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A New Bready Bunch: The Daring Bakers' Tender Potato Bread

Braid or Couronne

What if I were to tell you I am anti-carbs?….Ahahahahah!!! Well, you reacted the way I expected: a big loud laugh instead of throwing me a stone. Yeah, because let’s face it, telling you that Tartelette is a blog sans carb would be telling you it never snows in Ohio. Where am I going with this? To the latest Daring Bakers’ Challenge, Tender Potato Bread, chosen by this month host, Tanna from My Kitchen In Half Cups.

Bread….Oh there is home made bread here at the house, surprise, surprise! We love bread and are always looking for the next best loaf and now we want Tanna to live on our street too. (gosh, there is a whole lot of bloggers I want as neighbors I just realized!!) Not only can the woman bake but she also knows to pick a very fun challenge. I know for some I am the weirdo down the street who likes to get hand deep in dough and make bread, 4-5 loaves a week…and there are just 2 of us (oh yeah, B. adapted the bread – cheese – salad dinner of the Mrs. without a complaint!) : dried fruit bread, brioche for our breakfasts and a couple of other breads like multigrain, rustic, artisan or European breads. There are a couple of starters in the fridge, in marked containers : Gertie is purple lidded, Bob is green. Gertie, my potato sourdough starter gives me the best bread ever so I was really thrilled to be able to play with another potato bread recipe this month.


Play is the word: sticky dough up to my elbows for about 15 minutes….now talk about some spa treatment!! The recipe calls for 8 to 16 oz of potatoes, the more potato the stickier the dough and mine was about 12 oz raw. I ended up using 7 cups of flour (6-8 cups were suggested) and boy was B. in for a treat of severe looks and mild curses. I know I appear all cool collected and calm on my blog but Lisa will tell you that when I get aggravated well, all that Southern cool goes out the window. When the boy asked if dinner was ready, I think the look I gave him was enough to sent him back to his garage to play or organize or bang on something because I was in the middle of pure sticky heaven. Don’t get me wrong, that was not challenging in itself. The challenging part was to keep everything I touched free of bread goo….I started to wonder how the dough would behave upon shaping.

Tanna gave us a lot of playroom with the shapes and flavors we could give our breads. I decided to go for a French shape first, a fougasse, filled with fresh oregano, a braid, and a fig and feta boule. The epis I made got eaten before I could take pictures so we’ll just have to imagine that one or wait until I do the challenge once again. The beauty of such a sticky dough is that if you mess up while shaping there does not seem to be a problem of over kneading. I think I played with the braid shape three or four times before I was happy and it still turned out tender. The only drawback we had with this recipe was that the bread turned a little tough after it was frozen for a week or so. Ah, what am I saying? It made great toasts, so I guess there isn’t anything bad with this bread.

I want to thank Tanna for choosing such a high quality recipe and being such an awesome host, responding promptly to all Daring Bakers’ inquiries, issues and troubles. Hats off to you!! You make the group proud! Check out the other 300 other Daring Bakers by visiting our blogroll. Thank you Ivonne and Lisa for making it as much fun for me every month!

Fig and Feta Boule
Tender Potato Bread, From Home Baking: The Artful Mix of Flour & Tradition Around the World by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid

4 medium to large floury (baking) potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks variety of potatoes you might want to use would include Idaho, Russet & Yukon gold (8 to 16 oz)
4 cups water (See Note)
1 tablespoon plus
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
6 ½ cups to 8 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened
1 cup whole wheat flour

Put the potatoes and 4 cups water in a sauce pan and bring to boil. Add 1 teaspoon salt and cook, half covered, until the potatoes are very tender. Drain the potatoes, SAVE THE POTATO WATER, and mash the potatoes well. Measure out 3 cups of the reserved potato water (add extra water if needed to make 3 cups). Place the water and mashed potatoes in the bowl you plan to mix the bread in – directions will be for by hand. Let cool to lukewarm – stir well before testing the temperature – it should feel barely warm to your hand. You should be able to submerge you hand in the mix and not be uncomfortable.
Mix & stir yeast into cooled water and mashed potatoes & water and let stand 5 minutes.
Then mix in 2 cups of all-purpose flour and mix. Allow to rest several minutes.
Add yeast and flour to the cooled mashed potatoes & water and mix well. Allow to rest/sit 5 minutes. Sprinkle on the remaining 1 tablespoon salt and the softened butter; mix well. Add the 1 cup whole wheat flour, stir briefly.
Add 2 cups of the unbleached all-purpose flour and stir until all the flour has been incorporated. At this point you have used 4 cups of the possible 8 ½ cups suggested by the recipe. Turn the dough out onto a generously floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes, incorporating flour as needed to prevent sticking. The dough will be very sticky to begin with, but as it takes up more flour from the kneading surface, it will become easier to handle; use a dough scraper to keep your surface clean. The kneaded dough will still be very soft.

As a beginner, you may be tempted to add more flour than needed. Most/many bread recipes give a range of flour needed. This is going to be a soft dough. At this point, add flour to the counter slowly, say a ¼ cup at a time. Do not feel you must use all of the suggested flour. When the dough is soft and smooth and not too sticky, it’s probably ready.

Place the dough in a large clean bowl or your rising container of choice, cover with plastic wrap or lid, and let rise about 2 hours or until doubled in volume. Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface and knead gently several minutes. It will be moist and a little sticky.
The dough is now ready for you to shape your breads in many different ways:

Divide the dough into 2 unequal pieces in a proportion of one-third and two-thirds (one will be twice as large as the other). Place the smaller piece to one side and cover loosely.
To shape a large loaf: Butter a 9X5 inch loaf/bread pan. Flatten the larger piece of dough on the floured surface to an approximate 12 x 8 inch oval, then roll it up from a narrow end to form a loaf. Pinch the seam closed and gently place seam side down in the buttered pan. The dough should come about three-quarters of the way up the sides of the pan. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 35 to 45 minutes, until puffy and almost doubled in volume.
To make a small loaf with the remainder:Butter an 8 x 4 inch bread pan. Shape and proof the loaf the same way as the large loaf.
To make rolls:Butter a 13 x 9 inch sheet cake pan or a shallow cake pan. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces. Shape each into a ball under the palm of your floured hand and place on the baking sheet, leaving 1/2 inch between the balls. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for about 35 minutes, until puffy and almost doubled.
To make focaccia:Flatten out the dough to a rectangle about 10 x 15 inches with your palms and fingertips. Tear off a piece of parchment paper or wax paper a little longer than the dough and dust it generously with flour. Transfer the focaccia to the paper. Brush the top of the dough generously with olive oil, sprinkle on a little coarse sea salt, as well as some rosemary leaves, if you wish and then finally dimple all over with your fingertips. Cover with plastic and let rise for 20 minutes.Place a baking stone or unglazed quarry tiles, if you have them, if not use a baking/sheet (no edge – you want to be able to slide the shaped dough on the parchment paper onto the stone or baking sheet and an edge complicates things). Place the stone or cookie sheet on a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 450°F/230°C. Bake the flat-bread before you bake the loaf; bake the rolls at the same time as the loaf.If making foccacia, just before baking, dimple the bread all over again with your fingertips. Leaving it on the paper, transfer to the hot baking stone, tiles or baking sheet. Bake until golden, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a rack (remove paper) and let cool at least 10 minutes before serving.
Dust risen loaves and rolls with a little all-purpose flour or lightly brush the tops with a little melted butter or olive oil (the butter will give a golden/browned crust). Slash loaves crosswise two or three times with a razor blade or very sharp knife and immediately place on the stone, tiles or baking sheet in the oven.
Place the rolls next to the loaf in the oven.
Bake rolls until golden, about 30 minutes. Bake the small loaf for about 40 minutes. Bake the large loaf for about 50 minutes. Transfer the rolls to a rack when done to cool. When the loaf or loaves have baked for the specified time, remove from the pans and place back on the stone, tiles or baking sheet for another 5 to 10 minutes. The corners should be firm when pinched and the bread should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.
Let breads cool on a rack for at least 30 minutes before slicing. Rolls can be served warm or at room temperature.

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Gigi November 26, 2007 um 5:29 am

The rustic loaf with the figs looks scrumptious! As always your baked goods are perfection.:)

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 5:34 am

What a beautiful braid (and bread)!

Nora B. November 26, 2007 um 5:38 am

Hi Helen,
Great job shaping the different breads. I like the last one with the figs the most. I used a lot of potatoes, so I couldn’t shape it as much, but I was still very happy with the final results. It was such a terrific recipe.

Susan @ SGCC November 26, 2007 um 5:47 am

Wow, this certainly is a versatile dough! My head is spinning from all of the choices. They all sound so good!

Katie November 26, 2007 um 6:53 am

Your breads looks wonderful. I love the braided bread in the top photo, it looks like a Chirstmas wreath. The fig and feta loaf sounds divine

Rosa's Yummy Yums November 26, 2007 um 7:54 am

Your breads are very beautiful and look extremely scrumptious! I particularly like the fig loaf…



Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 7:57 am

C’est fantastique. Pour moi, c’était mon premier challenge, donc ce n’est pas aussi réussi mais je suis ravie quand même !

Peabody November 26, 2007 um 7:59 am

You did such a wonderful job with your shaping…very creative.

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 8:06 am

I’m in love—with your bread! And the great thing is that a bread like that will never disappoint me. You’re an artist with baked goods! :):)

Kelly-Jane November 26, 2007 um 8:36 am

Your garland is really great! Well done 🙂

Ilva November 26, 2007 um 9:27 am

Perfect as usual!

Barbara November 26, 2007 um 9:37 am

Very perfect Tartlette.

kellypea November 26, 2007 um 9:49 am

Helene, I totally agree with the image you presented about the stickiness. Goodness, it was amazing. Your bread is so golden and scrumptious looking!

Rachel November 26, 2007 um 10:03 am

The breads look awesome!! Love the braid..Fig loaf!!! Now that is something that I would want to try!!

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 10:05 am

Your potato bread turned out great! I especially like the fougasse.

steph- whisk/spoon November 26, 2007 um 10:23 am

whoa–beautiful!! these look straight out of a boulangerie!

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 10:35 am

Each loaf looks sooooo delicious! I can’t decide which one to taste first. 😉

Inne November 26, 2007 um 11:00 am

Great looking breads, Helene! But I didn’t expect anything else from you. I found it was quite handy to have my other half on standby with the flour – resulted in a bit less mess and I think it should be integral part of the recipe instructions 🙂

monica November 26, 2007 um 11:03 am

wow what beautiful shapes! i love the french fougasse! reminds me of my days in marseille…as always, excellent job on the challenge!

Pille November 26, 2007 um 11:04 am

What a beautiful braid!!!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) November 26, 2007 um 11:19 am

You have really outdone yourself with this DB challenge! I’m in awe of anyone who can make a fougasse — my one attempt was a total mess, all of the holes closed up. And the wreath is lovely, too.

breadchick November 26, 2007 um 12:31 pm

Helen as usual your bread looks lovely and so simple yet yummy! I love the fig bread and will be trying that combination very soon! As always, a joy and blast to bake with you in both real life and the "virtual" word.


sunita November 26, 2007 um 12:31 pm

I love that braided wreath…and the figgy bread…well, I loved everything about it really…wonderful.

Meeta K. Wolff November 26, 2007 um 12:33 pm

Figs and feta what an awesome idea. Great going girl!

April November 26, 2007 um 1:10 pm

Your braid looks wonderful!!

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 1:46 pm

Oh fig and feta, that’s perfect! I also had quite the curse-a-thon with the dough and cleanup, but it’s all part of our art.

Anne November 26, 2007 um 1:47 pm

Your braid is amazing – how on earth did you manage that? Mine was WAY too sticky 🙂

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 1:53 pm

I would be the first to laugh out loud if you say Tartelette is anti-carbs :D. That braid is awesome. You need to get your butt over here so you can show me how. I was up to my elbows in sticky dough too, talk about stuck and no where to go…I had to ask the hubby to scoop in the additional flour ;).

Princess of the kitchen November 26, 2007 um 1:54 pm

Oh how beautiful! they look great, well done

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 1:59 pm

Your braid looks perfect! Awesome job 🙂

Unknown November 26, 2007 um 2:03 pm

your bread all looks wonderful, i agree tanna picked a fun one this month

Bev and Ollie "O" November 26, 2007 um 2:12 pm

wow your bread is beautiful! well done you, I am not at all jeolous! hehe I must try and be more adventerous with my shaping in future, I love your bread x

Graeme November 26, 2007 um 2:51 pm

Great looking breads, Helen. I saw Paul Hollywood makes Fougasse about a year ago – I just love saying the name out loud. Fougasse!

I just finished the shopping for your package, btw. I think you’re gonna love it.

cookworm November 26, 2007 um 2:59 pm

So beautiful…I knew yours would look perfect! I love the fig idea, it’s making my mouth water. 🙂

Unknown November 26, 2007 um 3:01 pm

Tartlette, as always, you set a new standard for excellence! I’m making that couronne as soon as I get my hands on some dough!

Nikki57 November 26, 2007 um 3:14 pm

Ok, someone needs to teach me to make a perfect braid like that. It all looks amazing!

Anne November 26, 2007 um 3:38 pm

WOW! Everything is just fabulous!

Ben November 26, 2007 um 3:53 pm

I want you to be my neighbor. I still see bread making as a big, scary alien that is going to grow and eat me when I am kneading the dough. But all of you daring bakers make it look so simple and so fun that I will have to try it now.

Great pictures and post, as always.
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 4:01 pm

Oooh, I particularly like the fig and feta version! This book has so many fun yeast recipes.

slush November 26, 2007 um 4:08 pm

Sticky dough indeed. You made beautiful loaves of bread, gorgeous!
I loved this recipe as well. It was so much fun. xo

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 4:15 pm

You and I had some of the same shaping ideas — and you pulled it off so wonderfully. Fig and feta, oh goodness, I’m going to have to make this potato bread again sooner than I thought!

Mila November 26, 2007 um 4:24 pm

the fig loaf looks so amazing, so tasty and yummy!!! It was surrly a great ideia!!

glamah16 November 26, 2007 um 4:38 pm

Your awsome. Love the braided wreath.

Mandy November 26, 2007 um 5:24 pm

I love all the ways you shaped the bread! All are lovely done. Can I move in to your house?

Brilynn November 26, 2007 um 5:33 pm

You always come up with the best combinations, and this is no exception, sounds wonderful!

Lindsay Blau Portnoy November 26, 2007 um 5:34 pm

I love the braid and cannot imagine how you ever accomplished it with the dough so sticky! I was lucky to get mine all in one loaf pan.

Gorgeous breads, though, I’m always so impressed!

Sabra November 26, 2007 um 5:50 pm

Yours are so beautiful and creative! I’d like to try what you did and mix some flavorings into the dough itself. Very impressive job!

Robyn November 26, 2007 um 5:58 pm

As always, yours looks fabulous! I love the braided version. It just makes you want to slice in a have a bit of bread! great job Helene!

BC November 26, 2007 um 6:16 pm

I love the idea of figs. I’m seeing gorgeous carbs everywhere today.

Gabi November 26, 2007 um 6:23 pm

Lovely as usual Helene!
I like the Fougasse and figs!

Megan November 26, 2007 um 6:44 pm

I like the braid.

Cookie baker Lynn November 26, 2007 um 7:26 pm

You are such an artist in the kitchen. Your loaves look gorgeous and delicious. Well done!

Karen Baking Soda November 26, 2007 um 7:42 pm

Ah..fougasse! And a fig and feta one as well, I could live on salad bread dinners for months!
Why can’t we dedicate one street somewhere to Daring Bakers… a kind of rental system where we can stay for a couple of weeks with ever changing DB-neighbors. Fun!

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 8:11 pm

That first bread is just too cute all braided! Of course, the fact that it´s cute would never deter me from eating it up… but I think you already know that!

MyKitchenInHalfCups November 26, 2007 um 8:15 pm

Gasp! yes I did! Your Couronne is awesome and awe inspiring!
Gosh if only we could physically create this neighborhood blogger street that we have in our virtual world . . . I don’t think I can comprehend how amazing that would be! I’d love to live on your street. Thanks for being you and being here.

Merav November 26, 2007 um 8:50 pm

Oh my! You are one talented bread baker. Somehow it doesn’t surprise me!

Erin November 26, 2007 um 9:06 pm

I made the mistake of wearing a long sleeve shirt when I kneaded the dough. It was laugh worthy drying to pull up my sleeves without getting dough all over my shirt!

Annemarie November 26, 2007 um 9:14 pm

I love the idea of your named starters, sitting in your fridge – I’m not yet that woman, but I hope to be some day! Your loaves look wonderful, of course, and I’m marveling that your braid still looks braid-y given the texture of the dough.

Anita November 26, 2007 um 9:16 pm

I had a pastry chef who loved making bread, even though he was allergic to flour! Now that’s dedication! I can’t believe that you would be anti-carb and still make such gorgeous breads, I guess you’re just leaving more for us!

Anonymous November 26, 2007 um 9:23 pm

What a wonderful idea to use figs & feta in your bread!! These my two of my favourite foods… and looking forward to trying out your idea. BRAVO!!!

Laura November 26, 2007 um 9:26 pm

Fougasse is such a great word! All your breads are beautiful Helen!

Lesley November 26, 2007 um 9:50 pm

So gorgeous. I didn’t even think of adding to my breads, I love how you added things….

Babeth November 26, 2007 um 10:11 pm

your bread looks so yummy! Bravo!

Katia Mangham November 26, 2007 um 10:36 pm

Beautiful bread! The crust looks amazing- specially in the Fougasse. I will certainly make the fig bread soon- looks delicious!

Carla November 27, 2007 um 1:06 am

Your bread is gorgeous! Did you mist your oven with water to get that crust?

I can’t believe you made those with that dough. Inspirational.

Dharm November 27, 2007 um 1:36 am

Helen! What a wonderful variety of breads. I just love how your DB challenges come out looking fabulous. No, I think the correct phrase would be C’est Magnifique!

Anonymous November 27, 2007 um 1:49 am

Gorgeous breads! Really lovely.

Anonymous November 27, 2007 um 2:16 am

I would love to see you up to your elbows in dough!!! And yes, the idea of you being anti-carbs is funny. What’s not funny is your beautiful bread!

Unknown November 27, 2007 um 2:17 am

I just love the ringed bread…so fun!

Tammy November 27, 2007 um 2:26 am


I thought you might be able to help me – for my daring bakers post, you can no longer see my photos on my blog – there is just a white box with an x in the corner. Has that happened to you before and do you know how to fix it?

kind regards

Tammy (

Sheltie Girl November 27, 2007 um 3:09 am

Fabulous job! I love the look of your bread with fruit.

Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

test it comm November 27, 2007 um 3:40 am

Great looking bread!

Elle November 27, 2007 um 5:11 am

Nice choices for the three different ways to use the bread dough. It was nice that the bread was not easily overworked and could be played with for making different shapes. Gorgeous photos, too.

Cherry November 27, 2007 um 8:20 am

Beautiful shapes you have there! Great job =)

Suzanne November 27, 2007 um 12:41 pm

Oh yeah,,,,fig and feta!!!! I am hungry looking at it:-)

Half Baked November 27, 2007 um 2:40 pm

Your bread is beautiful! I think I used too much potato in mine. I had ALOT of difficulty in shaping. Great job (as usual!!!)

Anonymous November 27, 2007 um 2:46 pm

I particularly like the braided wreath of bread, but all of your different interpretations are incredible! Thanks for the warm welcome into the Daring Baker’s cult, and I can’t wait to see what’s coming next!

Anonymous November 27, 2007 um 2:57 pm

Fig and Feta Boule! That sounds and looks just divine 🙂 But what else but heavenly creations can I expect when I come here 🙂

I loved this challenge too 🙂

Fruit tart November 27, 2007 um 3:30 pm

I love your braid!

Fruit tart November 27, 2007 um 3:30 pm

I love your braid!

Bruno November 27, 2007 um 4:39 pm

Your breads looks beautiful Helen!!

Freya November 27, 2007 um 4:40 pm

As you might expect, the braidy/bready bunch looks stunning!
Your new layout is also beautiful!

Deborah November 27, 2007 um 5:31 pm

You are such an artist! Gorgeous bread!

Liska November 27, 2007 um 6:27 pm

Perfect loaf and the beautiful blog 🙂

Madeleine November 27, 2007 um 7:31 pm

Your braid it’s so beatiful!!!

Excelent ideas to shape the dough!

kitten November 27, 2007 um 8:33 pm

I love your braided loaf and fougasse. What an inspiration – I can’t wait to be that daring next time I try this recipe.

Laura Rebecca November 27, 2007 um 9:45 pm

Oh, they look marvelous!

LizNoVeggieGirl November 27, 2007 um 11:12 pm

oh my goodness gracious if you were anti-carbs, I would cry!! your blog NEEDS carbs!! :0D fantastic work on this month’s DB challenge – your rendition of the potato bread looks quite scrumptious!!

Eva November 28, 2007 um 12:12 am

Not sure if I’m daring enough to try it with figs – but I definitely want to make such a beautiful couronne, too! You have great shaping skills!

Anonymous November 28, 2007 um 12:41 am

I love the shape of your bread, especially on the first picture. Great job!

Cynthia November 28, 2007 um 1:55 am

In a word: perfection.

Chris November 28, 2007 um 2:17 am

What an amazing opening pic…Love the braid! But….figs? I think I am in love!

I laughed at "The challenging part was to keep everything I touched free of bread goo…" How many of us were thinking that one! 🙂

Angel November 28, 2007 um 2:30 am

Your ring looks so beautiful and all your breads look so tasty.
The day I make something that pretty I think I’ll cry.

Andrea November 28, 2007 um 4:28 am

Your bread is shaped so nicely! I always feel inspired when I look at the things you make. 🙂

Helene November 28, 2007 um 5:07 am

Tammy: I replied to you on your blog and in an email about the pics not appearing on your blog. Hope it helped.

Sara November 28, 2007 um 6:38 am

You are so creative! It all looks wonderful.

Anonymous November 28, 2007 um 6:53 am

Ton pain est vraiment magnifique! J’aime beaucoup la couronne. Pense tu traduire la recette en francais? Ce serait sympa.

Helene November 28, 2007 um 3:09 pm

Aline: je ne pense pas traduire la recette d’ici peu mais Anne de Foodie Froggy in Paris l’a fait sur son site.

Anonymous November 28, 2007 um 3:36 pm

wonderful! and the fig and feta? BRILLIANT!

Judy@nofearentertaining November 28, 2007 um 3:53 pm

Oh so creative…they look wonderful!!

Madam Chow November 29, 2007 um 12:09 am

I love figs – I’ll have to try that next time, maybe with some brie!

DK November 29, 2007 um 12:42 am

You knows what..I am making ( or at least trying to ) a Christmas Wreath! ( thats backbending work ) and your bread luked almost the same! Making that in bread! Whoa!I am amazed..

Chou November 29, 2007 um 12:51 am

Any suggestions on how to get my starter from overly acidic back to a nice balance of acid and yeast? I accidentally watered it a few days back and in a moment of sheer distraction forgot to do the follow up feeding. Now it’s going into an overload of acids and other such amazing by-products. Meah.

LizG November 29, 2007 um 5:06 am

Well done on the bread! Great looking pictures!

Anonymous November 29, 2007 um 6:23 am

Ca c’est top avec un bon cassoulet!

Anonymous November 29, 2007 um 7:05 am

I love the fig & feta boule! One thing this month’s challenge showed: the dough is really versatile!

Mindy November 29, 2007 um 7:45 am

4-5 loaves a week? Whoa-ho….
I want to come take a breadmaking course at YOUR house.

Nice add-ins. Happy December baking!

Anonymous November 29, 2007 um 12:56 pm

I adore your braided loaf!! 🙂

Cheryl November 29, 2007 um 2:26 pm

Oh that braid is so pretty. I love how all your challenges turn out.

ambrosia ananas November 29, 2007 um 6:23 pm

As usual, your baking is beautiful.

Nazca November 29, 2007 um 7:00 pm

Would you stop flirting with me, I’m really considering moving house so I can be your neighbour… you cook the bread (yours looks wonderful by the way) I’ll bring the entertainment… a recipe book of course!

Brittany November 29, 2007 um 9:46 pm

beautiful renditions of the potato bread!! Fig and feta boule….yuuuuuum

LAmonkeygirl November 29, 2007 um 10:14 pm

Your baking kung-fu is strong! I always know where to look when I need baking inspiration.

Amanda at Little Foodies November 29, 2007 um 11:18 pm

Finally after days of trying, it lets me post a comment… Of course now I’ve forgotten what I wanted to say. Your fig and feta bread sounds/looks fab and the ring is gorgeous. The anti-carbs bit and your personal training ensures you look good right? After this challenge I hope one day I become the lady who likes to bake 4-5 loaves of bread a week. We’ll see. Thank you for your lovely comment.

Julie November 30, 2007 um 4:38 am

I’ve only seen a Couronne twice, both through this challenge! How pretty! All your bread looks delectable.

Purl's Gurl November 30, 2007 um 7:58 pm

Oh I wish I could have made my as beautiful as yours!! GORGEOUS!

Alice Q. Foodie November 30, 2007 um 8:10 pm

gorgeous, dahling. Can’t wait for the new challenge!

Hillary November 30, 2007 um 10:23 pm

LOVE the shape of yours! Turned out quite well!!!

mrsrusty December 1, 2007 um 6:16 am

Hello there! Thanks for visiting my site ( and for the kind words. You are such a good baker, your TPB is a picture of perfection! For some reason, its making me hungry!*smiles*

Molly Loves Paris December 1, 2007 um 4:41 pm

Your couronne is fantastic. I want to do that!!! You are quite the baker!

Anonymous December 3, 2007 um 1:30 am

Sorry I’m late visiting your db challenge. My comp has been in for repairs. Lovely though. Very nice 🙂

Jenny December 3, 2007 um 3:01 pm


Aoife December 3, 2007 um 11:27 pm

Sticky is right, but you can’t argue with such beautiful results. And so many different kinds!

The Fast Lane December 4, 2007 um 3:43 am

After perusing your blog I am in awe. Your potato bread looks amazing! Thank you for the kind words about my puny little focaccia. I bow to your baking abilities.
– Jane

Dolores December 10, 2007 um 11:52 pm

Fig. with Feta. I think I’ve figured out what I’m doing NEXT with this wonderfully versatile recipe.

And I wish you were MY neighbor so you could teach me how to shape such beautiful breads…

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