French Word A Week: Fraises
This is going to be a short and sweet French Word A Week post as Tami and I are busy working hard. In our case work is play and play is work but still. The weather is gorgeous right now in Charleston which makes me want to be outside and just walk around the city. The farmers market just started, the dogwoods are heavy with flowers. It’s all quite pretty really. And our strawberry season is literally just around the corner. Ah les fraises! (the strawberries!)
One of my favorite fruits. Fraises. Listen to the pronunciation here.
Strawberries here in town are a big deal. We even have a festival to celebrate its beginning at Boone Hall Plantation which is always a sight to be seen. Bill and I do the side step at this time of year because we can’t wait to see the "U pick" sign on the sign of the road. We love to spend a few hours on the grounds, digging up the sweet and juicy strawberries. I even took Marcela there two years ago when she came to visit. I wish I could take Tami there this year but we are one weekend too early.
At least I know what I am doing next weekend with our neighbors and their kids!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jessica @ How Sweet April 9, 2010 um 1:41 pm
Beautiful word for a beautiful fruit! 🙂
marla {family fresh cooking} April 9, 2010 um 2:29 pm
Great inspirational photo! Yup, we all need to get outside and get busy in the sunshine….I can't wait to surf again, just waiting for the chilly waters to heat up in the OC. enjoy your weekend
merry jennifer April 9, 2010 um 2:44 pm
The photograph is simple and sweet, and just beautiful.
Anonymous April 9, 2010 um 2:59 pm
Helene, I just can't get enough of your food photos.
I love your composition and creative use of props that just embrace the subject and create an amazing impact.
Love the pot/cup that is subtle and doesn't obstruct the main subject.
Also love the two other pots in background.
Thank you for sharing your photos with us.
Neel | Learn Food Photography April 9, 2010 um 3:00 pm
Helene, I just can't get enough of your food photos.
I love your composition and creative use of props that just embrace the subject and create an amazing impact.
Love the pot/cup that is subtle and doesn't obstruct the main subject.
Also love the two other pots in background.
Thank you for sharing your photos with us.
— Neel
Unknown April 9, 2010 um 4:05 pm
haha! I love that you have a french word that you teach to people. I studied french for 4 years and I am also half algerian so I grew up speaking it (badly) but I do believe it is the most beautiful language in the world.
Every phrase sounds like a line of a poem. And a simple word like :strawberry: transforms into something silky and lovely to say!
Rosa's Yummy Yums April 9, 2010 um 5:03 pm
That is such a lovely shot!
Enila April 9, 2010 um 5:10 pm
Sooo delicious photo ! I love "Fraises", but it's not the time yet in France 🙁 Have a great weekend:)
Nicole, RD April 9, 2010 um 6:17 pm
Beautiful photo! I speak some french so I was cued in 😉
Allison April 9, 2010 um 8:35 pm
Love the photo and the cute little cup! Absolutely adorable.
Ernie April 9, 2010 um 8:43 pm
Thank you for the beautiful photo. As always, you take gorgeous pictures. Now I need to get me some "fraises"!
Anonymous April 9, 2010 um 9:22 pm
ah bah oui les fraises !
what a gorgeous photo above. no way i could be patient and wait for local swiss strawberries to start showing up at the markets here in zürich this summer. i gave in and bought a kilo crate of the brightest red strawberries from spain just this morning. so good !
and guess what i made with them – a rhubarb berry crumble, inspired by *your* recipe ! 🙂 merci !!
♥peachkins♥ April 10, 2010 um 12:54 am
stunning shot!
Paula April 10, 2010 um 11:40 am
you take amazing pictures dear!
my little expat kitchen April 10, 2010 um 1:21 pm
There's fraises madness going all around!!
Lori April 10, 2010 um 2:18 pm
I am assuming that is you pronouncing this one today.
I wanted to learn French so bad in high school. My mother convinced me to learn Italian or Spanish. But I just wasnt wowed by them so I did not have the passion. In NY where I live French is not too common. I regret not moving forward with French. So I love your idea here.
Cookin' Canuck April 11, 2010 um 3:49 am
What a gorgeous photo! There is nothing like a basketful of sweet, juicy strawberries, still warm from the sun.
Jolette April 11, 2010 um 11:47 am
These look delicious! Now I feel like strawberries…
Love your French Word A Week column – I studied French for two years at university so it's interesting to see which ones I know and which ones I don't. 🙂
Have a great week!
Sab April 11, 2010 um 12:13 pm
Hum! La meilleure des fraises: la gariguette 🙂 Vivement que l'été arrive!
Magnifique photo, magnifique blog!
Sab de Brest.
Julia April 11, 2010 um 7:21 pm
Beautiful photos!
invisibly April 11, 2010 um 9:20 pm
hi, 🙂 i just found your blog and wanted to say i adore the photos
Born & Bred Studio April 11, 2010 um 10:28 pm
Mmmm strawberries! Feels like summer or at least spring maybe on its way! Lovely blog x
Jan (Family Bites) April 12, 2010 um 2:34 am
Gorgeous. I can't wait until our strawberry season arrives.
Spicy Green Mango April 12, 2010 um 5:53 am
So sweet and beautiful! I love your patterned cups…really makes the strawberries even more mouth-watering! As always, great photos!
ControlCalorie April 12, 2010 um 11:35 am
Wow. By just looking at the strawberries, it makes me feel that summer is really here! Thanks for sharing!
Melange a Trois April 13, 2010 um 12:10 am
yummy. I am growing strawberries right now in my garden, but the first one that was ripe for the picking was stolen by an animal in the night! Or my husband this morning.
Unknown April 13, 2010 um 12:22 am
Your photography is brilliant! So soothing and calming. I must have not popped in for a while because I have missed a few. The choc cake looks wonderful!
Claire April 16, 2010 um 4:35 pm
I love your photos…except that they make me SOOO hungry!
Reading your column makes me feel much better about my daughter switching from Spanish to French this year. I think Spanish is much more practical, but your blog helped remind me how lovely the French language is…Thanks!