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Katherine Hepburn Brownies- Blog Party #17

I missed the last Blog Party hosted by Stephanie but I am ready to have fun this time. We are 6 hours away from departure but I figured I could not leave without one little piece of decadence.

Because I have spent the last few days running around I decided to fall back on one of my favorite books for inspiration. When I first got Dorie Greenspan’s book Baking From My Home to Yours, I bookmarked this brownie recipe right away but never got around to making it until yesterday. What a perfect fit for the party which theme was Hollywood. I was not sure what cocktail to pair it with so I went with one of my new favorites, an Apple Martini. The color always makes me giggle….!

Katherine Hepburn Brownies, adapted from Dorie Greenspan:

4 oz bittersweet chocolate
2 tsp ground coffee
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 lb unsalted butter
1 c Sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 ts Vanilla extract
1/4 c all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 ts salt

Preheat the oven to 325 F. Butter an 8-inch square baking pan.

In a heavy saucepan, melt the chocolate with the butter over low heat, stirring until completely melted. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar, coffee, cocoa powder and cinnamon . Add the eggs and vanilla and whisk well. Stir in the flour and salt and mix well. Spoon the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 40 minutes.

Apple Martini, adapted from

2 oz gin or vodka
1 oz green-apple shnapps

Pour the ingredients into a shaker with ice cubes.
Shake well.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

The brownies were really moist and flavorful and the martinis went down way to easily. We gathered outside with the neighbors and enjoyes the warmth of th evening, I have the feeling this is the last time I an standing on the porch at ten o’clock at night with a skirt and a t-shirt.

Off, to finish making sure for the tenth time that we have not forgotten anything…!I will come back as soon as we are settled and as soon as my parents understand the need to spend hours on the computer looking at other people’s culinary adventures!!

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Lauren December 14, 2006 um 4:33 pm

Did you try one yet? They look so delicious.

This cookbook is on my Christmas list – I can’t wait!

Lauren December 14, 2006 um 4:34 pm

btw- all of your holiday treats look perfect.. as does everything you make.

Patricia Scarpin December 14, 2006 um 6:19 pm

These brownies don’t look so dense, they look fluffier – good!!

Lis December 14, 2006 um 7:10 pm

I bookmarked that recipe too.. I love brownies and a brownie named after Katherine Hepburn surely had to be good, yes?! hehe

Your martini looks just as scrumptious as the brownie 😀

Anonymous December 14, 2006 um 11:56 pm

My friend Sue just bought this one today. It is just full of things I want to bake.
Hope you have a fabulous trip!!!

Anonymous December 15, 2006 um 2:59 pm

I’ll take a double on the drink

Brilynn December 15, 2006 um 3:47 pm

You people are killing me with these Dorie Greenspan recipes! If Santa doesn’t bring me that book I’m buying it myself, it’s decided.

And I wouldn’t refuse one of your martinis either!

Anonymous December 15, 2006 um 4:57 pm

Hi, I love your blog! So many great recipes and pictures. I need some advice…my brother is getting married in May and we are doing the food for the luncheon reception. We want to have a dessert table with many tasty treats. Any suggestions? Any that we can prepare in advance? Thanks for your help!

Julia December 16, 2006 um 4:48 pm

great looking brownies – and the colour of that martini! wow!
must have that book! 😉

Anonymous December 17, 2006 um 1:50 am

Good to see that some one made these. I almost did for the round up. They look quite yummy.

nini December 18, 2006 um 11:10 am

Mmmm, je dois traduire cette recette!

janelle December 19, 2006 um 11:06 pm

One must have a good brownie recipe!

Thanks for the tip on the cookbook. I got an early CHR present, Biba’s Italy: I love cookbook presents!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) December 20, 2006 um 1:53 am

Ah yes, those brownies. I bookmarked the recipe as well, but haven’t made them yet. They look delicious!

Anonymous December 23, 2006 um 10:56 pm

These brownies look and sound great 😀 Have bookmarked them 😀

pinchofsalt December 23, 2009 um 2:27 am

I absolutely love this recipe – one pot, and I had everything in my cabinets already! They're baking in the oven right now for holiday gifts, and I'm looking forward to snacking on the edges as I wrap them up Thank you!

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