
1 small celery stalk, diced
1 small onion, finely chopped
6 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup roughly chopped fresh spinach
1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano
1 cup gluten free orzo
salt and pepper
8 cups chicken broth (or water if you prefer)
Zest and juice of a lemon
In a large pot (4 quart or more), heat the olive oil over medium heat and add the carrot, celery and onion pieces. Cook for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the chicken breast, the spinach, oregano, orzo, broth and season with salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, half covered for about 30 minutes or until the orzo is al dented.
Remove the chicken breast from the soup. Let cool enough to handle and shred it into pieces. Return the shredded meat to the pot. Add the lemon juice and zest, stir and serve.
The Devil's Food Advocate March 16, 2012 um 7:18 pm
I am on the end of a two week bout with something similar. My advice: rest, relax, and enjoy lots of soup. And pomegranate juice is quite revitalizing.
Anonymous March 16, 2012 um 7:59 pm
благодарю за рецепт, беру на заметку, что горячая еда нас лечит
Anonymous March 16, 2012 um 8:08 pm
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Lynda March 16, 2012 um 8:35 pm
This looks delicious! Hope you feel better soon!
Anonymous March 16, 2012 um 9:26 pm
That looks delicious and nourishing. I feel a sinus infection coming on, this might be just the thing to use up those meyer lemons on my counter top.
terri March 16, 2012 um 9:27 pm
get well soon!
sprite March 16, 2012 um 10:20 pm
Feel better soon!
Lynn @ I'll Have What She's Having March 16, 2012 um 11:13 pm
I'm just starting to come down with a cold myself, I would love a bowl of the soup right now!
chris March 17, 2012 um 2:00 am
Maybe its working with the public, but I feel like everyone is so sick this winter. I love broth when I'm ill, with or without anything in it. That and ginger tea are my go-to's. Hope you and those of you who've commented feel better soon 🙂
erica March 17, 2012 um 4:41 am
oh I'm so sorry to hear you are under the weather! I hope you get lots of good rest this weekend and feel better soon!
Zee March 17, 2012 um 3:14 pm
Looks so delicious! Totally loving the photography!
Unknown March 17, 2012 um 3:14 pm
Perfect for spring and not feeling so hot! Hope you feel better!!!
Madhu March 17, 2012 um 3:42 pm
Get well real soon xx
Holly March 17, 2012 um 4:42 pm
Bronchitis has hit our family pretty hard this year, too. Any kind of bone broth is great to sustain yourself when the awful chills, fever, sore throat and cough make you miserable. Also, leaning over that simmering pot on the stove with that delicious steam wafting up probably helps break up the congestion. A little Bragg organic apple cider vinegar in water or the juice of half a lemon in warm water first thing in the morning can help boost your energy.
Susan P March 17, 2012 um 6:31 pm
This sounds delicious whether you're sick or not. I'd never thought of adding the fresh lemon to a chicken soup. I love to add fresh grated ginger root to mine, that would be another way to build up your system. Feel better soon ~
Sarah March 17, 2012 um 9:02 pm
Get well soon, Helene!
brookeO March 17, 2012 um 10:13 pm
Feel better; this soup looks amazing!
Sharyn Dimmick March 18, 2012 um 1:07 am
This sounds like a lovely soup to sip when you are convalescing. Here's hoping it is working its miraculous effects.
tania@mykitchenstories March 18, 2012 um 6:07 am
I agree, I go first to soup as my nurse and I love it. This looks both delicate and delicious and the lemons almost cure me just looking at them
Anonymous March 18, 2012 um 10:32 am
I hope you are feeling better! I love your comment 'shock-full-of-good-for-you ingredients soups' – I am going to steal that next time my dad complains when I make soup! 😀
marla March 18, 2012 um 1:53 pm
Hey girl! Hope you are feeling bunches better. Love the soup! xo
Noble Pig – Cathy March 18, 2012 um 4:51 pm
Hope you are feeling better.
Jillian@TheHumbleGourmet March 18, 2012 um 5:22 pm
I adore lemon in soups. So bright and tangy.
Feel better!
Unknown March 18, 2012 um 6:10 pm
Delicious! I've made this soup before and it is so satisfying. I love the texture that the orzo adds. 🙂
Kristen March 18, 2012 um 6:41 pm
This looks delicious, too bad I can't have gluten, guess I can substitute the orzo for rice or GF pasta, or leave it out and add greens. I love chicken soup in any form and will have to try this one for sure!
Cookin' Canuck March 18, 2012 um 8:08 pm
That soup looks like just the thing to do the trick. I hope you feel better soon, Helene!
Helene March 18, 2012 um 10:45 pm
Kristen: the soup is gluten free. Ingredients call for gluten free orzo which I had from a purchase at WF a few months ago.
The Teacher Cooks March 19, 2012 um 1:53 am
Marina March 19, 2012 um 3:42 am
Helene, get well soon! You soup is lovely, comforting and delicious.
Truly Smitten March 19, 2012 um 4:27 pm
ooh! lemons in soup? This sounds so delicious! Feel better!!
Heather March 19, 2012 um 5:46 pm
Feel better soon, Helene! I can totally sympathize–we are in the same boat right now.
Renee March 20, 2012 um 12:23 am
I'm only getting over something similar too – it's totally kicked my butt! Hopefully you have a swift recovery; with this lovely soup I'm sure you'll be on the mend soon 🙂
chutneyandspice March 20, 2012 um 10:59 am
How organised to make soup when you are coming down with something, I wish I was as organised. We have both just had a horrible winter bug, I haven't been so sick in years, and we did drive each other a little crazy! Hope you are better soon.
Grandma Kat @ Easy Recipes Land March 20, 2012 um 7:04 pm
Sorry to hear you're sick and hope you recover fast.
The recipe looks amazing and I will try it out this weekend when my family comes to visit.
Grandma Kat
seasalt March 21, 2012 um 2:05 pm
Where can I find those great bowls that you use?
Kiran @ KiranTarun.com March 22, 2012 um 3:54 am
Feel better, Helene.
And thank you for the information on the ceramic question I had from your previous blog post 🙂
Tracy @ Pale Yellow March 22, 2012 um 12:32 pm
Thanks for posting this delicious recipe! I made the soup last night and I would definitely recommend using chicken stock over water. I used water and the soup could use a greater depth of flavor the chicken stock woul have provided.
Rachael H. February 22, 2013 um 8:13 pm
Sorry for asking such a silly question, but do you cook the chicken first or does it cook in the soup?
Helene February 23, 2013 um 2:26 am
Traacy: thanks for your thoughts. It is just a matter of taste. Half white wine and half water is even tastier than just chicken stock.
Rachel: not a silly question at all. The kitchen cooks in the soup. Hope you like it!
Brooke October 10, 2013 um 9:24 pm
This soup is AMAZING! I made this with homemade chicken stock and the flavors are amazing. I loved the addition of the lemon and oregano. We absolutely loved it… as in my husband and I each had three huge bowls last night. So good! Thank you for sharing!