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Brioche Recipe

I have never had a bad experience with any of the recipes in Bo Friberg’s book, The Professional Pastry Chef , and I have used his book quite a lot at the restaurant when I got started and I wanted to impress the bosses or the patrons. I like the fact that he gives the recipes scaled for large and small productions and that he always provides the history of the food in question.
Here is what he says about brioche:
"This light and French specialty, so rich in buter and eggs, is said to have gotten its name from the French word "brier", which means to pound. I assume this related to the dough’s lengthy kneading process, which long ago, before electric mixers, simply meant pounding the dough until it reaches the desired consistnecy.
The most typical shape for brioche is a round fluted base with slightly slopping sides and a round knot on top. (…) Brioche dough is very versatile and is used frequently for encasing other foods: it can be wrapped around a wheel of cheese, it is used for : Beef en croute", and in the Russian classsic: Kulebiaka (Coulibiac in French) where the dough is filled with layers of salmon, rice, eggs and herbs. Individual baked brioche are sometimes hollowed out and filled with savory stews or fruit and cream for dessert."
…and to think I decided for the plain old traditional way…makes me want to mix another batch for sunday’s dinner…Beef en croute anyone?

For 18 individual Brioches:

For the Sponge: mix together 1 oz. fresh compressed yeast (or 0.5 dry), 1/2 cup warm milk, 2 Tb. honey and 4 oz. bread flour. cover and let rise until doubled.

For the dough:
add to the sponge 2 tsp. of salt, 2oz. granulated sugar, 4 eggs. Mix in 1/2 pound cake flour and 4 to 8 oz. cake flour. Start by adding 4, and if the dough is too sticky continue to add up to 8. Incorporate 4 oz. very soft butter
The dough should not stick to the sides of the bowl and have a shiny appearance. Cover and refrigerate 5 to 6 hours, or until doubled. If you want to use it earlier, let rise at room temp. Punch the dough down and shape into individual molds. Bake at 375 degrees until hollow when tapped, about 20 minutes.

I love Brioche!

I have always been a brioche lover. I owe my love of anything sweet to my grandmother but no one in my family is a bread baker. I am the only one who really enjoys spending hours mixing and kneading dough, filling danishes and parisiennes and making brioches. I love it warm from the oven on a sunday morning, toasted with some Nutella as an afternoon snack. What I also enjoys about it is the versatility of the dough. While I was working at the restaurant, the chefs would have me bake it into loaves or cut into rounds to use with their foie gras or rillettes.
Sunday morning I got my usual treat of brioche and strawberry jam, but our guests also enjoyed it as crostinis for an appetizer while grilling some steaks. I will post the recipe tomorrow, adapted from Bo Friberg’s The Professional Pastry Chef, and promise to have figured out by then how to do a hot link so I don’t have to link a whole url!!!. get pics though..

…and the recipes to go along

As promised here are the recipes I used for the previous post.
For the cake, I was looking for a recipe close to that of a Gateau de Savoie, but without the fuss of separating the eggs and beating the whites to a foam. …I get lazy like that sometimes. This cake fits the bill perfectly. It is buttery and smooth, yet not too rich and takes notime to put together. The addition of homemade strawberry jam does not hurt either. Next time, I think I will use the Lemon preserve in there, with some whipped cream added in between the layers.
It came out so nice that I have decided to use it for 2 of the tiers of the wedding cake I am making for B.’s buddy next month. On a simpler note, this cake is so good with a cup of tea as an afternoon snack…
Here is the recipe:

Plain & Simple Jam-Filled Butter Cake , adapted from Flo Braker
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 ounces ( 1/2 cup) unsalted butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon lemon extract
1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 cup jam of choice, such as apricot, plum or strawberry
1/4 cup powdered sugar
INSTRUCTIONS: Bring all ingredients to room temperature. Adjust rack to lower third of oven; preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour a 9-inch round springform pan; insert a round of parchment or waxed paper in bottom of pan.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt onto a sheet of waxed paper; set aside.
Using an electric mixer, preferably with paddle attachment, beat the butter in a large bowl at medium speed until it is smooth and creamy.
Maintaining the same speed, add the sugar in a steady stream. When all the sugar is added, stop the machine and scrape the mixture clinging to the sides of the bowl into the center of the bowl. Continue to cream at the same speed for 3 minutes, or until the mixture is light in color and fluffy in appearance. Add the extracts in the final moments of beating the butter and sugar.
With the mixer still on medium speed, add the eggs, one at a time, incorporating each one thoroughly into the mixture before adding the next. When the mixture appears fluffy, reduce the mixer speed to low. Add the flour mixture in three additions alternately with the milk in two additions. Scrape the sides of the bowl occasionally, and mix until smooth after each addition. Spoon the batter evenly into the pan.
Bake for about 40 to 45 minutes, or until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Place the pan on a wire rack to cool for 10 minutes. Carefully release the springform and remove the metal ring from around the cake. Cool completely before removing the cake from the metal form.
Using a long serrated knife, cut the cake layer in half horizontally. Set the bottom cake layer on a serving plate and spread the jam over the cut surface. Place the top portion of the cake cut-side down on the jam-covered layer.

Assorted Danishes, adapted from Better Homes and Gardens:
1 package active dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water (105 degrees F to 115 degrees F)
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. ground cardamom
1/3 cup milk
1 egg
1 egg yolk
6 Tbsp. cold butter, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp. butter, melted
1 recipe Powdered Sugar Icing
1. In a bowl stir yeast into warm water to soften. In a second mixing bowl beat the 1/4 cup butter, sugar, and salt until creamy. Add 1/2 cup of the flour, the cardamom, and milk. Add the egg and egg yolk. Add softened yeast; beat until well combined. Stir in remaining flour and the raisins until smooth and dough comes together. Cover bowl; let rise in a warm place until double (about 2 hours). Refrigerate dough 6 hours. (Or omit 2-hour rising time and refrigerate dough 12 to 24 hours.)
2. Grease a baking sheet; set aside. Turn dough out onto a well-floured surface.
3. Roll dough into a 15×10-inch rectangle. Place half the butter slices evenly on dough; lightly press butter into dough. Fold dough crosswise into thirds. Rotate dough a quarter turn to the right. Repeat rolling and folding using remaining butter slices. Roll again to 15×10-inch rectangle; fold crosswise into thirds. Give dough a quarter turn to the right.
4. Roll folded dough into a 12×9-inch rectangle. Cut dough into twelve 3-inch squares. Fold corners of square into center, pressing lightly to seal. Place each on prepared baking sheet. Using the rounded side of a floured tablespoon, press firmly to make an indentation in the center of each dough square. Cover; let rise in a warm place until double (45 to 55 minutes). (You may see the butter slices soften and begin to melt out of rolls.) Press indentation again, if necessary. Fill with desired filling
5. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan. Brush with melted butter; cool on wire racks. Meanwhile, prepare Powdered Sugar Icing. . Drizzle each with icing. Makes 12 Danish.
Filling ideas: 4 oz. cream cheese, softed and mixed with 1 whole egg and some vanilla, plus 1/4 cup sugar, some jam or any preserve.
Powdered Sugar Icing: In a small bowl, combine 1 cup sifted powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 tablespoon milk. Stir in additional milk, 1 teaspoon at a time, until icing reaches drizzling consistency.

Honey?… What do we do now?

The Wall of Jams and what we did with it…

Plain and Simple Jam filled Butter Cake from Flo Braker

Assorted Danishes

Over the past few weeks I made lemon marmelade, bitter orange marmelade, strawberry jam with bitter orange syrup, plain strawberry and some with crystallized ginger, as well as banana-chocolate jam. The wall has beeen growing and B. said "great! what do you do now…that I will eat later?!"..and the beast was unleashed..

I am not going to post the recipes tonight because I already had my post ready to go and I did a wrong move and lost it, and it’s late and I am fuming and I am tired…so ciao all and I will post them tomorrow. Can’t wait for breakfast!

Cold Weather, Warm Cookies

The weather here in S.C has been playing tricks on us. We were wearing shorts under sunny skies and 80 degrees last week and today it’s chilly but the sun is still bright and warm. I crave something light but still chocolatey when it’s like this. I have been baking dozens of different types of chocolate chip cookies in the past year trying to find that elusive "Perfect One" and I think I have found the ones that fit both our preferences.
I am a sweets fanatic (duh…), and B. is known as the Cookie Monster. I don’t eat cookies or even thought I liked cookies until I had these a few minutes after they are out of the oven. Buttery, melt in your mouth and soft in the center. For me a cookie is like a mom: scents of vanilla, crunchy on the edges but the womb is soft and warm. Once these are cooled and in a tin, I could care less about having one and generally prefer a nice slide of Gateau de Savoie or a big spoonful of Fudgy Brownies, but not with these.. straight out of the oven, still burning my tongue ever so slightly.

These cookies are courtesy of Tish Boyle, Food Editor for Chocolatier Magazine. The plate is resting on one of her books, Chocolate Passion, co-authored by Moriarty.

Soft Baked Chocolate Chunk Cookies:
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/ 2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter, melted
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
2 tsps vanilla extract
12 oz bittersweet chocolate chips or chunks
2/3 cups walnuts (optional, I omitted these)
Preheat oven to 350. Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.
In medium bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside. In bowl of electric mixer, whisk together the melted butter and sugars. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Whisk in the vanilla. Stir in the dry ingredients until combined. Stir in the chocolate and walnuts. (the dough can be refrigerated, well wrapped for up to 4 dyas or frozen for up to a month) (if you’re gonna make cookie dough, wouldn’t you want to use it right away?…I’ve always found that part of recipe rather funny)
Using a 2tbs. scoop, drop the dough onto the prepared sheets , spacing the cookies 2 inches apart. Bake 2 sheets at a time 15 to 18 minutes, until just browned around the edges. The centers should be soft and slightly puffy (just like my mama’s belly)
Makes about 2 dozens…if they make it to your tin on time!

How I spent my Sunday

While B. is busy fixing the gazillions things left to be perfected around the house, I am busy making sure that my oven can indeed bake and speedbake and that I can run danishes as well as cookies as well as homemade strawberry jam…at the same time. If it can’t take the heat…I definitely need to upgrade!

Weird thing: up until last year I was the pastry chef for a small family owned French restaurant. I used to make 100+ baguettes a day, creme brulees, tartes tatins, tartes au citron, chocolate cake, cheesecakes, nougat glace, and creme caramels, every single day, in one day…now I feel slow when I only make 2 to 3 things. I kinda enjoy spending the time, putsing around on the computer while the dough rises, but I miss my Hobbard, I miss my steam oven and my prooofbox…but then I remember why I left: no dweeb big chef who thinks I am after his line job (not in a million years), I can spend $$$ on chocolate and not have the owner raise her eyebrow because she does not know what brand of Valrhona makes the best gateau. I should stop my rant now, and leave it for the (I feel) next post: "from pastry chef to personal trainer"

The above picture is some of what I did over the weekend: Baguette Monge courtesy of the French blog Papilles et Pupilles ,,,, 10 Grain Sandwich Bread from the same blog and ciabatta rolls, handwritten recipe from a baker friend of mine.

Baguette Monge: ingredients for 3 baguettes

– 500 g. bread flour

– 100 g. starter

– 5 g. yeast

– 10 g. salt

– 27 cl. warm water

Put the yeast into a bowl, add 10 cl water and let bloom for 20 minutes. in another bowl, mix the flour and salt. Form a well with a spoon and add the yeast/water combo, add the rest of the water and the starter. Mix well with the dough hook and either knead by hand or still with the mixer for a few minutes (up to 12). Let rest in a covered bowl for 20 minutes. Divide the dough in 3 parts and shape into rounds, let rise another 40 minutes. Form into baguettes and put on a baking sheet, let rise 1 1/2 hours.

Preheat oven to 425. Sift some flour over the baguettes and cut slits on top with razor blade. Bake for 20 25 minutes.

This bread comes from the Kayser Bakery, located on Monge street in Paris.

Starter: from Eric Kayser, 100% Pain.

Day 1: mix 50g. warm water and 50g bread flour. Let stand at room temp.

day 2: add 100g warm water and 100g flour, add 20g sugar. Let stand at room temp.

Day 3 : add 200g water and 200g flour. Let stand 12 hours.

Remove quantities as needed for recipes, if not used within 8 days, refrigerate and add more water/flour if the starter seems to lose life.

Pain de Mie or Sandwich Bread:

Mix 1.5 tsp. yeast in 80 ml. warm milk. In stand mixer bowl with dough hook mix 400g. flour (I mix 1/2 bread flour, 1/2 10 grain flour), 15g sugar, 1 tsp. salt, add yeast mixture plus 160ml. warm water, mix well and add 30g soft butter until the dough comes together, knead for a few minutes. Let rise in a draft free place until doubled. Punch dough down and form into a loaf, put into a greased loaf pan and let rise again until doubled. Bake in a preheated 400 oven until sounds hollow when tapped.

Easy peasy….

Recipe Index

Cakes – Tea Cakes

Chocolate & Hazelnut Meringue Cake

Blueberry Key Lime Tea Cakes (gluten free)
Apple Cinnamon Doughnuts (gluten free)
Frangipane Cake (gluten free)
Pain d’Epices (gluten free)
Pecan Brown Butter Cakes (gluten free)
Fig Gateau De Riz (Fig Rice Pudding Cake) (gluten free)
Cherry Pistachio Crumble Cakes (gluten free)
Honey Apricots and Pineapple Sage Financiers (gluten free)
Poached Kumquats and Almond Cakes (gluten free)
Strawberry Jelly Roll Cake (gluten free)
Candy Filled Chocolate Cake Doughnuts (gluten free)
S’mores Doughnuts
Cinnamon Rolls
Chocolate & Hazelnut Meringue Cake
Ollalieberry Financiers & Toasted Coconut Ice Cream
Nutella Doughnuts
Rhubarb Financiers and Lemon Thyme Marinated Strawberries for Design*Sponge
Simply Good Chocolate Cake (gf)
Upside Down Pear Cardamom Cake (gf)
Lemon Goat Cheese Cheesecakes With Blood Orange Sauce (gluten free)
Pinch Cake Lemon Mousse Strawberry Trifle (gluten free)
Poached Pear and Almond Fallen Souffle Cakes (gluten free)
Apple Cardamom Cake (gluten free)
Chai Coffee Cake
Peach and Chamomille Mousse Cakes
Indian Cardamom Mava Cakes
Raspberry and Pistachio Tea Cakes
Flourless Chocolate Cake & Endless Possibilities
Apricot Teacakes
Chocolate Espresso Mousse Cake
Lemon Poppy Seed Cakes With Meyer Lemon Mousse
Chocolate Chestnut & Raspberry Lemon Yule Logs
Poached Quince And Red Berry Cake
Caramel Cake
Poire d’Eve
White Chocolate Lavender Opera Cake
Princess Torte
Pear and Pecan Teacakes
Toasted Coconut and Berries Charlottes
Cashew Gateau with Coffee Cardamom Mousse
Apricot and Wattleseed Tea Cakes
Chocolate Mango and Coconut Cream Cake
Cheesecakes: Cherry Blossom Strawberry And Peanut Butter Chocolate….and many more
Strawberry Charlottes
Coconut Cherry Petits Gateaux
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cheesecake
Caramel Ice Cream Chocolate Torte
Raspberry Rose Vanilla Cream Cake
Apricot Lavender Brown Butter Tea Cakes
Toasted Blueberry Pound Cake
Raspberry And Vanilla Dobos Torte
Gluten Free Double Chocolate and Pear Cakes
Banana Doughnuts

Custards, mousses & creams

Apricot & Honey Panna Cotta

Apricots & Honey Panna Cotta (gluten free)

Pear and Pistachio Gratins (gluten free)
Cherry Clafoutis (gluten free)
Fontainebleau: Faisselle Mousse With Fresh Berries (gluten free)
White Chocolate Mascarpone Mousse & Cocoa Nib Chocolate Shortbreads (gluten free)
Fiadone – Corsican Flan/Cake (gluten free)
Vanilla Rice Pudding & Chocolate Panna Cotta (gluten free)
Raspberry Honey Yogurt Mousse & Shortbread Cookies (gluten free)
Goat Cheese Custards With Figs & Balsamic Syrup
Honey Lemon Pots De Creme
Roasted Plum & Creamy Chai Rice Pudding
Lavender Panna Cotta With Poached Rhubarb

Chocolate Whiskey Pots De Creme
Yuzu Cremes Brulees
Pomegranate and Caramelized Pears Panna Cotta
Vanilla Tapioca and Milk Chocolate Lime Cremeux
Mango and Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta
Meyer Lemon Curd & Vanilla Bean Mousse Verrines
White Chocolate And Vanilla Bean Mousse Raspberry Layers
Milk Chocolate and Chesnut Mousse Verrines
Bailey’s Irish Cream
Almond Blanc Manger
Banana Tatin Verrines
Pomegranate Hibiscus Tea and Honey Ginger Yogurt Verrines
Red Berry Almond Milk Panna Cottas
Roasted Caramel Figs, Berries and Apple Verrines
Roasted Apricots and Lavender Panna Cotta
Riz Au Lait
Peach Mousse And Strawberry Verrines
Vanilla, Salted Butter Caramel and Chocolate Mousse Verrines
Lemon Chamomile Pots De Creme

Ice creams & sorbets:

Flourless Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches

Roasted Peaches & Lavender Ice Cream. (gluten free)
Berries Sorbet & Lavender Shortbread Cookie Sandwiches (gluten free)
Champagne Sorbet & Red Currant Syrup (gluten free)
Peach and Nectarine Granita (gluten free)
Mixed Berry Sorbet & Vanilla Shortbreads (gluten free)
Spiced Poached Pears With Warm Chocolate Sauce & Vanilla Ice Cream (gluten free)
Blueberry Sorbet
Goat Cheese Ice Cream
Toasted Coconut Ice Cream
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Fresh Cheese & Raspberries Semifreddo Popsicles
Vanilla Bean Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches
Pumkpin Semifreddo
Asian Pear Frozen Yogurt
Tonka Bean Ice Cream
Coffee-Almond Brittle Ice Cream
Strawberry Vanilla Ice Cream
Chartreuse Ice Cream
Burnt Sugar Ice Cream
Spiced Creme Fraiche Parfait
Raspberry Parfait Lollipops
Cheesecake Ice Cream
Jasmine Tea Ice Cream
Red Currant Sorbet & Faisselle Ice Cream
Honey Raspberry Semifreddo
Cardamom and Saffron Ice Cream
Honey Lavender Ice Cream
Snickerdoodle Lemon Ice Cream Sandwiches
Caramel Ice Cream
Chocolate Sorbet
Meyer Lemon Sorbet Baked Alaska

Macarons, petits fours, small bites

Violet Macarons

Membrillo Mascarpone Macarons (gluten free)
Lemon Verbena Macarons (gluten free)
Carrot Cake Macarons (gluten free)
Pistachio & Cocoa Nib Macarons (gluten free)
Blueberry Sorbet Macarons
Grapefruit and Anise Macarons
Raspberry Mascarpone Macarons
Chocolate Truffles
Candy Cane Macarons
Chocolate Wontons
Eggnog Macarons
Taffy Crabapples
P&J Macarons
Lemon Meringue Pie Macarons
Banana Caramel Macarons
Violet Macarons & Vanilla Bean Buttercream
Valentine’s Day Macarons
Lavender & Espresso Truffles
Gingerbread Men Macarons
Satsuma Pistachio Dacquoise and Buttercream
Grand Marnier Caramels
Black Tie Macarons
Choux With Grand Marnier Mousseline
Pecan Pie Macarons
Saffron Pumpkin Macarons
Red Berry Macarons
Pierre Herme Chocolate Eclairs
Powdered Strawberry and Vanilla Bean Macarons
Creme Brulee Macarons
Coffee Chicory Macarons
Meyer Lemons and Sour Cream Donuts
Dark Chocolate Covered Marshmallows
Chocolate Caramel Vols au Vent

Tarts, crumbles, etc…

Fig & Goat Cheese Tartelettes (gluten free)
Stone Fruit Galette (gluten free)
Nectarine and Pomegranate Tarte (gluten free)
Mixed Berry Galette (gluten free)
Blackberry Cobbler (gluten free)
Thin Apple Tart (gluten free)
Apple Cardamom Cranberry Crisp (gluten free)

Mixed Nut Tartelettes (gluten free)
Peanut Butter Fluff & Chocolate (gluten free)
White Nectarines & Pineapple Sage Galette (gluten free)
Mixed Berries & Lemon Verbena Pie (gluten free)
White Peach Tartelettes With Rosemary Sugar (gluten free)
Pear And Almond Frangipane Tartelettes (gluten free)
Thin Crust Pear Tart (gluten free)
Plum Crumbles & Ginger Ice Cream (gluten free)
Mirabelle Plums & Almond Frangipane Tart (gluten free)
Peach, Blueberry & Lemon Thyme Galettes
Cherry & Plum Crumbles With Goat Cheese Ice Cream
Fresh Berries Tartelettes
Apricot Almond Tart
Rhubarb Tartelettes
Raspberry Pistachio Frangipane Tarts with Meyer Lemon Chantilly
Chocolate Caramel Banana Tart
Galette des Rois – Almond and Pistachio Frangipane Galettes
Calamansi Mousse Tartelettes With Candied Kumquats
Raspberry Mousse Tartelettes
Blackberry Apple Galettes
Tangerine Creme Brulee Tartelettes
Hazelnut Tartelettes
Poached Pears and Quince Frangipane Tartelettes
Pumpkin Meringue Tartelettes
Persimmon Chai Tartes Tatin
Apple Frangipane Tartelettes
Plum Raspberry Cardamom Crumbles
Pine Nut Tartelettes
The Anzac Tart – Guest post by Lemonpi
Cherry Bakewell Tartelettes
Ginger Fig Streusel Tarts with Honey Lavender Ice Cream
Lemon Basil Lemon Tartelettes
Goat Cheese and Fresh Berries Tarts
Chocolate Truffle Tarts
Bananas Foster Tartelettes
Spiced Quince Crumbles
Gluten Free Lemon Tarts


Chocolate Chip Cookies

Lemon Salt Shortbread Cookies. (gluten free)
Lavender Shortbreads (gluten free)
Vanilla Shortbreads (gluten free)
Cocoa Nib Chocolate Shortbreads
Vanilla shortbread cookies (gluten free)
36-Hour Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Mudcake Cookie Sandwiches
Strawberry Thyme Shortbread Cookies
Tuiles of all kinds
Viennese Almond Crescents
Algerian Almond Tarts
Indian Almond Cookies
Pecan Sandies
Sable Cookies
Rosemary and Apricot Shortbread Cookies


Chocolate Cupcakes

Lemon Salt Lemon Cupcakes (gluten free)
Honeysuckle and Jasmine Cupcakes. (gluten free)
Nutella Cupcakes With Nutella Cream Cheese Frosting. (gluten free)
Lemon & Coconut Cupcakes (gluten free)
Lemon Vanilla Cupcakes
Bittersweet Chocolate and Cardamom Cupcakes
Meyer Lemon Limoncello Cupcakes
Ispahan Cupcakes

Viennoiseries, breads, doughs:

Julia Child's French Bread

Gluten Free Puff Pastry
Brioche des Rois (Provencal Epiphany Brioche)
Plum Mascarpone and Streusel Pizza
Gluten Free Crackers



Tuna Nicoise Sandwiches (gluten free)
White Portuguese Gazpacho (gluten free)
Grilled Salmon Sandwiches With avocado Spread (gluten free)
Grilled Apricot and Prosciutto Salad (gluten free)
Caesar Salad With Shitake Mushrooms.
Scrambled Egg Tartines With Parsley & Garlic Mushrooms (gluten free)
Chilled Cucumber & Avocado Soup (gluten free)
Cauliflower and Prosciutto Flatbread (gluten free)
Heirloom Tomato Tartes (gluten free)
Panzanella Salad (gluten free)
Pan Seared Smelts (gluten free)
Ratatouille Tart (gluten free)
Steamed Mussels (gluten free)
Salmon Bisque (gluten free)
Linguine With Scallops & Roasted Beets (gluten free)
Quinoa, Butternut Squash and Kale Salad (gluten free)
Squash Gratin (gluten free)

Roasted Tomatoes and Garlic Tartines (gluten free)

Roasted Vegetable Salad (gluten free)
Quinoa, Watermelon and Feta Salad (gluten free)
Roasted Pepper and Ricotta Tart (gluten free)
Miso Salmon (gluten free)
Chanterelles Tartines (gluten free)
Quinoa and Fig Tabbouleh (gluten free)
Chinese Five Spice Tuna and Stone Fruit Skewers (gluten free)
Grilled Salmon, Fennel, Radish and Cherries Salad (gluten free)
Eggplant Gratins (gluten free)
Speck Ham, Cantaloupe and Arugula (gluten free)
Butternut Squash & Coconut Milk Rice (gluten free)
Scallops With Roasted Patty Pan Squash (gluten free)
Braised Lamb Ravioli With Shitake Parsley Broth (gluten free)
Orange & Pastis Braised Baby Fennel (gluten free)
Fresh Crab Soup (gluten free)
Chilled Lemon Cucumber Soup & Fresh Pea Soup (gluten free)
Heirloom Tomato & Olive Tapenade Tartelettes (gluten free)
Roasted Tomato & Vegetable Soup With Tasso Ham (gluten free)
Parmesan Roasted Asparagus, Tomatoes And Eggs (gluten free)
Fresh Pea, Cheese and Herb Salad (gluten free)
Petits Farcis A La Provencale – Provencal Filled Round Zucchini (gluten free)
Warm Roasted Potato Salad With Oregano (gluten free)
Roasted Root Vegetable Soup (a.k.a Pink Soup) (gluten free)
Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart (gluten free)
Roasted Vegetable Soup With Polenta Croutons (gluten free)
Winter Composed Salad (gluten free)
Radish And Watercress Salad (gluten free)
Potato Leek Pizza
Butternut and Acorn Squash Soup (gluten free)
Mom’s Ratatouille (gluten free)
Bacon, Onion And Parsley Tartelettes
Steamed Clams (gluten free)
Shrimp and Whipped Goat Cheese Vols au Vent

Something Different:

Sweet Shot - Strawberry Mint Soup
Honey Apricots (gluten free)
Rhubarb & Berry Consomme (gluten free)
Apricot and Cherry Cocktail (gluten free)
Crepes With Honey & Lavender Roasted Persimmons (gluten free)
Grilled Peaches, Poached Cherries & Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Peach Jam
Hot Chocolate and Vanilla Marshmallows
Grapefruit and Pomegranate in White Tea Jelly.
Strawberry – Rhubarb Pate De Fruit
Pistachio and Strawberry Mille Feuilles
Cold Strawberry Soup
Strawberry & Vanilla Floating Islands
Lemon Raspberry Mille Feuilles
Lavender Oatmeal Breakfast Squares
Saffron and Vanilla Poached Pears
Lemon Balm Infused Berries
White Chocolate and Meyer Lemon Souffles
Grand Marnier Caramels
Faisselle (Fresh fromage blanc) and Thyme Lemon Curd
Pavlova – Guest Post By Sass & Veracity
Plum Watermelon Soup

Food Blogs I Read

English Blogs

80 Breakfasts
[No Recipes]
A Chow Life
A Mingling Of Tastes
And Then I Do The Dishes
Artisan Sweets
Bake Or Break
Baking And Books
Baking Bites
Baking Obsession
Blood Sugar
Bounteous Bites
Bron Marshall
Butter Sugar Flour
Buttercream And Roses
Cafe Fernando
Cannelle Et Vanille
Chefs Gone Wild
Chocolate Shavings
Cook (Almost) Anything Once
Cook And Eat
Cooking Heals
Daring Bakers
Daydream Delicious
Delicious Days
Dine And Dish
Do What I Like
Eating Suburbia
Edible Flours
Elly Says Opa!
Evan’s Kitchen Ramblings
Feed me, I’m Hungry!
Food Lover’s Journey
For The Body And Soul
Fresh From The Oven
Greedy Goose
Gluten Free Girl and The Chef
Habeas Brulee
Happy Homebaking
Ice Cream Ireland
Kalyn’s Kitchen
Kitchen Wench
La Cerise
La Tartine Gourmande
Lex Culinaria
Mad Baker
Married With Dinner
Mike’s Table
Milk And Cookies
Milk Eggs Chocolate
My Cooking Hut
Never Bashful With Butter
No Special Effects
Notes From My Food Diary
Oh For The Love Of Food
Once Upon A Tart
Paris Breakfasts
Passionate Nonchalance
Pastry Studio
Pinch My Salt
Pittsburgh Needs Eated
Pork, Knife and Spoon
Proof Of The Pudding
Trop Gourmande
Seven Spoons
Simply Recipes
Spicy Ice Cream
Steamy Kitchen
Sweet Napa
Sweet Temptations
Sweet Tooth
Swirl And Scramble
Taste Buddies
Tastes Like Home
Tasting Life
Tasty Palettes
The Perfect Pantry
The Traveler’s Lunch Box

Tish Boyle
Traveling Food Lady
Under The High Chair
Vanille Et Chocolat
Vegan YumYum
White On Rice Couple
Winos And Foodies
Young Patissier Journey

French Blogs
Amuse Bouche
Aux Mille et Un Delices
B Comme Bon
Chez Requia
Chocolat & Caetera
Confiture Maison
Cuisine Blogueuse
Cuisine Campagne
Feuille de Chou
Food Box
La Cuisine de Mercotte
Le Hamburger et Le Croissant
Le Palais des Delices
Les Bonheurs de Sophie
Les Notes Bleues D’Une Gourmande
Les Sucreries de Bulle
Mon Petit Blog de Cuisine
On Mange
Petite Lolie
Plaisir Gourmand
Pure Gourmandise
Tartine & Nutella
Tours et Tartines
Un Ptit Creux
Yum Yum

Art – Design – Photography Blogs I Read


Strawberry & White Chocolate Passion Fruit Soups

Blog inquiries (recipe, pictures, etc..) : mytartelette[at]gmail[dot]com – Please, ask to use my photographs before you go ahead and "borrow" one. I don’t bite. It’s just common courtesy.

Photography work inquiries: helene[at]helenedujardin[dot]com

Portfolio: Helene Dujardin Photography.

Twitter: @HeleneDujardin


Linkedin Helene Dujardin

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