In Case You Were Curious
A couple of weeks ago Mrs. B from Eating Suburbia tagged me to participate in the "5 Things Meme" going around the bloggosphere. So here they are, 5 things you probably don’t know about me:
1/ My husband is 19 years older than I am, we have been married 9 years (july). Yet, it feels like we were married yesterday and he acts like a kid, much like his own father. When I met my husband, I felt home for the first time in months. Something was telling me to stop running, that I had found inner peace…the first day we met. My husband wrote me a 2 page letter trying to make sense of our meeting and of what forces had brought us together and left it on my doorstep…the day after we met.
2/ I have diplomas, Masters degrees, I can speak and read many languages, I can pull sugar, run marathons, and yet I CAN’T cook rice…unless it is sticky rice you want!
3/ I listen to every genre of music. My dad played classical music all the time when I was growing up and I snobbed it for a while, the college years, then I came back to it. I remember quiet weekends with us doing crafts and my dad painting while listening to music. Music is always on at our house. B. plays trombone in a Jazz band and he is always humming or listening to something and I am never faithful to one genre of music. If you were to put salsa on then and there, I would get up and start shaking my hips….if you were to put on some rock, I would start jumping up and down….or calm down with a good classical piece. I am versatile.
4/ There is a dark pink mark on my right upper thigh…not a birthmark….but the place where my brother bit me over 20 years ago….I think I said something I should not have! Ah!!
5/ I am addicted to…”Cheez It”…Yep! Discovered them when I first moved here…don’t get me the white cheddar, the spicy jalapeno, the gourmet parmesan, don’t try to repackage the reduced fat ones or buy them at the healthfood store…I am addicted to the orange neon cheddar full fat '"Cheez It"….Na! I said it! I am sure in a few years I will glow in the dark!
I am tagging:
Esther from Boxcar Kitchen
Jen from Canadian Baker
Gilly from Humble Pie
Scoutj March 4, 2007 um 1:12 am
Cheez It? That is awesome. You would be best friends with my kids!!!
Anonymous March 4, 2007 um 3:25 am
I love the first one and can really relate.
I go to breakfast with a good friend every Wed morning and this past week she was telling me about her addiction to Cheeze It’s… you aren’t the only one 🙂
MyKitchenInHalfCups March 4, 2007 um 4:14 am
If I don’t buy them I can’t eat them. I sure hope you haven’t planted a seed that sprouts and I end up with a box in my basket next time I’m in the store.
Your husband must be a pretty cool fellow.
Anonymous March 4, 2007 um 1:18 pm
LOL! Great post – and I know what it feels like to have your brother bite you! Thankfully, mine only bit me on the knee so it didn’t go deep and left no mark! I love the story about your husband…ahh, the romance!
Anonymous March 4, 2007 um 8:21 pm
Moi qui lis souvent ton blog, j’ai bien aimé lire tes réponses… Pauvre cuisse !
Peabody March 5, 2007 um 12:32 am
I do love me some Cheeze-It’s too.
Susan from Food Blogga March 5, 2007 um 1:44 am
I’m totally like your #2 (not all the accomplishments part, the having difficulty cooking rice part). 😉
Anonymous March 5, 2007 um 3:57 am
Now we know all your secrets … great list!
Anonymous March 5, 2007 um 1:12 pm
Come over my house. My hubby can teach you how to make fluffy rice like the persian rice with saffron.
Anonymous March 5, 2007 um 6:58 pm
Thanks for sharing these five experiences/details about you. The way you describe your emotions after meeting your husband for the first time are truly special.
Lis March 6, 2007 um 6:25 pm
hehehe I like the Cheetos admission. =)
Anonymous March 6, 2007 um 7:22 pm
Hi Helen! Thanks for the tag – I’d best get writing! This was a great post, funny and very interesting!