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Johannes Haupt
Senior Editor

Johannes Haupt

Studied communication science in Cologne and Münster. Subsequently, traineeship at heise Zeitschriften Verlag in Hanover and editor-in-chief at t3n magazine. Editor-in-chief of Tartelette. Johannes also serves as a lecturer for Online Journalism at Germany's largest university of applied sciences, TH Köln (lecturer profile). Johannes Haupt on LinkedIn.

Who we are and how we work. Tartelette is a property of 4pub GmbH. We have specialized in the operation of high-quality editorial online platforms and always report editorially independent.

4pub GmbH is headquartered in Germany, but we operate largely remotely, but we operate largely remotely. Our professional editors are mainly based in Germany, England and the USA. We currently have seven trained editors working full-time to produce top-notch content that you can rely on.

All articles are published according to the four-eyes principle: After completion of the raw version, the texts are checked by (at least) one other editor for orthographic and content accuracy. More about us + contact information.

Coconut Milk: 6 Health Benefits & 6 Tips for Using

In Asian cuisine, coconut milk is part of numerous recipes. In the USA the delicious cow’s milk alternative can be found in many kitchen cupboards, too. A pumpkin soup in winter or a red lentil soup with coconut milk in spring can bring an Asian vacation feeling to your home.

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24 Trendy Birthday Cakes for Men in 7 Categories

Is your partner, father, or brother’s birthday rapidly approaching, but you’re still lost for ideas in the creation of the perfect cake?

Birthdays are worth celebrating, especially for your special man. To help you make their birthday even better, we’ve explored 24 trendy birthday cake ideas for him – regardless of age.

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7 Best Baskin Robbins Flavors + 3 Tasty Hacks

It all started with the merging of two ice cream parlors at the end of World War II. Since then, Baskin Robbins has been a household name representing great ice cream. Today, Baskin Robbins is well-known for its original 31 flavors.

Back then the idea was that you could have one for each day of the month. Now, you can enjoy even more ice cream.

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Green Tea: 8 Health Benefits + 5 Possible Side Effects

Green tea is a variety of tea that has a centuries-old tradition in Asia, especially in Japan and China. There are many myths surrounding this healthy hot beverage in these countries . It is said to help you lose weight, detoxify the body, and fight cancer. Now let us enlighten you about this popular type of tea.

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Matcha Tea: 8 Health Benefits & 4 Possible Side Effects

Matcha has been popular for centuries in Japan and is widely appreciated for its benefical effects: Matcha tea. In the United States, it has been hyped as a true superfood. But what’s all the excitement about green matcha tea? We get to the bottom of this question.

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