Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Cake
Here it is: cut, shared, eaten, almost gone. Layers of the lightest banana rum cake, peanut butter filling and dark chocolate ganache.
every recipe from Marcel Desaulnier’s book has been a delightful journey into chocolate bliss. Textures, flavors, combinations. Some recipe may sound heavy, like this one, and I was rather curious regarding the result, but it came out light and slightly tropical thanks to the rum. Definitely best served at room temperature.
Anonymous July 27, 2006 um 9:27 am
wow, how impressive, looks a little bit like an Opera cake, which I would somedau love to be able to do. This looks awesome, and delicious!
Anonymous July 27, 2006 um 7:26 pm
Like jenjen, I also thought it was an opera cake when I glanced at the photo. But what a nice suprise that it was a banana, pb, chocolate cake! Absolutely mouth-watering.
Anonymous July 31, 2006 um 1:56 pm
This loos so delitious! I just discovered your blog… love it!
Cindy September 1, 2006 um 2:26 pm
Wahou, your cake really looks great ! I’d love to eat a piece, must be delicious.
Unknown August 6, 2007 um 4:39 pm
This looks amazing…
can you email me the recipe?
hoffmag2 at
Anonymous January 7, 2008 um 6:47 pm
Hey there! I was wondering if there was any way you could email me this recipe. [email protected]